
华为包裹被联邦快递转移美国 联邦快递:先否认 后失误,抱歉???

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Exclusive: Huawei reviewing FedEx relationship, says packages 'diverted'


Chinese telecoms equipment maker Huawei is reviewing its relationship with FedEx Corp after it claimed the U.S. package delivery company, without detailed explanation, diverted two parcels destined for Huawei addresses in Asia to the United States and attempted to reroute two others.


表示“改变…的方向,使转向”,英文解释为“to change the direction in which something travels”举个🌰:

The high street is closed and traffic is being diverted.


替换divert,用了reroute表示“(车辆或飞机)改变线路;改道”英文解释为“If vehicles or planes are rerouted, they are directed along a different route because the usual route cannot be used.”举个🌰:

Trains on Chicago's subway system also had to be rerouted because of the storms.


Huawei told Reuters on Friday that FedEx diverted two packages sent from Japan and addressed to Huawei in China to the United States, and attempted to divert two more packages sent from Vietnam to Huawei offices elsewhere in Asia, all without authorization, providing images of FedEx tracking records.


Reuters could not verify the authenticity of the records. Shown the images of the tracking records, FedEx declined to make any comment, saying company policy prevented it from disclosing customer information. 

Huawei said the four packages only contained documents and “no technology,” which Reuters was unable to independently confirm.

华为发言人乔•凯莉(Joe Kelly)向路透社表示,这4个包裹内只有文件,“没有技术”。

Huawei declined to elaborate on why it thought the packages were diverted.


表示“详尽阐述;详细描述”,英文解释为“to explain or describe sth in a more detailed way”举个🌰:

He said he was resigning but did not elaborate on his reasons.


“The recent experiences where important commercial documents sent via FedEx were not delivered to their destination, and instead were either diverted to, or were requested to be diverted to, FedEx in the United States, undermines our confidence,” Joe Kelly, a spokesman for Huawei, told Reuters.


“We will now have to review our logistics and document delivery support requirements as a direct result of these incidents,” the spokesman said.

Huawei acknowledged to Reuters that one package originating in Vietnam was received by Friday, and the other was on its way, according to FedEx tracking records provided by Huawei.

FedEx spokeswoman Maury Donahue told Reuters the packages were “misrouted in error”. She acknowledged in an earlier statement that the U.S. Department of Commerce had recently added Chinese companies and affiliates to its “Entity List”, but did not elaborate.

对此,联邦快递发言人莫里•多纳休(Maury Donahue)向路透社表示,包裹是“误送”,没有任何其他地方要求联邦快递转运这些包裹。

FedEx was not requested to divert the packages by any other party, she added.

“This is an isolated issue limited to a very small number of packages,” said FedEx, referring to the four parcels affected. “We are aware of all shipments at issue and are working directly with our customers to return the packages to their possession.”


FedEx China on Tuesday apologized on its Chinese social media account for the “mishandling” of Huawei packages and confirmed there was no “external pressure” to divert packages.


The U.S. Department of Commerce did not reply to a request for comment on whether the incident might be related to its move on May 16 to add Huawei to the so-called “Entity List,” preventing it buying certain items from U.S. companies without U.S. government approval.


The United States believes Huawei, the world's largest telecom network gear maker leading the way in creating the next generation of wireless networks known as 5G, is a potential espionage threat because of its close ties with the Chinese government.


作名词,表示“(用于某种活动的)一套设备(工具)”,英文解释为“a set of equipment or tools you need for a particular activity”举个🌰:

He's crazy about photography – he's got all the gear.


类似的可以指“(某种用途的)机器”(a piece of machinery that performs a particular job),如:the landing gear of a plane 飞机的起落架;heavy lifting gear 重型起重机。

也可以表示“(为某个场合或活动而穿的)成套服装”(a set of clothes that you wear for a particular occasion or activity),如:police in riot gear 穿着防暴服的警察。

作名词更常用的是表示“排挡;齿轮;传动装置”(machinery in a vehicle that turns engine power (or power on a bicycle) into movement forwards or backwards)举个🌰:Careless use of the clutch may damage the gears.



espionage /ˈespiənɑːʒ/ spy的同义词,表示“谍报活动,间谍行为”,英文解释为“the activity of secretly finding out secret information and giving it to a country’s enemies or a company’s competitors”,如:a campaign of industrial espionage against his main rival 针对他主要竞争对手展开的商业间谍活动。


表示“反间谍活动”(secret action taken by a country to prevent an enemy country from finding out its secrets)

Huawei has repeatedly denied it is controlled by the Chinese government, military or intelligence services.

The two packages sent on May 19 and May 20 from Tokyo, intended for Huawei in China, ended up in Memphis, Tennessee, the headquarters of the U.S. company, by May 23, according to images of FedEx tracking records shown to Reuters by Huawei.



表示“意欲达到的;打算的;计划的”,英文解释为“that you are trying to achieve or reach”,如:the intended purpose 原来的目的,the intended audience 预期的观众。

The two packages originating from Hanoi on May 17, destined for Huawei's Hong Kong and Singapore offices, were held up after arriving in local FedEx stations in Hong Kong and Singapore on May 21 for “delivery exception,” according to other images Huawei showed Reuters.

另有两个于17日由越南河内发往华为在香港和新加坡办公室的包裹,在21日到达香港和新加坡当地联邦快递快递站后因“投递异常(delivery exception)”而被搁置。

destined for

表示“开往;运往;前往”,英文解释为“on the way to or intended for a place”,如:goods destined for Hangzhou 运往杭州的货物。

上文类似的表达有addressed to Huawei/ intended for Huawei,此外,之前也提过类似的短语(be) bound for.

be bound for表示“前往,开往”,英文解释为“If a vehicle or person is bound for a particular place, they are travelling toward it.举个🌰:

The train was bound for Hangzhou.




The terminal station is Guanglan Road. You can transfer to the train bound for Pudong International Airport at Guanglan Road.

According to FedEx's website, the status “exception” means an unexpected event is preventing delivery of a package, for example a customs delay, a holiday, or no one being available to accept delivery. FedEx declined to give details on what the exception was in this case.


According to Huawei, a FedEx customer service representative in Vietnam replied to their inquiry on May 22 when two expected packages did not arrive on time, saying: “Please be informed that FDX SG received notification from FDX US to hold and return the package to US. Hence, the shipment is not deliver to consignee and now being hold at FDX station and under process to RTS it (return to sender),” the representative wrote in broken English, according to an email Huawei showed to Reuters.

华为在给路透社的一封电子邮件中称,在两个快递并未按时到达的情况下,联邦快递越南分公司客服22日在回复华为方面的质询时称,“联邦快递新加坡(FDX SG)收到了联邦快递美国(FDX US)的通知,要求将包裹寄回美国。因此,包裹未被投递给收货人,现正在联邦快递站。”

consignee /‚kɒnsaɪ'niː,͵kɑnsaɪˋni/

表示“收件人,收货人”,英文解释为“the person that something is delivered to”。

Huawei told Reuters that both Vietnam packages were sent by its shipping agent, a contractor to Huawei whom it did not identify, and contained urgent documents. It said the shipping agent refused permission for FedEx to send the packages to the United States and instructed they be returned, Huawei told Reuters. Reuters could not confirm that.

Huawei told Reuters it only learned that the Japan-originated packages, which were sent by suppliers that it did not identify, had been diverted to the United States after checking FedEx's tracking record.

The company said it has lodged a formal complaint with China's postal regulator, which it said is investigating the incident. China's State Postal Bureau did not return a request for comment.



lodge a complaint/protest/appeal,表示“进行投诉/提出抗议/提出上诉”,英文解释为“to make a formal or official complaint, protest etc”举个🌰:

He lodged an appeal with the High Court.


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