
说好的科学无国界呢?IEEE下令清理华为系审稿人 呵呵!

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

今天上午,一封疑似IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,电气和电子工程师协会)发给期刊主编的邮件被曝光,邮件中要求各位主编禁止华为员工作为旗下期刊的编辑和审稿人。该消息在学术圈炸开了,不搞学术的朋友可能不太了解什么意思。



Dear EiCs,


The US government has put Huawei on its BIS list, see attached statement by IEEE.


As a result, we cannot use colleagues from Huawei as reviewers or Editors for the peer-review process of our journals, see item 12 of the attached FAQ document from IEEE. If we continue to do so, this may have severe legal implications.

因此,我们无法让华为的同事作为审稿人或者编辑对我们的期刊进行同行评审(详见附件IEEE FAQ文档第12项)。如果我们继续这样做,可能会产生严重的法律影响。

From the same paragraph in the FAQ document, it seems that we can keep Huawei colleagues on our Editorial Boards, they just cannot handle any papers until the company is removed from the BIS list again.


At this time, I think we have no choice but to comply with these new regulations and I strongly advise you to do so. I would suggest the following procedure:


· If you have any Editors from Huawei on your Editorial Board, please inform them first about this and explain the situation to them.


· Once you have informed these Editors, please send an email to all Editors and inform them that they cannot use colleagues from Huawei as reviewers anymore. If a paper is currently assigned to a colleague from Huawei, please advise them to find a replacement. Please ask the Editors to explain the situation to the Huawei reviewers.




Participation in IEEE Activities by Entities on the BIS Entity List Frequently asked Questions and Answers ("FAQs")

These FAQs should not be considered legal advice; readers may wish to consult with their legal advisors. These FAQs may be updated at any time at the discretion of IEEE.

12. Can an employee of (or an individual funded by) a Listed Person be an Editor-in-Chief (EiC) on an IEEE Editorial Board, a peer reviewer prior to acceptance of a submission by IEEE, or the Chair of an IEEE technical group? EiCs and peer reviewers are involved in initial peer-review prior to acceptance of papers by IEEE, and Chairs may obtain technical proposals from participants in the technical group.

12:列入名单的企业的雇员(或由其资助的个人)是否可以成为IEEE编委会的主编、提交给IEEE前的论文的同行评审、或IEEE技术小组的主席? 在IEEE接收论文之前,主编和同行评审人员参与最初的同行评审,而主席可以从技术小组那里获得技术建议。

The employee of or individual funded by a Listed Person can serve in these roles but should transfer the role of accepting technical submissions to another volunteer who is not an employee of or individual funded by a Listed Person. The employee or individual funded by the Listed Person can provide input once the submission has been accepted by IEEE or provided to the open IEEE technical group; however, the employee of or individual funded by the Listed Person may not participate in peer review prior to acceptance.






IEEE是什么?Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers的缩写,注意,IEEE的读法:I triple E([ai trɪpl i:])。

Wikipedia的介绍:The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is a professional association with its corporate office in New York City and its operations center in Piscataway, New Jersey. It was formed in 1963 from the amalgamation of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers and the Institute of Radio Engineers.



BIS是Bureau of Industry and Security的缩写,美国商务部工业与安全局。The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) is an agency of the United States Department of Commerce that deals with issues involving national security and high technology.



· EiC是Editor-in-Chief的缩写,表示“主编,总编辑”,也可以说lead editor或者chief editor;Wikipedia的解释为:An editor-in-chief, also known as lead editor or chief editor, is a publication's editorial leader who has final responsibility for its operations and policies.

· Editor即为编辑。

· Editor Board则表示“编辑部;编委”(The editorial board is a group of experts, usually at a publication, who dictate the tone and direction the publication's editorial policy will take.)

· reviewer可以翻译为“评论家;评论撰写者”,英文解释为“a person who writes reviews of books, films/movies or plays”;而在学术界通常称之为“审稿人”。

· 上文中你可能还看到另一个类似的表达叫:peer-review,同行评审,同行评议,英文解释为“the evaluation by fellow specialists of research that someone has done in order to assess its suitability for publication or further development”;

发表论文前向杂志期刊或者学术会议投稿时,往往需要经过「同行评审」的过程,也就是说,「编辑」会将你的投稿论文送往多位「审稿人」进行评议,最后「编辑」会综合各位「审稿人」返回的意见(Comment),给你录用(acceptance)、大修(major revision)、小修(minor revision)、拒稿(rejection)等等结果。


attach作动词,可以表示“附上(文件)”,英文解释为“if you attach a file to a message that you send to someone, you send it with the message but separate from it.”举个🌰:

It is possible to attach executable program files to e-mail.


例如,发邮件时,你可能就会看到“Attach a file”的说法:

其名词形式attachment则可以表示“(电子邮件的)附件”(In computing, an attachment is a file which is attached separately to a message that you send to someone.)

attached 作形容词,就可以理解为“所附的”(joined to sth)举个🌰:

Please complete the attached application form.


此外,attached还可以表示“依恋;爱慕;非常喜欢…的”(full of affection for sb/sth)举个🌰:

I've never seen two people so attached to each other.



表示“决定权;决策力;决断能力;处理权;酌情决定权”,英文解释为“the right or ability to decide something”举个🌰:

Students can be expelled at the discretion of the principal (= if the principal decides it).


I leave the decision to your discretion (= for you to decide).


补充莎士比亚的名言:Discretion is the better part of valour.

中文译为:谨慎即大勇;知进退方可言大勇;知慎近乎勇;勇敢者贵在审慎。”,英文解释为“used to say that it is better to be careful than to take unnecessary risks”。

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