

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


South Korea U18s stripped of trophy for 'indecent' celebration


South Korea Under-18s have been stripped of a trophy for "indecent" celebrations after a player posed for a photo with his foot on it.

South Korea beat China 3-0 to win the Panda Cup on Wednesday, but the team were forced to apologise after they were criticised online for the "unforgivable" images.

The topic had 59 million views on Weibo, a Chinese social media platform. The tournament organisers suggested South Korea would not be invited back.

strip of

表示“剥夺(财产、权利)撤销(头衔)”,英文解释为“To strip someone of their property, rights, or titles means to take those things away from them.”举个🌰:

The soldiers have stripped the civilians of their passports, and every other type of document.


'Barbaric and vulgar'

Chinese fans, who watched their team lose all three Panda Cup matches in Chengdu, expressed their anger as the social media topic 'Panda Cup committee takes back South Korean national team's trophy' went viral.

"I swear, we will never forgive Korean football," said one user, while another described the behaviour as "barbaric and vulgar".


表示“残酷的;野蛮的”,英文解释为“If you describe someone's behaviour as barbaric, you strongly disapprove of it because you think that it is extremely cruel or uncivilized.”举个🌰:

This barbaric treatment of animals has no place in any decent society.



/vulgar /'vʌlɡə ;ˋvʌlgɚ /表示“(行为)无礼的,粗俗的,粗野的”,英文解释为“not behaving politely in social situations”,如:vulgar behaviour 粗俗的行为。


表示“(言语和行为)粗鲁的,不文明的”,英文解释为“behaving and speaking in a way that is rude or socially unacceptable”。

Most fans refused to accept the South Korea apology, led by the accused player, who was criticised for "mumbling" and dropping his apology on the floor.


表示“咕哝,含糊地说”,英文解释为“to say something too quietly or not clearly enough, so that other people cannot understand you”举个🌰:

He bumped into someone and mumbled an apology.


Meanwhile, China's state-run Global Times daily said the South Korea players "acted like conquerors rather than champions" as the team "ignored the universal ethos of sports".

Some social media users also sarcastically called for the Chinese FA to display the trophy and controversial photo as a reminder of China's shortcomings in international competitions.

The Global Times said: "The only way to stop similar incidents from happening is very simple: They must start winning."


ethos /ˈiːθɒs/ 表示“(某团体的)精神特质,道德意识;理念”,英文解释为“the set of ideas and moral attitudes that are typical of a particular group”如:a community in which people lived according to an ethos of sharing and caring 人们本着分享与关爱精神来生活的社区。


表示“讽刺地,挖苦地”,英文解释为“in a way that uses remarks that clearly mean the opposite of what you say, in order to hurt someone's feelings or to humorously criticize something”举个🌰:

"Thanks so much for your help," Tom said sarcastically.


"Chinese football needs this whip!" one social media user said. "The photo should be hung up in the Chinese Football Association's office until the Chinese team can beat them."


作动词,表示“鞭打;鞭策;以鞭打责罚;鞭笞”,英文解释为“to hit a person or an animal hard with a whip , as a punishment or to make them go faster or work harder”;

作名词,则有“鞭子;皮鞭”的意思(a long thin piece of rope or leather, attached to a handle, used for making animals move or punishing people)。此处引申为“鞭策,鞭打”,即网友表示,中国足球需要鞭策,这张照片应该被挂在中国足协的办公室里,直到中国队打败他们。

'Our players made a huge mistake'

The Chengdu Football Association, which organised the Panda Cup, released a statement accusing the South Korea players of "serious insult" and said it would be "taking back" the trophy.

The Chengdu FA released video footage of the team's apology, in which the squad stood together with heads bowed in their hotel as the player involved apologised.


表示“运动(代表)队”,英文解释为“a group of players, runners, etc. from which a team is chosen for a particular game or match”,如:the Olympic/national squad 奥林匹克代表队;国家队。

"We apologise for the situation. One of our players made a huge mistake. We humbly apologise to all of the fans, all of the players and all of the people in China," a team official translated.

The Korean Football Association sent a letter of apology to the Chengdu FA, who have lodged a complaint with the Asian Football Confederation.

"Teams and players who violate sports ethics and spirit are not welcome to participate," the Chengdu FA said.

South Korea beat all three other teams involved - New Zealand, Thailand and China - to win the competition.

中国足球协会 The Chinese Football Association

成都市足球协会 The Chengdu Football Association

熊猫杯 The Panda Cup

亚洲足球联合会 The Asian Football Confederation

最后,再补充个亚洲新闻台(Channel NewsAsia)的报道中标题里的一个词:row.

South Korea 'humbly accept criticism' over China football trophy row


表示“争吵,吵架;打斗”,英文解释为“a noisy argument or fight”;或者可以解释为controversy“争议,争论(对重要公众事件)”,英文解释为“a situation in which people disagree strongly about important public matters”,如:a new row over government secrecy 关于政府机密的一个新争议,举个🌰:

My parents often have rows, but my dad does most of the shouting.


- END -

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