

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

今天,#日本网红眼药水被加拿大禁售#的消息在微博上炸开了锅。今年4月,加拿大卫生局官网发布了一则关于多款眼药水、粉刺膏等未授权在售产品可能带来严重健康风险的公告。公告要求商店禁止销售并责令官网下架相关产品。而其中被禁售的产品就有在国内十分受欢迎的日本网红眼药水,如Sante FX NEO眼药水。



Multiple unauthorized eye solutions and an acne gel sold at two stores in the Lower Mainland of BC may pose serious health risks

Health Canada is advising consumers that multiple health products-including eye drops, an eyewash and an acne gel―being sold at two Burnaby and Richmond stores in British Columbia are unauthorized and may pose serious health risks. According to the product labels, these health products contain prescription drugs. Prescription drugs should be taken only under the advice and supervision of a healthcare professional because they are used to treat specific diseases and may cause serious side effects.

加拿大卫生局提醒消费者,在不列颠哥伦比亚省的两家Burnaby和Richmond商店出售的多种健康产品 - 包括滴眼液,洗眼液和痤疮凝胶 - 是未经授权的,可能会带来严重的健康风险。根据产品标签,这些保健品含有处方药。处方药应仅在医疗保健专业人员的建议和监督下服用,因为它们用于治疗特定疾病并可能引起严重的副作用。


1. eye drops表示“眼药水,滴眼液”,英文解释为“special liquid which you put into your eyes because they are sore or dry, or as a medical treatment”;

2. eyewash同样表示“眼药水,洗眼水”,英文解释为“a mild solution for applying to the eyes for relief of irritation, etc”;

3. acne gel 粉刺膏,痤疮凝胶;其中 acne /ˈæknɪ/ 表示“痤疮,粉刺”,英文解释为“a medical problem which causes a lot of red spots on your face and neck and mainly affects young people”;而 gel /dʒɛl/ 表示“(尤指用于洗发或护肤的)凝胶,冻胶”,英文解释为“a thick, clear, liquid substance, especially one used on the hair or body”,如:shower gel 沐浴凝胶,hair gel 发胶。


prescription drug

表示“处方药”,英文解释为“A prescription drug is a medicine that you can buy only if you have a doctor's prescription for it.”

side effect

表示“副作用”,英文解释为“a secondary and usually adverse effect of a drug or therapy”。

Unauthorized health products have not been approved by Health Canada, which means that they have not been assessed for safety, effectiveness and quality and may pose serious health risks. They may contain ingredients, additives or contaminated ingredients not listed on the label. In addition, they may lack the active ingredients Canadians would expect them to contain to help maintain and improve their health or they may contain ingredients that could interact with other medications and foods. For all of these reasons, unauthorized health products could cause serious health effects. Selling unauthorized health products in Canada is illegal.


表示“添加剂”,英文解释为“An additive is a substance which is added in small amounts to foods or other things in order to improve them or to make them last longer.”


表示“(水、食物等)被污染的”,英文解释为“water, food etc that is contaminated has had a harmful substance added to it”举个🌰:

The infection was traced to contaminated food.



表示“(尤指食物或饮料)受污染的,有毒的”,英文解释为“a tainted substance, especially food or drink, is not safe because it is spoiled or contains a harmful substance or poison”,如:a tainted blood supply 受污染的血源。

active ingredients 活性成分,有效成分

Some of the unauthorized health products are packaged and labelled in Japanese characters. As a result, information about ingredients, usage, dosage and side effects may not be understood by all consumers.

What Health Canada is doing

Health Canada removed the products from sale at the retail locations. The companies were also asked to stop selling them on their websites (www.floybeauty.com and www.ejbeauty.ca). Health Canada is working with the Canada Border Services Agency to help prevent the importation of these products. Should additional safety concerns be identified, Health Canada will take appropriate action and inform Canadians as necessary.



Aminocaproic acid is a prescription drug ingredient used to decrease bleeding in various clinical situations. Exposure to aminocaproic acid in the eye may affect the eye itself, and the acid may be absorbed through the tear ducts into the blood. Side effects may include watery eyes, vision changes, headache, dizziness, nausea, muscle weakness and skin rash.

tear duct

duct表示“管道,管线;(人体的)管,导管”,英文解释为“a tube or pipe that carries liquid or air, especially in and out of buildings or through the body”,tear duct称为泪道/泪管,泪道;另一个说法:lacrimal duct;其中,lacrimal表示“泪的”(relating to tears from the eyes)。


表示“腺”,英文解释为“A gland is an organ in the body which produces chemical substances for the body to use or get rid of.”


/ˈnɔːzɪə, -sɪə/ 表示“恶心,呕吐感”,英文解释为“”举个🌰:the feeling that you have when you think you are going to vomit (= bring food up from your stomach through your mouth)


表示“恶心;呕吐”,英文解释为“the feeling that you are about to bring up food from your stomach, or the act of bringing food up”。

skin rash

skin rash表示“皮疹”(any red eruption of the skin)

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