
「故事·听力」I Am Poor And My Gf Is Rich

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

I Am Poor And My Gf Is Rich. She Humiliated Me For This In Public

Hello everyone! My name is Mike and I’m 17. Even though I’m going to talk a lot about a girl that I once really liked, this is not going to be a love story at all. Instead it will be more about pain, embarrassment, and a dream that I recently realized might not come true.

Many years ago my grandparents came to this country having had a strong desire to have a better life for the future generations of our family. And our family, from time to time, still has some pretty tough times with money. This was one of the reasons that I was looking for a job even before I’d graduated from school. But to be honest, I wanted to go to work mostly because I always wanted to go to college to become the first one in my family who had a degree. Before my grandma died, I’d even promised her that I would do it and now I had no right to let her down.

I used to work at the school cafeteria, at the gas station, and in many other places. But not long before this story happened, I had been lucky to get the best part-time job I could've hoped for, as a waiter in a very fancy and popular restaurant. There was not only a good salary, but i got some nice tips from its wealthy visitors. which meant I could save money for college in a year or so, and I desperately tried to not screw it up.

Once I noticed a beautiful girl who had started to visit the restaurant pretty often. She was always surrounded by her friends and, judging by the way all of them were dressed and behaved, they seemed to come from very wealthy families. But the table she often preferred to sit at was never served by me. So, I had virtually no reason to even talk to her. Also, as a part of the staff, I was definitely not allowed to flirt with clients unless I wanted to be booted. So I could only glance at her, sort of from behind the scenes.

But one day, another waiter who used to serve her table, stayed at home with the flu. He asked me to cover his shift and that exact day she came in to the restaurant alone. While approaching her table to take an order, I felt like I was on top of the world and extremely nervous at the same time.

Of course, I didn’t want to give my feelings for her away, but she suddenly said that she’d noticed how I was looking at her. And then she asked whether I was going to ask her out eventually. I was in shock and completely speechless. She just laughed and told me the address of the café she was going to be at later that day. Then she ordered a fresh tuna salad and it was only once I was already in the kitchen that I realized that she had just asked me out herself. Of course, I did everything possible to meet her and after a couple more dates, we had officially become a couple.

But there was one problem. Because of our late dates I sometimes was late to work, so often that my boss had even told me that his patience had been growing thin and I was that close to losing my job. I tried to explain everything to Sophie - that was her name by the way, but she didn’t want to listen. She’d even begun telling me about her girlfriends’ relationships and that their boyfriends would do anything for them. I tried to assure myself that we were going through a rough patch or something and promised Sophie that I'd try to be better for her once again. But then something happened that was totally out of my control.

Sophie was getting ready to have “the biggest party ever” as she called it and I was trying to finish everything that I needed to do at home and at school so I could be there like I promised her I would. But on the Big Day my boss called and said that we were going to have an important dinner at our restaurant that night and that everybody from the staff had to be at work. Otherwise he’d be happy to fire all of us. I felt like I was torn into pieces. I knew that Sophie wouldn’t forgive me for skipping her party, but I definitely couldn’t afford to lose my job. Especially taking into account that my father had recently lost his job and now the well-being of the whole family pretty much depended on my salary.

Be sure that that day I tried to reach Sophie by phone many times but I always got sent to voice mail. She was probably way too busy organizing her party and everything else. Finally, I just left around 10 messages saying how sorry I was and trying to explain everything to her, hoping that she would understand. I had to shift my focus to work. And I must say, it was the busiest dinner ever, so I wasn't able to check my phone until later that night. I was unpleasantly surprised that I didn't have a single text or missed call from Sophie.







