

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

昨日,游泳世锦赛男子200米自由泳的颁奖仪式上,英国选手斯科特(Duncan Scott)学着霍顿上演了一出“拒绝合影2.0”。采访中他表示,孙杨没有尊重游泳运动,他也没理由尊重孙杨。


Duncan Scott joins Sun Yang protest movement, refuses photo, handshake

The Sydney Morning Herald

British freestyler Duncan Scott has added fuel to the fire started by Australian Mack Horton, refusing to shake hands with Sun Yang or pose for photos after the medal ceremony of the 200m freestyle.

add fuel to the fire

或者说add fuel to the flames,表示“火上浇油”,英文解释为“to make an argument or bad situation worse”举个🌰:

The discovery that he was aware of the cover-up has really added fuel to the fire.


Sun was awarded gold by default after Danas Rapsys, who touched the wall first, was disqualified for moving on the blocks.

据了解,男子200米自由泳决赛中,率先到边的立陶宛新秀拉普赛斯(Danas Rapsys)因为技术犯规(“在出发台上抖了一下”)被取消成绩,因此排名第二的孙杨获得了金牌。


Starting block in Swimming (sport), a raised platform mounted at the end of a pool from which swimmers begin a race.

The medal ceremony appeared to be free of controversy at first, unlike after the 400m freestyle when Horton refused to stand on the podium for the anthems.

Scott, who dead-heated for bronze, stood on the dais for the anthems but when they concluded, he stepped aside, refusing to shake hands or be in photos with Sun. The Chinese supporters booed loudly, while Scott and Sun appeared to have words as they left the pool deck.


此处作动词;dead heat作名词时表示“比赛的胶着状态,不分胜负的局面”,英文解释为“a situation during or at the end of a race or competition in which two or more competitors have the same number of points etc, have reached the same level, or have taken the same time to complete a particular distance”句中意思是指Scott和俄罗斯选手并列第三名,都获得了铜牌。


一般指“(会场的)讲台,主席台”,英文解释为“A raised platform, as in a lecture hall, for speakers or honored guests.”

区分:lectern, podium, dais, rostrum

A lectern is the stand on which the speaker's notes are placed, the podium is the platform on which the speaker and lectern stand, a dais is a platform for several people, and a rostrum is a platform for one or more.


表示“(对…)发嘘声,喝倒彩”,英文解释为“to show that you do not like a person, performance, idea, etc. by shouting 'boo'”举个🌰:

The audience booed as she started her speech.


Walking ahead of Scott, Sun doubled back and got into Scott's face, appearing to say "You're a loser. I am a winner" as they made their way down the stairs. Scott simply smiled back and continued walking.

double back

表示“走回头路,原路返回”,英文解释为“to turn and go back in the direction you have come from”举个🌰:

We realized we had taken the wrong road and had to double back.


get in one's face

前面用了get into one's face,此处用的是get in one's face有“惹某人生气”的含义,英文解释为“if someone gets in your face, they really annoy you;To confront and provoke one, as in readiness to fight, berate, harass, or argue with them”举个🌰:

As we left the court, reporters kept getting in my face to ask me if I was guilty.

The protest was a clear show of solidarity for Horton's move. Many swimmers had already spoken publicly in support but Scott is the first to back it up with actions. With the British press now onto the story, it will likely go to a new level as the world championships continue.

The race was memorable enough. Both Sun and Rapsys chased hard over the first 100m as Australia's Clyde Lewis made it a genuine acid test going into the back half of the race.

acid test

表示“决定性考验;严峻的考验”,英文解释为“a way of deciding whether sth is successful or true”举个🌰:

The acid test of a good driver is whether he or she remains calm in an emergency.


Lewis could not sustain the pace, sliding back to finish seventh in a time of 1:45.78 as Rapsys and Sun surged towards the wall. Rapsys was the man, bursting clear to stop the clock at 1:44.69, with Sun second in 1:44.93s.

But his joy at winning the world title lasted just seconds. The big screen was quick to flash up the dreaded DQ next to his name. After taking out the 400m freestyle on night one, Sun would be getting another gold medal, much to the joy of his travelling pack of fans that drape signs with his name all over the arena.


表示“令人害怕的,令人恐惧的”,英文解释为“making you feel afraid or anxious – often used humorously”举个🌰:

My dreaded cousin is coming to stay!




Rapsys was shattered by the result but it didn't stop Sun celebrating enthusiastically once more.

You can be sure of one thing about Sun; wherever and whenever he swims, there is drama and controversy. He found himself in the middle of Mack Horton's podium protest on night one and now collects yet another major meet gold medal on the back of a minute movement from Rapsys, who sped through the mixed zone without stopping to speak to media.


形容词,表示“极小的”,英文解释为“extremely small”举个🌰:

You only need a minute amount.


- END -

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