

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,哈里斯民调(The Harris Poll)的一项调查显示,中国小孩长大最想做航天员;美国和英国小孩长大后最想做网红Vlogger/YouTuber.

American kids would much rather be YouTubers than astronauts 

Ars Technica

Becoming an astronaut ranked last among five professions.

Exactly 50 years ago today, a Saturn V rocket launched from Kennedy Space Center carrying Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins to the Moon. Four days later, Armstrong and Aldrin would land on the Moon and inspire a generation of young people to become scientists, engineers, and mathematicians.

Saturn V

Saturn V was an American human-rated super heavy-lift launch vehicle used by NASA between 1967 and 1973.

土星5号(Saturn V),又译为农神5号,是美国国家航空航天局(NASA)在阿波罗计划和天空实验室两项太空计划中使用的运载火箭。(维基百科)

The Apollo program's effect of inspiring America's children to pursue careers in STEM fields is one of the most powerful lasting legacies of the Moon race. Unfortunately, this effect seems to be coming to an end.


Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), previously Science, Math, Engineering and Technology (SMET), is a term used to group together these academic disciplines.


On the eve of the Apollo 11 anniversary, LEGO asked The Harris Poll to survey a total of 3,000 children in the United States, China, and the United Kingdom about their attitudes toward and knowledge of space. The results reveal that, at least for Western countries, kids today are more interested in YouTube than spaceflight.


Asked what they would like to be when they grow up, about 3 in 10 American and British children replied that they wanted to be YouTubers or Vloggers—careers making videos on the Internet for fame and fortune. Lesser preferences included becoming a teacher, professional athlete, or musician. Becoming an astronaut ranked last, at 11%.

Only in China did children have a clear preference for being an astronaut—or rather, a taikonaut—over other potential professions. Children in China were also much more interested in going into space and had higher expectations for human settlement of space in the decades to come.


表示“太空人,中国宇航员”,实际上这个词是由汉语拼音taikong和astronaut缩合而成,英文解释为“an astronaut from the People's Republic of China”。


From Mandarin 太空 (tàikōng, “space”) +‎ -naut, modelled after astronaut, cosmonaut, spationaut, etc. The term was coined on 19 May 1998 by Chiew Lee Yih (赵里昱) from Malaysia, who used it first in newsgroups. Almost simultaneously, Chen Lan coined it for use in the Western media.

类似的cosmonaut指的是“(苏联的)宇航员,太空人”(an astronaut from the former Soviet Union );spationaut指的是“法国的宇航员,太空人”(A French astronaut)。

It is not clear why kids in the Western world are less interested in space or space professions than those in China. Perhaps it is because America has been there and done that, in terms of lunar exploration, with the Apollo program. Perhaps it is that America's kids today grew up with continuous national human representation in space, aboard the International Space Station, and do not find an orbiting outpost in low-Earth orbit stimulating. Or perhaps the education system in China places a higher emphasis on the value of science and space exploration.

In any case, LEGO is trying to do its part. The company has released several large sets devoted to recognizing the Apollo program and the value of STEM education. Additionally, a team of 10 designers and LEGO "Master Builders" spent nearly 300 hours designing and building a life-size LEGO model of Aldrin in his iconic pose on the lunar surface.

Ultimately, the real answer for inspiring American youth and nurturing an interest in space may require NASA astronauts to actually return to deep space again for the first time in 50 years. That may—or may not—happen any time soon.

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100 Kids Tell Us What They Want to Be When They Grow Up


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