
「故事·听力」My Gf Faked Amnesia To Get Rid Of Me

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

My Gf Faked Amnesia To Get Rid Of Me

Hi. I don’t know why I am telling this story – maybe just to say how miserable I feel now. My name is Arthur, and I am 16 years old. My story is about a girl I love who doesn’t remember anything that happened between us. And I can do absolutely nothing about it. Just listen to my story.

About a year ago, a new student from Hong Kong arrived at our school. The student foreign exchange was pretty common for us, which is why nobody paid attention to a new face.

Except for our Counselor, of course. He asked me to supervise her for a while in order to help her adapt to her new surroundings. You see, I have decent grades and a good reputation with the Counselor. And of course, I did not want to lose that, so I agreed even before I had met the new student. Our Hong Kong guest’s name was Lin. Easy to remember, isn’t it?

I had never learned Chinese, so I was a little bit nervous, but as it turned out, there was nothing to worry about, 'cause Lin’s English was perfect! And it was not the only thing that was perfect about her! Lin was very beautiful. I mean like… VERY beautiful! I've never liked anybody as much as her. As soon as I met Lin, I could not stop thinking about her.

After school I guided her around the city – like her own personal sight-seeing tour, while I was telling her about our life in the United Kingdom. Lin had never traveled outside of Hong Kong before, and many things here took her by surprise and sparked her curiosity. For example, she was wondering why we only had skyscrapers downtown. And she felt strange staying with an British family in a small private house. Lin had grown up on the thirty-second floor of an apartment building in Hong Kong!

When I was on my way home, I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that I would see Lin the day after. I played our conversations over in my head, I recalled her sing-song accent, and I loved her sense of humor and her gumption. Yes. I can tell you for sure – I was in love.

"Soon I asked Lin if she wanted to be a couple. And she didn't say no! Lin was the first girl I ever kissed in my life. But my happiness did not last long. A terrible accident tore us apart.

Once Lin and I went to the outskirts of the city, along with four of our school friends, in a car that belonged to one of them. The weather was amazing and the weekend was supposed to be very nice. We drove to a small rocky lake, but instead of swimming, we decided to play volleyball. We did not play very well, but we weren’t that bad either, so as a whole it was fun. Then… one of the guys made a hard but not very exact serve, and the ball… hit Lin in the head.

Of course, he didn't mean to do it! But what’s the difference – the ball hit Lin so hard that she fell down and fainted. I rushed to her, trying to wake her up but, she was out cold. We all were terribly scared! Thank God that one of the girls were more level-headed than the rest of us and called 999. The ambulance arrived and took Lin to the hospital.

Lin’s mother came from Hong Kong on the first available flight. It took her more than 13 hours... while Lin was unconscious. I spent the whole time at the hospital, terribly worried for the girl I loved. The worst thing was that the doctors wouldn’t let me see her! Yes, I was her boyfriend, but I could not go and see her without her parents’ permission. And when my girlfriend’s mother finally arrived, a strange thing happened – it turned out that she knew nothing about me! So she wouldn't allow me to visit Lin, saying that she shouldn't be bothered. Well, I thought that we just simply weren’t going out together long enough for Lin to tell her parents about us. But it was still frustrating.

I did not see my girlfriend until the day that she checked out of the hospital. That day I bought flowers and a big box of chocolates (I even asked the doctors if Lin was allowed to eat chocolates) and waited for her at the hospital doors. When I saw Lin walking with her mother, I smiled happily and walked towards her. But for some reason Lin just passed me by. That was how my own personal hell began.

I was afraid that Lin’s mother was going to take her home to Hong Kong after all that, but she made sure that Lin was ok and went back alone. But you know… I actually wish Lin had gone home with her mother. The thing was that after my girlfriend was hit in the head, she forgot that she was my girlfriend.

 She knew who I was, she knew what my name was. But that was all. Her attitude toward me became even more distant than it was when we first met! It seemed to me that now she looked at me as if I was some nutty nerd. Can you believe it? And some nutty nerd maybe worth a couple of words... but going out with him?







