
「故事·听力」My Friend's Mom Started Sending Me Love Messages

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

My Friend's Mom Started Sending Me Love Messages

Hi everybody! My name is Sebastian and I am seventeen years old. I have a rather odd question for you — tell me, how do you get along with your best friends’ moms? And what about the mothers of your friends who are not very close or even just acquaintances? Do they invite you to dinners they make? Do you talk to them about yourself and your life? And the last question – has any one of you ever secretly kept in touch with your friend's mom? Because that’s exactly what my story is about. And about how I began to think that my friend's mom was in love with me.

Not very long ago, a guy named John transferred to my school. I saw him a couple of times in my school hallways, but we didn't know each other very well until John got onto our school baseball team. I have been a part of the team for two years now. I'm seriously thinking about a career in sports and I can even call myself a fan of professional baseball. John loves the game too, as I soon found out. After one of our training sessions we chatted in the locker room and started to talk to each other from time to time. After the next training session, John invited me to come over to his house and see all of his sports memorabilia — John had a baseball signed by Roger Clemens himself. Of course, it sounded very interesting, so I agreed.

When I arrived at John's house, his mother, Mrs. Glover, was there. She was young-looking, a little bit curvy and she was a housewife who was around forty-five years old. She was busy with something in the kitchen, so we decided to just say hello and quickly sneak off to John's room. But our meeting lasted for a little longer than the nanosecond needed to say hello. When we peered into the kitchen, and Mrs. Glover turned her head, hearing our voices, her face suddenly changed and the large cup of coffee that she was holding in her hands suddenly dropped to the floor. She didn’t even seem to notice what had happened — for a few seconds, she just looked straight at my face. I felt slightly uncomfortable, but I didn't have time to do anything about it — Mrs. Glover apologized and began to wipe the floor, while John and I went to his room.

But no more than fifteen minutes later, she appeared again. She knocked on John’s bedroom door, but did not wait for an answer and entered the room with a large tray of sandwiches and tomato juice. Like she'd decided that we were hungry or something. It was pretty strange — I was visiting John for the first time, we were not best friends, and I'd just stopped by for a moment to see a baseball. So why was she paying so much attention to us? To make matters even more awkward, she sat down next to me, clearly not planning to leave. She got in the middle of my conversation with John and asked me to tell her about myself, asking so many questions about my life. I felt awkward, but, of course, I answered politely - what else could I do? At some point during the conversation, she put her hand on top of mine, and I almost flinched. John did not try to save me and just stayed silent, although I could not help but notice that he was irritated and angry. So I, myself, had no choice but to make up some excuse to leave their house as soon as possible. I was not used to this attention from even my best friends’ mothers, so Mrs. Glover made me really nervous.

The next day at school, I approached John and asked him point bank what was wrong with his mother, and did she always behave so strangely. But John himself was very surprised by her paying extra attention to me, since, in general, she was never intrusive. She was on good terms with all of John’s old friends, but never stuck her nose in their lives. This really confused me. So when, a few days later, John told me that his mother had invited me to dinner, I refused immediately, saying that, I apologized, but I couldn’t make it because I was very busy. Of course, I wasn't busy at all, I just didn’t want to see Mrs. Glover. But she found another way to get to me!

Some more time passed and I suddenly found some suspicious activity on my Instagram and Twitter – all from one particular follower. At first I did not realize who it was, because the picture in the profile was small, and the nickname was unfamiliar. But when I looked closer, guess what? It was Mrs. Glover! She liked almost ALL my pictures and tweets, going back to very, very old ones. This meant that John's mom had spent a lot of time browsing through all my posts. Realizing this sent shivers down my spine. But when I received a private message from her, I still could not just ignore it, and I wrote her back...







