

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

今天上午,2019年世界人工智能大会(World Artificial Intelligence Conference)在上海开幕。马云和特斯拉公司联合创始人兼首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)进行了一场“双马”对话。

马斯克:说啥呢?说 AI 是吧。

马云:对,AI,你先说说 AI 吧。

马斯克:emmmm,AI,好吧,AI,听说 AI 中文里是指“爱”?

马云:emmmm,我不喜欢 AI 被称为人工智能(Artificial Intelligence),我称它为阿里巴巴智能(Alibaba Intelligence)。


The Time a Jet-Lagged Musk Made Alibaba’s Jack Ma Sound Grounded


Elon Musk and Jack Ma matched wits publicly for the first time. And boy, they didn’t disappoint.


作动词,表示“落后(于),拖后”,英文解释为“to move or develop more slowly than others”,举个🌰:

She stopped to wait for Jane who was lagging behind.


作名词时,表示“时间间隔,相隔的时间”,英文解释为“a delay or period of waiting between one event and a second event”,我们常说的“时差”可以用time difference也可以说“jet lag”,其中jet表示“喷气式飞机”,那么jet lag具体怎么来的呢?

The term "jet lag" is used because before the arrival of passenger jet aircraft, it was uncommon to travel far and fast enough to cause desynchronosis. Travel by propeller-driven aircraft, by ship, or by train was slower and of more limited distance than jet flights, and thus did not contribute widely to the problem.

此外,“时差”也可以直接说time difference.


表示“明智的,理智的;对自己有清醒认识的”,英文解释为“Someone who is grounded makes good decisions and does not say or do stupid things. Someone who is grounded understands their own character and knows what is really important.”举个🌰:

He's very grounded even though he has so much money.


match wits (with one)

英文解释为“To engage one in a clash or competition of intelligence or shrewd resourcefulness. To enter into intellectual competition with someone.”

马云、马斯克首次同台激辩/首次对话/斗智斗勇,match wits publicly for the first time,如何翻译比较好?

An onstage debate between China’s richest man and the Tesla Inc. boss left a largely Chinese audience both awestruck and dumbfounded as the pair sparred over everything from the existence of aliens to the preservation of human consciousness. Musk, alternating between tech visionary and larger-than-life Bond villain, argued that AI will soon surpass the human race; that civilization may end and hence humankind needed to explore the cosmos (specifically Mars); and that people are essentially dumb creatures circumscribed by genes.


表示“肃然起敬的;充满敬畏的;感到惊惧的”,英文解释为“filled with feelings of admiration or respect”,如:an awestruck admirer/fan/visitor/tourist 充满敬畏之情的崇拜者/追星者/参观者/游客。


表示“吓得目瞪口呆的,惊得说不出话的”,英文解释为“so shocked that you cannot speak”举个🌰:

He was dumbfounded by the allegations.



表示“(友好地)争论,争辩”,英文解释为“to argue with someone but not in an unpleasant way”,通常用法spar (with sb)/ (over sth),举个🌰:

Senators are sparring over the health bill.


He’s been sparring with the security guards.


the cosmos

表示“宇宙”,英文解释为“the cosmos the whole universe, especially when you think of it as a system”。

But Musk, who appeared discombobulated at times following a late trans-Pacific flight, met his match in a fellow billionaire who parried him at every turn. The Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. co-founder espoused a focus on life on Earth and argued that machines will never surpass their makers. Ma, the more polished and down-to-earth speaker, also invoked familiar stances on education and the need for “Love-Q” or LQ in addition to IQ to survive the future. But overall, the Alibaba honcho came across as more reasonable than the erratic Musk, who several times trailed off into poorly articulated tangents such as the timeline of civilization or pace of technological change (“It does seem like a long time... Is that good or bad? I dunno.”)


dis‧com‧bob‧u‧lat‧ed /‚dɪskəm'bɒbjʊleɪtɪd/表示“completely confused – used humorously”,英文解释为“极其困惑的,摸不着头脑的(幽默用法)”。


表示“支持,拥护(某观点、信仰等)”,英文解释为“to support an idea, belief etc, especially a political one”,如:espouse a cause/policy,举个🌰:

He espoused a variety of scientific, social and political causes.



1)形容人表示“优雅而又自信的”,英文解释为“A polished person has style and confidence.”举个🌰:

He's suave, polished, and charming.


2)也可以指“完美的,精良的”(showing great skill),举个🌰:

The dancers gave a polished performance.



honcho /ˈhɒntʃəʊ/ 表示“负责人,头儿;头头,老板”,英文解释为“an important person who controls something, especially a business”,如:the head honcho 老板。

trail off into poorly articulated tangents

1)trail away/off:When a person's voice or a similar sound trails away/off, it becomes quieter and less confident and then stops completely.(说话声或类似声响)逐渐减弱到停止,逐渐消失,举个🌰:

His voice trailed off as he saw the look on her face. 当他看到她脸上的表情时,他的说话声越来越小,最后听不见了。

2)go/fly off on a tangent表示“突然离题,突然离开原来的思路”,英文解释为“If someone goes off on a tangent, they start saying or doing something that is not directly connected with what they were saying or doing before.”举个🌰:

The conversation went off on a tangent.


Just about the only thing they agreed on was that the global population was on the brink of collapse thanks to current birth rates -- a looming disaster the planet is ill-prepared to tackle.


表示“(事情发生的)边缘;始发点”,英文解释为“the point where a new or different situation is about to begin”举个🌰:

Extreme stress had driven him to the brink of a nervous breakdown.


Most people believe that we have too many people on the planet. This is an outdated view,” Musk told the World AI Conference in Shanghai, as Ma nodded. “Assuming there’s a benevolent AI, the biggest problem the world will face in 20 years, is a population collapse. Not explosion. Collapse.

“We don’t have much time,” Musk said. “This is the first time in the 4.5 billion-year history of Earth that we’ll be able to extend life beyond Earth,” he added. “Let us secure the future so the light of consciousness is not extinguished.”

The debate at times turned heated, especially when Ma questioned his opponent’s belief that AI may someday prevail over the human race. “The biggest mistake I see people making is to assume they’re smart,” Musk countered. AI will be “much smarter than the smartest human you will ever know.

Ma likened the view that humans won’t be able to compete with their machine inventions in most aspects of life -- Musk’s stance -- to people of a century ago trying to out-run cars they manufacture. “I never in my life say human beings will be controlled by machines, it’s impossible,” said Ma, eliciting Musk’s trademark Bond-villain chortle and the retort: “I very much disagree with that. The biggest mistake I see people making is to assume they’re smart.


近义词compare,表示“将…比作”,英文解释为“to say that someone or something is similar to another person or thing”举个🌰:

Critics have likened the new theater to a supermarket.



表示“引出,探出,诱出(尤指信息或反应)”,英文解释为“to get or produce something, especially information or a reaction”举个🌰:

Have you managed to elicit a response from them yet?


It didn’t all go according to script. At one point, Ma surprised listeners -- the spectacle was livestreamed -- when he appeared to do a 180 on his infamous advocacy of slavish work hours. On Thursday, he proclaimed that people should be able to in fact work 12-hour weeks, a seeming reversal of comments just months prior that it’s a privilege to work “996,” or nine to nine, six days a week.

- END -

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