
「故事·听力」My Boyfriend Could Actually Be My Father.

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

My Boyfriend Could Actually Be My Father. Good Lord!

Hi guys! I’m Lana. If you think that you are the one who always chooses the wrong person to fall in love with, then my story is going to prove that I am an even bigger loser in this respect. I am only 18 now, but I have already experienced the weirdest romance ever, so bad that my mom booted my boyfriend out of the house right after a funeral dinner. Now I am so not available for any new relationships and here is why.

Everything happened during my first summer after high school graduation. I was so happy that my parents allowed me to join my friends, who were traveling across Italy, to have a little break before college. As a matter of fact, it just so happened that I fell in love. Jonathan was there on a business trip. We met when we happened to be dining at the same café and… Oops! He turned out to be way older than me, but he was so handsome and behaved like a true gentleman. He courted me in an extremely fairy tale way, with all the flowers, and romantic walks, and everything. Even though it sounds cliché, I doubt that there is a single girl in the world who wouldn’t fall for it. So, pretty soon I’d fallen in love with him and my trip turned out to be something more than just a school break.

But then my mom called with the most devastating news possible. She said that her mother - my granny, had just died and that I’d better hurry up and get back home. Of course, this was awful news. I totally began packing as soon as I hung up the phone and my eyes filled with new tears immediately after I wiped off the old ones. It was strange, but a couple of weeks ago when I flew there, I felt that I was so grown up already, and now all I wanted was that somebody was there for me, to make all the decisions so I wouldn't have to.

Jonathan was the only help I could count on. He took care of the tickets and stuff and even suggested that he could help me through this period and I really appreciated that. But as soon we landed at the airport, a chain of pretty weird events began. So, my dad came to pick us up and drive us home. When he saw Jonathan, he was a little "surprised by his age," let’s put it that way. I mean, I told my parents that I wasn't coming home alone, but they must have been waiting for a young guy to arrive with me and not someone who could be my dad’s peer, I guess.

The whole way from the airport, both men kept silent. From time to time, I caught my dad’s look through the car's rear view mirror, and I bet he was silently hoping that my new relationship was just a joke. It was awful, especially taking into account the reason we had come to see my parents. But just wait till I tell you about my mom’s reaction.  
As soon as all the official procedures with the funeral were over, we all gathered for a meal with our closest relatives and friends at my granny’s house. My mom seemed to be avoiding looking at me and Jonathan directly. And he, by the way, was also acting a little bit nervous and gloomy, so to speak. But what was really strange is that at some point when I was talking to one of my granny's old friends, out of the corner of my eye I noticed that my mom was talking to Jonathan. It was odd because I hadn’t even had a chance to get the two of them officially acquainted with each other, but she already didn’t seem very friendly. Even more, she was sort of trying to boot him out or something.

I tried to end that conversation I was having, but you know old people, when they start talking and reminiscing about something, you can’t just say “stop” and walk away. Suddenly my mom appeared, as if from out of nowhere, and took me aside trying to sort of hide the two of us behind the bushes. In a very angry whisper, she asked me to take Jonathan out of the house and to promise to talk to her in private later that night. I had no idea what was going on, but I’ve never seen my mom that serious and persistent before. 

Of course, I rushed to fulfill her request. However, I didn’t expect that Jonathan would be so happy to leave the house. I thought that we should both just go somewhere, but he said that it would be better if I stayed here and that he’d pick me up later that night if I wanted him to. That sounded strange, but I thought that he was probably not very happy with my parents’ reaction toward him or something.







