
「故事·听力」My Mom Left Me With A Strange Woman And Disappeared

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

My Mom Left Me With A Strange Woman And Disappeared

Hello, everyone. I'm Rachel and I`m 12 years old. For my whole life I only saw my mother a few times a year, so I spent a lot of time missing her. But I didn`t expect that her arrival would turn my life into a nightmare.

Yeah, for as long as I can remember, I lived with my grandmother. Mom used to come home several times a year, give us money, and leave to go back to work. She basically missed all the important events in my life, we weren`t close, and we even rarely called each other. But I loved her anyway, because she's my mom, and she makes money so I can live a normal life. In addition, my grandmother always supported me. So I think I had a pretty normal childhood. But then everything changed. It was a very hot summer, and my grandmother could barely stand the heat.  And one morning it happened. Grandma wouldn't wake up. I mean... She died. All I could do was call an ambulance, but there was nothing that the doctors could do. I was devastated. The only person who was close to me throughout my whole life had died. I called my mom to tell her everything. And you know, I think I expected sympathy from her. But on the contrary - it was the shortest call ever. She just said, "I got this. I'll come tomorrow and help deal with everything." That's it. No words of support, no grief in her voice. Ant then everything became clear the next morning.
I woke up because I heard a familiar voice downstairs. I went down and I was very surprised. Mom wasn't alone. There was a man with her, and a boy who was about six years old. Instead of smiles and sympathetic hugs, mom said we had to have a serious conversation. She said I was old enough to understand everything. The man who was in our house was her new husband. And the boy was their son. This fact baffled me. She explained that her life was not fixated on just work and me, and that she wanted a normal family. I said that I was her family too, but she stayed quiet and didn't answer. 

The funeral was the next day. A lot of people came to share their sympathy with me and my mother. It was the saddest day of my life, but I'm not sure my mom felt the same way. To be honest, I think she wanted it to be over with as soon as possible so she could get back to her life. But there was still so much to do with all of my grandma's documents and inheritance, so these days were just unbearably long for me. I didn't know what was waiting for me ahead and besides, I was ignored while I was in the house. My mom's husband didn't want to talk to me and, in addition, he banned their son from playing with me. The only time we were together was at dinner. But I was still sent to my room as quickly as possible. I felt absolutely alone, despite the fact that my own mother was in the house. 

About a week later, my mother told me to pack my stuff. While we were driving my mother explained everything. She said her husband didn't want me to live with them, so she asked her cousin if I could live at her house on the outskirts of town. I didn't know my mom had a cousin. But, I also didn`t know my mom had another family so... She also said that she was going to come and visit me more often, because they were now going to live at my grandma's house, so they would be very close. I was really angry that my mom's husband was preventing us from living together. But it was better to live with my mother's cousin, than in a house with a man who didn`t love me. A strange woman met us when we arrived. My mom said that she would visit me and give me money, so nothing would change. When my mother was about to leave, I had a really bad feeling, but she calmed me down and cheered me up. Mom said that we'd see each other in a week, and that maybe she could convince her husband to let me live with them.

I was really hoping that would happen. In the meantime, I was left with a complete stranger. She showed me my room, which was more like a closet, took my phone, and said that I could use it only with her permission. I didn't like this situation at all, but I had no choice. Most of the first week I was just sitting in my room, reading books, waiting for the weekend to see my mom. But she didn't come on Saturday. Or on Sunday, either. I wanted to call her, but my mom's cousin forbade me from using my own phone. She said my mom told her that she had a lot of work to do, so she couldn't come this time. It took a couple of days, but then I started to get really nervous. Something strange was happening. I had a bad feeling about all of this.







