
「故事·听力」I Saw Crazy Things When I Remained Alone

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

I Saw Crazy Things When I Remained Alone In The Woods Overnight

Hello, everyone! My name is Piper. We all love watching adventure movies where the main characters are trying to overcome every possible and impossible challenging situation. But it's only good to watch them while sitting on the sofa and eating popcorn. It's not that common for things like that to happen in real life. And my experience proves that.

My mom and dad have always been avid campers. And they tried to do everything they could to get my younger sister and I involved. We would go hiking or backpacking in a new place every summer. So this is where my story begins. Our new destination was Montana - Kayaking the Missouri River! We were so excited! "
"Everything was running smoothly and I really enjoyed this ""into the wild"" life a lot. Without taking into account my little sister Lilly's behavior, of course. It was always the same old story and she was always driving me crazy. She would whine and complain and bug me the whole time. And my mom and dad always let her get away with it. Anyway.

On that fateful morning everything went wrong from the very beginning.  I was responsible for breakfast for the whole family and I burned it. You should have seen my dad's face. He has always been pretty critical of me, so he would tell me off and lecture me about things I did wrong all the time. Whether it was for how I had got the tent wrong or how much time it was taking me to build the fire. This day he decided to make sure I was rowing my kayak fast enough.

My mom and Lilly were in one kayak, and my dad and I were in the other one. It was all fine at first, but the flow of the river was becoming stronger and it was getting harder and harder to control the boats. Suddenly my mom and my sister's boat hit a big rock, capsized, and they both fell out. Everything happened so fast! I dove into the water and managed to grab Lilly.  But no matter how I tried to swim against the tide, we were just carried away by the stream. The last thing I saw was my dad trying to save my mom, but I never found out if he did.

Those minutes in the dangerous river were the most horrible moments of my life. We were just drifting out further and further. But then I finally managed to grab ahold of a tree branch and to get us out of the water. After we caught our breath, my mind started racing. 'What are we going to do now?'

We were too far from our parents. We had two small backpacks, half a bottle of water, and waterlogged phones. How could it possibly get much worse?

We had to find a way back to our mom and dad. So, a small compass and my intuition were our only hope. Unfortunately, they both let me down. We were wandering around for hours, but at some point, I realized that we had lost our way completely. It was getting dark, Lilly had blisters on her feet, and the forest had become absolutely black. It seemed like it was not a tourist zone anymore. We had to find some shelter where we could sleep. Lilly was completely devastated, but to my surprise she didn't complain, like not even once. 

We found a small cave near the bank of the river and made a fire. We were starving, and I knew I had no food. But Lilly saved us. She took a pack of cookies out of her backpack, which she had actually swiped from our mom. It was the only good thing that had happened all day.

It was time to try to get some rest, but even though we were absolutely exhausted, I couldn't sleep a wink. We were lying on the cold ground when Lilly asked me quietly: ""Are mom and dad okay?"" I didn't know how to answer. I was thinking the same thought over and over. Lilly cuddled up next to me and we both finally fell asleep. 
But soon I felt my sister shaking me awake. Her voice was trembling. She was scared to death! She said she heard some noise near the cave. And I realized that I actually heard it too. What on Earth could that be? Animals? Maniacs? Mom and Dad? The noise was getting louder and closer, but we couldn't see anything in the complete darkness. I plucked all my courage and shined my flashlight just in time to see a   fluffy red fox. Oh my goodness, I felt so relieved. And Lilly was so amazed! She even talked me into giving the fox a piece of a cookie.

In the morning we had to continue on our way, but there were no signs, no people around, nothing! I tried to persuade Lilly that it was going to be fine, but I wasn't sure I believed what I was saying myself. I was getting worried for her. She started coughing and I think she even had a fever. But she kept trying to persuade me that everything was okay.







