
「故事·听力」I Seduced My Best Friend's Crush To Split Them Up

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

I Seduced My Best Friend's Crush To Split Them Up. He Is Mine!

Hello everyone! My name’s Rita and I’m 16. I’ve fallen in love with my best friend. And if you're thinking that there’s nothing special about this and that it happens all the time, I say, wait till I tell you how I managed to ruin his relationship with another girl and rejected his love at first. Here’s a story for you about me acting like a snake in the grass.

When I turned 13, my family decided to move to the US. For me, it was really hard to be here, you know – different people, different school, and everything. And I don’t know why, but I had a hard time making friends with anybody for a really long time, and it was enormously hard being alone a lot.

But one day everything changed. I was sitting in the school cafeteria when somebody put their tray down beside mine. Then, a dark-haired chubby guy flopped down in the chair next to me and introduced himself. This was how I met my future best friend, who would become my first love, but I'll tell you more about this part later.  
Ever since that day, Sam and I were together all the time and everywhere. And even though, whenever he’d drop by, my granny would call him my boyfriend, there was nothing romantic between us. I mean, we could discuss boys or girls that we were interested in and everything. Well, at least until my 14th birthday party.

It was a close family celebration and Sam was apparently invited. After the birthday dinner with cake and everything, we were left alone and Sam said that he had something special for me and I was really excited about it. You know, I was really fond of sports in general, and he knew that, and gave me the best tracksuit I could ever dream of. And then he tried to kiss me!

Of course, I jumped back and asked what was he doing. He looked really confused and started mumbling something like he thought I knew he liked me and he hoped I didn’t mind and stuff. I mean, of course I knew nothing about his feelings and I did mind! I yelled at him, telling him that he was nuts, and he yelled back at me that I had given him signs, you know. Who would have known that this stupid jerk would consider me laughing at his jokes as a sign that I was attracted to him? Anyway, it was our first big fight and then he just went home. I spent the rest of that night boiling over the whole situation.

We didn't talk to each other for the next two days and demonstratively tried to ignore each other at school. The only person who knew what had happened between us was my granny. You know, I really needed to share my story with someone and grams was the only person I could trust. Of course, she said that she knew this would happen someday, and then she insisted that we had to have a talk. Nevertheless, he was the first to text me, and then we met and decided that it would be better if we just acted like it didn't happen and stayed good friends.

In addition to that, both of us had a slight turn of events in our lives. I happened to get onto the school's cheerleading team – apparently due to my love to go all out for sports and my natural bendiness. I no longer had much time to spend with Sam and I made some new friends, who were girls. We had other topics to discuss, which were different from what I could talk about with Sam. So, I managed to miss the news that Sam had a girlfriend.

He insisted on the two of us meeting each other. It’s not that my opinion about her could influence their relationship, I thought. He just wanted me to get to know her, so that I’d be able to give him advice, you know, about girls. Her name was Lena and we met in a café, all together, and then went to the movies. She was nice, I mean, nothing special, of course – just like, an average girl. But you know what was strange? I couldn’t help but get irritated anytime Sam would tell me something about their relationship.

Once again, I told my granny about this, and she gave me a hint by saying that the actual problem was probably not with that girl, but with me! What if I liked Sam in a romantic way, but didn’t realize it until I saw a real competitor for his attention in Lena? This made me reconsider my feelings, and then one day everything became pretty evident – I realized I was in love with my best friend.

It happened when Sam called me one day and said that Lena’s family was moving to Europe for a couple of years. He was devastated when he was telling me this; I think he was even crying a little bit. I said I was really sorry, but deep inside I was happy that she would be gone and that he would only have me left, I thought, this might be a chance for us to try out dating.







