
「故事·听力」I Made My Mom Choose Me Or My Stepdad

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

I Made My Mom Choose Me Or My Stepdad. She Chose Him!

Hi fellas! I’m Anthony. Recently, I finished ninth grade, but I'll never go to high school because my mom decided to send me to military school. And the worst thing is that she did it just to get rid of me.

You see, I know I'm just a burden to my mom. Since dad left us, mom has been miserable and unhappy, and I was just a reminder of the mistakes of the past. Plus, she couldn't have a new relationship because having a kid scared a lot of men away. She often went on dates and tried to build a relationship, but as soon as she said that she had a child, her boyfriend would disappear at the click of your fingers. Naturally, this upset my mother even more. So imagine how she glowed with happiness when she finally had a boyfriend who had serious intentions, and he was not afraid to take responsibility for a child, meaning me. At first, he came to our house occasionally for dinner, and he seemed like a normal guy. His name was Greg. He was a military man, and he had all the qualities of an officer. He had a loud commanding voice, was incredibly punctual, and he just loved discipline. My mother loved Greg very much, and she said that I could learn a lot from him. Well, one thing is to rarely communicate with a man like this, but it's a whole other thing when he lives with you, and you have nowhere to run from his control.

Yeah, soon Greg moved in with us, and our house saw a lot of changes. It all started slowly. At first, he just helped my mother and closely monitored the cleanliness of the house, but then he began to establish his own rules and started giving orders to me. He told me when I should go to sleep and when to wake up. And I didn't like this at all. I complained to my mother about it, but she took his side, and she said that some discipline would do me good. Then Greg started making me play sports. He made me get up at six in the morning and go for a run. Do I even have to say that I didn't want to do this at all? But my mother supported Greg again. You know, I thought she was just afraid to contradict him because she was afraid he would leave. So I fought him on my own. But all my arguments with him were unsuccessful. 
Once, during another run, I was left alone with him. He was probably tired of my constant protests against him, and he wanted to put an end to them. So Greg told me that I had to follow his orders without question and that he was now in charge of our house. And he demanded that I answer him as a soldier. He yelled at me and threatened me until I finally said, "Yes, sir." I thought that after that he was going to laugh like a villain in the movies. It was humiliating. And this disgusting man says he's in charge now? Oh no, man. I wasn't going to tolerate that. This man had established a dictatorship in our house, and mom wasn`t going to do anything about it.

Once, during another run, I was left alone with him. He was probably tired of my constant protests against him, and he wanted to put an end to them. So Greg told me that I had to follow his orders without question, and that he was now in charge of our house. And he demanded that I answer him as a soldier. He yelled at me and threatened me until I finally said, "Yes, sir." I thought that after that he was going to laugh like a villain in the movies. It was humiliating. And this disgusting man says he's in charge now? Oh no, man. I wasn't going to tolerate that. This man had established a dictatorship in our house, and mom wasn`t going to do anything about it.

Since then, his bullying became constant. Greg tried to restrain himself in front of my mother and not yell at me. But as soon as she left, he'd either ignored me or find a reason to punish me for something. The usual punishment was cleaning the already perfectly clean house. If I said something wrong at dinner, or just ate for too long, I was punished. And while mom and Greg watched TV, I washed the dishes and the kitchen completely. And it was better to agree to a light punishment. Because when I started arguing, I was kept under house arrest for days. And that didn't mean that I just sat at home and couldn't go out with my friends. Greg's version of house arrest is when he locked me in my room, took my phone, and turned off the internet. I could only go to the toilet and eat. Thank God he let me even do that.

Greg shouldn't have punished me like that, because I had a lot of time to figure out how to get back at him. And during another house arrest, I came up with a great revenge plan that would help me to get rid of him forever. To do that, I had to break up Greg and my mom.







