

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


The side of Instagram you're not meant to see

Daily Mail

Travellers flocking to a popular tourist hotspot in Thailand are paying the 'bird woman' to spook pigeons just so they can capture the perfect picture for Instagram. 

flock to

表示“成群结队地去,蜂拥而至”,英文解释为“if people flock to a place, they go there in large numbers because something interesting or exciting is happening there”举个🌰:

People have been flocking to the exhibition.



spook /spuːk/ 表示“使惊慌,惊吓”,英文解释为“to frighten someone”举个🌰:

I’m not easily spooked.


Chiang Mai's medieval Tha Pae Gate acts as a geographical boundary between the old and new city centre but its primary attraction for visitors are the hundreds of pigeons that dot the pavement.


熟词僻义,作动词表示“布满,星罗棋布于”,英文解释为“if an area is dotted with things, there are a lot of them there but they are spread far apart”举个🌰:

Poppies dotted the field.


Searching the location on Instagram will bring up plenty of pictures of people standing against the red brick wall with birds fluttering around them in a haze of grey. 


表示“振(翼),拍打(翅膀)”,英文解释为“if a bird or insect flutters, or if it flutters its wings, it flies by moving its wings lightly up and down”举个🌰:

A small bird fluttered past the window.


But those birds are a product of 30-year-old Noon and her white flag, which she waves for $1 tips to force the birds to fly for the photo shoot.

Twitter user @Siravariety shared a short clip of Noon in action, saying 'Because people want beautiful pictures a new job has emerged at Tha Phae Gate'.

A former maid, Noon collects between $1 and $1.50 for each photo she brings to life, with Chinese tourists her primary source of income.

Earning about $16 a day the extra money is helping to pay for her daughter's education.

This isn't the first time an 'Instagram'-inspired tourist attraction has been revealed to be a set up. 

A holidaymaker who visited Bali's popular 'Gates of Heaven' site previously revealed how her mind was 'blown' after she discovered the tourist destination was completely fake.

而另一个景点巴厘岛的「天堂之门(Gates of Heaven)」,两块巨石和天空倒映在如镜子一般平静的水面中,实际上是摄影师拿着一面镜子拍的(create an illusion of the reflection)...真实景点如右下图。

Sydney-based woman Cyla travelled two hours on the road from Ubud to Lempuyang Temple in May this year after seeing the mystical lake on social media.

Thousands of pictures on Instagram showcase travellers standing between the two stone monoliths in front of a reflective 'lake', posing as though they are standing above pristine water.


monolith /ˈmɒnəlɪθ/ 表示“(尤指先古时期竖立的)独块巨石”,英文解释为“A monolith is a very large, upright piece of stone, especially one that was put in place in ancient times.”


表示“能反光的”,英文解释为“a reflective surface reflects light”举个🌰:

Stick reflective tape on your school bag.


But when Cyla arrived at the hot spot, she said she was shocked to see the photographer sitting underneath an umbrella with a mirror placed under an iPhone to create an illusion of the reflection.

'I felt cheated. It was a ruse just to get people out there,' she told Daily Mail Australia.


表示“诡计;计策”,英文解释为“a trick intended to deceive someone”举个🌰:

It was just a ruse to distract her while his partner took the money.


'I understand it's an oldest temple and it's quite nice... but I found that all the people who drove out there were waiting in line for just this one photo... it all felt really fake.'

Not only that, the pressure to take a good photo was intense.

'We waited in line for an hour to see it. So many people were practising because you only get the chance to do five poses,' she said.

'We drove all this way and wait for all this time so there's a lot of pressure to take a good photo. I've seen people propose there too. It looks amazing but it's just not real.' 


熟词僻义,表示“(尤指正式地向某人)求婚”,英文解释为“to ask someone to marry you, especially in a formal way”举个🌰:

He proposed to me only six months after we met.


Her comments come after Fortune Magazine editor Polina Marinova took to Twitter to reveal how she was left 'shattered' by the discovery. 


表示“感到震惊难过的”,英文解释为“very shocked and upset”举个🌰:

I wasn’t just disappointed, I was absolutely shattered.


'Proof that Instagram influencers have ruined everything,' Ms Marinova posted on Twitter with comparison photos.

'My hopes and dreams were shattered when I found out the "water" at the Gates of Heaven is actually just a piece of glass under an iPhone.'

While those who have visited the temple would already know this, much of the internet were shocked by the revelation. 'This shatters my entire universe,' came one response.

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