

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

2002年,丘索维金娜(Oksana Chusovitina)的儿子阿廖沙被诊断患上白血病。为了给孩子治病,已经退役的丘索维金娜重新出山,转籍德国,代表德国出战2008年北京奥运会。她的无奈理由是,“一枚世锦赛金牌等于3000欧元的奖金”。(维基百科)


44-year-old gymnast has to wait to see if she qualified for Tokyo Olympics

USA Today

Oksana Chusovitina's age isn't her problem. Another number is.

The 44-year-old gymnast will have to wait until Saturday night to see if her all-around score will be good enough to get her a spot in the Tokyo Olympics. The top 20 women from countries that did not qualify a full team for the 2020 Games earn spots, and Chusovitina's score of 48.433 doesn’t even have her in the top 10 with eight qualifying sessions left.


等于all-round,表示“(运动员)全能的,多才多艺的”,英文解释为“good at doing many different things, especially sports”,如:an all-around athlete 全能运动员。

I will try not to be nervous,” she said through a translator Friday. “I will try to distract myself because I've already competed and everyone prepared how they prepared. For the next 24 hours, I will maybe go take a walk. I will not watch the competition and will not think about it.

“But I will peek into my phone sometimes,” she added, smiling.


表示“(尤指)偷看,窥视;匆匆看”,英文解释为“to look quickly at something, or to look at something from behind something else, especially something that you are not supposed to see”举个🌰:

Tom opened the box and peeked inside.


Chusovitina, from Uzbekistan, is a marvel of modern gymnastics. The sport prizes the flexibility and fearlessness of youth, and most gymnasts at these world championships are still teenagers. Not only is Chusovitina nearly three times their age, her 19-year-old son is older than some of them.


作动词,表示“青睐;珍视,高度重视”,英文解释为“to think that someone or something is very important or valuable”举个🌰:

Military figures made out of lead are prized by collectors.


Her first world championships was in 1991, so long ago that the daughter of one of her teammates on that Soviet squad has competed, won the Olympic all-around title and retired – nearly a decade ago.

Yet Chusovitina is not some aging diva who simply can't let go. She loves gymnastics, her body has held up and she’s still competitive. She made the vault finals at last year’s world championships and just missed being on the podium, finishing fourth.

the vault 跳马
the balance beam 平衡木

Why wouldn’t she keep going?“It doesn’t matter how old you are, it matters what you do,” Chusovitina said. “I just do it because this is what I love. And I always say if you do something, put your soul and your heart into it.

Tokyo would be the eighth consecutive Olympics for Chusovitina, who won a gold medal with the Soviet team in 1992 and a silver on vault 12 years later.


表示“连续的,不间断的”,英文解释为“numbers or periods of time follow one after the other without any interruptions”举个🌰:

It had rained for four consecutive days.


She had hoped to lock up a spot for Tokyo in one of two ways at these world championships: with one of those all-around spots or as one of the top vaulters. But she botched the landing of her second vault and had to put a hand down, a major deduction.


此处spot表示“(在排序表、比赛中的)位置;名次”,英文解释为“a position in a list of things or in a competition”,如:take the No. 3 spot / occupy the top spot举个🌰:

Manchester United are still in the top spot after today’s win.


此前「Financial Times」一篇报道快手的文章中就有这么一句:Kuaishou, which previously held the top spot and remains ByteDance's chief domestic rival, is plotting a comeback, according to co-founder Yang Yuanxi. 快手的联合创始人杨远熙表示,快手正在谋划重整再战。快手曾居于市场首位,目前仍是字节跳动在国内的主要竞争对手。



botch /bɒtʃ/ (up) 表示“笨拙地弄糟;使…糟糕”,英文解释为“to spoil sth by doing it badly”举个🌰:

He completely botched up the interview.


Then, on balance beam, she lost her footing during a flight series and had to jump off.


表示“(在危险表面上)站稳”,英文解释为“a firm hold with your feet when you are standing on a dangerous surface”,lose/miss your footing (=be unable to keep standing or balancing)失足,摔倒;未能站稳举个🌰:

The girl lost her footing and fell about 150 feet.


Let’s not talk about it,” she said of whether she should have watered down her vault. “I made a mistake and that’s it.

Chusovitina could still end up in Tokyo if she doesn't qualify here. But the methods are far more complicated and not necessarily within her control. 

Let’s not think about it,” she said. “Let’s think positive thoughts.

据NBC Sports最新介绍,此次在德国斯图加特(Stuttgart)的2019年世界体操锦标赛中,丘索维金娜无缘决赛。

Oksana Chusovitina, the 44-year-old Uzbek gymnast, failed in her first chance to qualify for an eighth Olympics after missing individual finals in Stuttgart.

Chusovitina, who has been competing at the senior elite level for 30 years, already holds the record for Olympic gymnastics appearances. Chusovitina can still qualify for Tokyo via other routes early next year.

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