
「故事·听力」I Found My House On Fire With My Dad Inside

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

I Found My House On Fire With My Dad Inside

Hello everyone. I'm Nick, and I'm 15 years old. After I lost my mom, I was hoping life wouldn't be a challenge for me anymore. But recently I was left alone on an island thousands of miles from home.

Of course, this wasn't a deserted island. These were paradise islands with perfect beaches, palm trees, and coconuts. I should have been happy there, but every day I just wanted to go home more and more. I missed my old life, and I wanted it back. But what made it even more painful was the realization that this was absolutely impossible. A year ago, our family went through hell. My mom was diagnosed with cancer. For months she struggled with the disease. She went to a lot of hospitals, but nothing could help her. Even with our support, she was getting worse and worse. And soon she was gone. It broke me and my dad into tiny little pieces. We mourned her for a long time. We were both depressed, and my father stayed in the house for weeks. 

On the contrary, I went to public places and wandered around the city. It helped to distract me from my grief. After a couple of months of life like this, my father's friends forced us to go to a psychologist, to fix our mental health. So we did. And after many sessions and conversations, the doctor suggested that we needed a change of scenery. Maybe to make cosmetic repair in the house, or move. Or to even live in another city for a while. It would help to distract us, and our grief would fade away quicker. My dad took this advice in stride and decided to move on. But he decided to not just live in another city, he wanted to fly to another country, thousands of miles away. I liked that idea, too. It was like we were going on an adventure. Besides, I was just finishing up my school year. So we didn't even hesitate for a second. Dad booked the tickets and we left the states.

And here we were in paradise. We rented a villa with a pool and an ocean view. I have to say it was beautiful. Every day I ate exotic fruits, swam in the ocean, and rode a scooter. For me, it was a resort, and all I did there was just have fun. But even the most interesting and cool things eventually get boring. I know you think I'm a fool for not appreciating this heavenly life. But believe me, after a month of this life, you'd get tired of it all too! Because the most important thing is human contact and communication. And that was the problem. My dad is a freelancer and he worked hard. So he spent all day at home on the computer. He didn't even walk with me. I became sad and lonely, and I began to want to go home really bad. But my father liked our new life, I think he was happy. So I endured my loneliness for him. I saw how bad he got when he was depressed, and I didn't want it to happen again. So I was just waiting for the end of the summer when we'd fly back and I would go back to school. But when the time came, my father said that he didn't want to leave. He liked it so much that he wanted to live there, and he was happy. And at home in America, there were only reminders of the death of his beloved wife waiting for him. But I had to go to school! And I missed my friends so much. So we came to a compromise. We agreed to spend another month there and then go home. I have to say, those were the longest days of my life. I just didn't have anything to do. So just like after the death of my mother, I began to visit public places when I was sad. I would take dad's scooter, and drive into town just to see how other people lived. And on one of those days, I thought that I lost my father forever.

Heavy rain started when I was in town. It was pouring so hard that in a few seconds my clothes were completely drenched. This was common in the rainy season, and I hoped that the sun would be out in a few minutes. But not this day. A strong wind started, and I could hear thunder in the distance. Obviously, there was going to be a very strong storm. The wind blew away the tents and umbrellas of the street vendors, and the rain beat on the roofs so hard that I could barely hear myself think. Suddenly I saw how the wind tore off pieces of house rooftops and carried them away. Then all the people realized that it was't just rain, and the streets began to panic. Someone tried to hide their belongings in their house, someone ran for cover. Thunder and lightning grew louder, and I became more afraid. I stood as if I was in a daze, wondering what I should do next. Suddenly I distinctly heard a cry, and it seemed to wake me up. I looked around and saw a little girl standing in the road and crying with fear. It looked like she couldn't find her parents.







