

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,韩国研究人员的一项最新研究表明,空气中PM10颗粒物,可在24小时内减少人头皮细胞中负责头发生长(hair growth)和固着(hair retention)的多种重要蛋白。并且污染浓度越高,特定蛋白减少越多(the greater the level of pollutant, the greater the decrease in proteins was found),导致脱发、秃头。

该研究成果发表在国际学术会议欧洲皮肤病与性病学会年会(the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV) Congress)上。


· 脱发/秃头:hair loss/ baldness/ hair-shedding/ alopecia

· 一缕头发 a strand of hair

· 头发稀疏 thinning hair

· 发际线后退 receding hairlines

· 护发相关:hair care/ hair nutrition, restoration and transplantation

· 头秃的主要原因:stress, insomnia and irregular living patterns/ irregular daily routines, staying up late and stress amid hectic schedules at work and pressure from a high cost of living in a metropolis

The Bald Facts: Air Pollution Could Be Causing Your Hair Loss

The HuffPost

Exposure to air pollution is linked to hair loss in humans, scientists say.

If you’re worried about your receding hairline and you live in a city, you might want to consider moving, as scientists have found exposure to high levels of air pollution may be linked to hair loss.

New research presented at the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV) Congress in Madrid found particulate matter (PM) – that is present in polluted air – could impact both hair growth and retention.


dermatology /,də:mə'tɔlədʒi/表示“皮肤学”,英文解释为“the scientific study of the skin and its diseases”;

venereology /vɪˌnɪərɪˈɒlədʒɪ/ 表示“性病学”,英文解释为“the part of medical science that involves studying and treating diseases that are spread through sexual activity”。

The team took cells, known as dermal papilla, from the base of hair follicles on the human scalp and then exposed them to the polluted air. They used various concentrations of PM10-like fine dust and diesel particulate extract (found naturally in areas with high use of vehicles).


表示“头皮”,英文解释为“the skin on the top of your head”举个🌰:

Massage the shampoo gently into your hair and scalp.



The dermal papilla (真皮乳头) is a type of human skin cell that is located just beneath the epidermis (表皮), or outermost layer, of the skin. This sort of cell typically protrudes up through the epidermis to make a small bump.

A hair follicle (毛囊) is a part of the skin, which grows a hair by packing old cells together.

Then, 24 hours later, they tested the samples to detect whether specific hair-growth proteins in the cells had changed at all.

Researchers found the presence of PM10 and diesel particulate decreased levels of the protein responsible for hair growth – beta-catenin – and morphogenesis.


还是个专业词汇,morphogenesis /,mɔ:fəu'dʒenisis/ 表示“形态发生,形态建成”,英文解释为“differentiation and growth of the structure of an organism (or a part of an organism)”。

Morphogenesis is the biological process that causes an organism to develop its shape. It is one of three fundamental aspects of developmental biology.

According to the study, the levels of three other proteins which are responsible for hair growth and hair retention – cyclin D1, cyclin E and CDK2 – were also decreased.

This meant that the greater the level of pollutant, the greater the decrease in proteins was found. This is one of the first studies to look at the link between pollution and baldness.

Hyuk Chul Kwon from the Future Science Research Centre in South Korea, said: “While the link between air pollution and serious diseases such as cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) are well established, there is little to no research on the effect of particulate matter exposure on the human skin, and hair in particular.

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 慢性阻塞性肺疾病
cardiovascular disease 心血管疾病

“Our research explains the mode of action of air pollutants on human follicle dermal papilla cells, showing how the most common air pollutants lead to hair loss.”

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