

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

Mother of Girl Who Drowned During Night Out Pleads for Answers

Sixth Tone

Police in southwestern China have denied classifying the drowning death of a 19-year-old student as an accident and have said the case is still under investigation, Shangyou News reported Monday.


作动词,表示“详细说明,详述”,英文解释为“to list things or give all the facts or information about something”举个🌰:

The report details the progress we have made over the last year.


On Sept. 8, Li — a sophomore at Kunming University of Science and Technology — went out with her roommate, surnamed Ren, and two of Ren's male friends, surnamed Li (no relation to the deceased) and Luo. According to the mother, Chen, this was the first time her daughter had met either of the two men. The group arrived at Redu Bar — their third stop that evening — at around 11 p.m. Three hours later, Li got into a taxi outside the bar, police said, only to exit the vehicle minutes later, run across the street, and jump into the nearby river. At around 3 a.m., police informed Chen that her daughter had “committed suicide while intoxicated.”


表示“中途停留(处)”,英文解释为“a time or place when you stop during a journey for a short time”举个🌰:

Our first stop was Hangzhou.


The taxi driver told The Paper, Sixth Tone's sister publication, that Li was silent and expressionless as she sat in the back of the vehicle for “two or three minutes” while the two men tried to persuade her to stay, sober up a bit, and leave with them later. He said Li abruptly exited the cab from the opposite side and “walked quickly” toward the river with the men in pursuit. The driver did not explicitly state to The Paper that Li threw herself into the river.


表示“(面孔或声音)无表情的,无感情的”,英文解释为“an expressionless face or voice does not show what someone thinks or feels”。

throw oneself into

throw yourself at/on/into/down etc表示“突然猛力地扑向/跳到/冲进/扑倒等”,英文解释为“to move or jump somewhere suddenly and with a lot of force”举个🌰:

He threw himself down onto the bed.


In a nearly three-minute clip Chen secretly recorded as she was being shown the full security footage and later posted on Weibo, Luo can be seen crouching over Li as she lays on a bench in the bar — which Chen says prompted Li's cousin to file a police report alleging that Li had been molested. In the same clip, Luo slaps Li twice across the face while the two others hold her.


crouch /kraʊtʃ/ 表示“蹲;蹲下;蹲伏”,英文解释为“to put your body close to the ground by bending your legs under you”;crouch over意思是“俯身接近”(to bend over sb/sth so that you are very close to them or it )举个🌰:

He crouched over the papers on his desk.



表示“对…性骚扰(尤指妇女或孩子)”,英文解释为“A person who molests someone, especially a woman or a child, interferes with them in a sexual way against their will.”举个🌰:

He was accused of sexually molesting a female colleague.


Li’s body was recovered from the river Sept. 11, and a preliminary forensics examination showed she had drowned without suffering external injuries. A full autopsy was conducted Oct. 13 at the request of Li’s mother, according to one of her Weibo posts. The deleted People's Daily article said the Panlong District police explained to Chen that, because her daughter's death was not being considered a criminal case, she would have to request an autopsy. 


表示“法医学”,英文解释为“the use of scientific tests to solve crimes”。


表示“尸体剖检,验尸”,英文解释为“an examination of a dead body to discover the cause of death”,如:an autopsy report 验尸报告。

In an interview with The Paper, the two men, Li and Luo, said Li Xincao was in an agitated state from 11 p.m. to 11:30 p.m., and that they had been trying to stop her from hurting herself. In a statement to police, Luo said he had been “comforting” Li as he crouched over her at the bar. According to multiple media outlets, the extended security footage — which has not been released to the public — showed Li throwing items from the table before her friends moved to stop her.


表示“紧张不安的,焦虑的”,英文解释为“so nervous or upset that you are unable to keep still or think calmly”举个🌰:

LR was getting visibly agitated.


The Panlong District police declined Sixth Tone's interview request. Multiple phone calls to Chen went unanswered, and the phone number listed for the bar had been switched off.

The case has gone viral on Chinese social media, inspiring several trending hashtags on Weibo. One hashtag translating to “Police classify Li Xincao's death as an accidental drowning” had been viewed nearly 900 million times before being deleted Monday evening.

Some online have accused the two men of becoming violent toward Li after she rejected their sexual advances. Luo, for his part, told police he had only slapped Li to sober her up after the others agreed she needed to be brought to her senses.

I hope justice and fairness will be served,” one netizen commented under a media post about the case. “Those who have erred must be punished.”


err /ɜː/ 表示“犯错误;做错事;出差错”,英文解释为“to make a mistake”举个🌰:

It criticizes the main contractor for seriously erring in its estimates.


补充:err on the side of sth

表示“过于;失之;宁可失之过于…(宁愿过于...也不冒险犯错)”(to be more careful or safe than is necessary, in order to make sure that nothing bad happens)  举个🌰:

It’s always best to err on the side of caution.


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