
女主播被批有小肚腩后回应:爱美食胜过爱体重 肥胖不可耻!

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26
近日,美国一位名为Tracy Hinson的天气播报员,在社交媒体上晒出一条网友的“恶评”,指出她在镜头前凸出的小肚腩。她回应称,自己爱美食,胜过爱体重。爱自己最重要,并且带上了#肥胖不羞耻 的话题。

Meteorologist calls out body-shamer: 'I will not be strapping myself into a girdle'


Tracy Hinson won't be giving up bread or pasta anytime soon.

As a meteorologist, Tracy Hinson has weathered all kinds of criticism.

call out

表示“批评…;要求…解释”,英文解释为“to criticize someone or ask them to explain their actions”举个🌰:

If he did anything wrong, I'd be the first to call him out on it.



熟词僻义,作动词,表示“经受住;平安度过(困境)”,英文解释为“to deal successfully with a difficult situation or a problem”举个🌰:

As a small new company they did well to weather the storm of objections to the scheme.


People will write in saying they don't like my voice or my looks,” Hinson, 28, told TODAY Style. “I try not to let it bother me.

Last week, the newscaster at KSDK in St. Louis, received some unsolicited advice from a woman named Mary.


表示“未经要求的;自发的;自我推荐的 ”,英文解释为“not asked for and sometimes not wanted”,unsolicited advice 主动提出的忠告。

“Do you ever watch yourself giving the weather report?” Mary wrote. “Seems that you need a girdle for the stomach overhang which shortens the front of your dress. Today was not the the first time I have noticed. Maybe you should wear a top that covers the bulge in your stomach.”


表示“(女子的)紧身褡”,英文解释为“a piece of women’s underwear which fits tightly around her stomach, bottom, and hips and makes her look thinner”;还有“腰带”的意思(a belt or thick string fastened around the waist to keep clothes in position)。

the stomach overhang

overhang,本义表示“(…上的)伸出物,外伸物,悬垂物;过剩(物);积压(物)”,英文解释为“the part of sth that sticks out over and above sth else;the state of being extra to what is required; the things that are extra”,the stomach overhang指代的就是“小肚腩”。


表示“(身体的)肥胖部位”,英文解释为“fat on the body that sticks out in a round shape”举个🌰:

That skirt's too tight. It shows all your bulges.


Though Hinson normally replies to trolls privately, she responded to Mary on Twitter and included a screenshot of her cruel note.


作为名词,原意指“(斯堪的纳维亚地区传说中的)山精,巨人,侏儒”(an imaginary, either very large or very small creature in traditional Scandinavian stories, that has magical powers and lives in mountains or caves);

此处用来指我们在互联网上所谓的“喷子,键盘侠”(在因特网上为吸引别人关注或捣乱)故意留下令人生气的帖子,英文解释为“someone who leaves an intentionally annoying message on the internet, in order to get attention or cause trouble”。

“Dear Mary, yes I do watch my air checks,” Hinson wrote. “NO I will not be strapping myself into a girdle because you don't like my belly. I like pasta, bread and cheese too much to obsess over my weight. I like my body and that's all that really matters.”


表示“用带子系(或捆、扎、扣)好”,英文解释为“to fasten sb/sth in place using a strap or straps”举个🌰:

She strapped the baby seat into the car.



表示“肚子;腹部”,英文解释为“The belly of a person or animal is their stomach or abdomen.”举个🌰:

She laid her hands on her swollen belly.


The message went viral with thousands of supportive comments. Many thanked Hinson for standing up to bullies.

As one woman wrote, "On behalf of this Mary (who needs more than a girdle to control her tummy), thanks for the awesome response. I've finally come to love my body and am so tired of the fat-shamers. You rock!!"


尤为儿语或对儿童说话时用,表示“胃;肚子”,英文解释为“the stomach or the area around the stomach”举个🌰:

Mum, my tummy hurts.


You rock!

口语表达,表示“你很酷!你很棒!你酷毙了!”,英文解释为“You rock is a slang phrase of praise or encouragement conveying You're awesome (at something) or You can do it! You rock is commonly used in speech and writing by diverse people to show strong and enthusiastic support for someone else.”,相反的就是You suck! 你太烂了!你太糟糕了!


You rock! can be used by itself as a positive exclamation, often as a colloquial way of telling someone thanks for a service or favor. It can also be used as part of longer expressions such as you rock my socks off or you rock my world. The phrase frequently specifies actions that a person is good at, as in you rock at playing guitar, or qualifications, as in you totally rock.

Hinson believes weather presenters are targeted more than anchors because they don't sit behind a desk. Though she noted that her fiancé, Garry Frank, who is a meteorologist in Kansas City, has never been trolled for his appearance.

I have no idea where the idea came from female meteorologists have to be models,” Hinson told TODAY. “I'm in this job because I’m a big nerd who loves science. I'm here for the storms.

· 隆起的肚子,小肚腩:the stomach overhang/ the bulge in your stomach/ her swollen belly

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