

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,演员江一燕在微博上晒出自己荣获美国建筑大师奖(Architecture MasterPrize, AMP)的“获奖感言”,引发网友热议。

Chinese actress winning AMP award sparks debate

China Daily

Jiang Yiyan, an actress from the Chinese mainland, aroused heated debate on social media platform Sina Weibo as news came out that she was awarded an Architecture MasterPrize (AMP) at a ceremony in Spain a few days ago.


The mission of the Architecture MasterPrize (AMP) is to advance the appreciation and exposure of quality architectural design worldwide. The AMP architecture award celebrates creativity and innovation in the fields of architectural design, landscape architecture, and interior design.

The Architecture MasterPrize was assembled by the Farmani Group, an organization curating and promoting art, design and architecture across the globe since 1985.

Some raised doubts about the veracity of the news, saying that she was awarded the prize in 2018 rather than this year and that such a prize is not the most significant globally in the architectural field.


表示“真实;真实性;诚实”,英文解释为“the quality of being true; the habit of telling the truth”举个🌰:

They questioned the veracity of her story.


Jiang indeed received notification of the award in 2018, but the organizer didn't hold an award ceremony until 2019 and both the 2018 and 2019 AMP winners were invited to attend.

Perhaps more controversial is the fact that Jiang is not the lead architect but member of the winning design team. In other words, she is the first party and owner of the building.


此处party表示“(契约或争论的)一方”,英文解释为“One of the people involved in a legal agreement or dispute can be referred to as a particular party.”the first party即为「甲方」,举个🌰:

It has to be proved that they are the guilty party.尚需证明他们是有过错的一方。

Jiang said in a video on the official website of Garbers & James Architectural Studio that in six years she met with five architects, and German architect Thore Garbers had a similar concept to hers.

Garbers & James官网还提到这么一句:The project takes reference and was inspired by Jiang Yiyan’s extensive travel and work experience in Africa.

The building, LJ VILLA, won the prize in architectural design/residential architecture with the lead architect Thore Garbers. Jiang was included in the design team.

The building (later renamed as LOVE JYY VILLA) won the prize for being "quite simply a world apart; a world of nature of its own," and because it "maximizes volumes of space that often flow into one another," according to the award's website.

Despite Jiang defending herself by stressing her dedication to architecture for several years, most netizens simply aren't buying it.


熟词僻义,表示“相信(尤指不大可能的事)”,英文解释为“to believe that sth is true, especially sth that is not very likely”举个🌰:

You could say you were ill but I don't think they'd buy it (= accept the explanation) .


She also expressed her dissatisfaction with the online criticism, which she thought was unfair and simply an outlet for jealousy.

Irritated by her remarks, many Sina Weibo users posted comments under Jiang's account. Some said she should spend more time and energy as an actress instead of stepping into other fields. Others complained she got the award too easily.

Many students majoring in architecture said they felt humiliated and angry because they have spent days and nights on their studies but couldn't get the quick success Jiang did.

Born in 1983 in Shaoxing, Jiang graduated from the Beijing Film Academy and became renowned among Chinese audiences after she took a leading role in 24-episode TV series We Have Nowhere to Place Youth(我们无处安放的青春), broadcasted in 2007.

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