
“真香”再升级:苹果AirPods Pro来了。

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26
2019年10月29日凌晨,苹果在官网悄悄上线了AirPods Pro。

Apple Bets on New $249 AirPods Pro Amid Weak iPhone Sales

The Wall Street Journal

Apple is introducing a high-end version of its AirPods wireless earbuds with a new design and noise cancellation, as the tech giant looks to broaden its offering of wearable products amid lackluster iPhone sales.

noise cancellation 噪声消除/降噪


表示“耳塞,耳塞式耳机,微型耳机”,英文解释为“very small headphones that you wear in your ears”。


表示“缺乏生气的,懒洋洋的;无精打采的;无生气的”,英文解释为“without energy and effort”举个🌰:

Britain's number-one tennis player gave a disappointingly lacklustre performance.


AirPods have emerged as one of Apple's most successful new products. Sales of the devices rose an estimated 70% in the quarter ended in June to about $2 billion, according to Bernstein Research, helping the company offset its flagging iPhone business and deliver revenue growth for the first quarter of its 2019 fiscal year.


作动词,表示“抵消;弥补;补偿”,英文解释为“to use one cost, payment or situation in order to cancel or reduce the effect of another”举个🌰:

Prices have risen in order to offset the increased cost of materials.


The addition of a Pro line of AirPods, which cost $249, follows in the company's tradition of offering a high-end, pricier model of a core product—featuring more bells-and-whistles—and a lower-priced, entry-level version with fewer features. Apple offers Pro versions of its Mac computer, iPad tablets and iPhone lines. The new earbuds are the first Pro offering of a wearable device.


熟词僻义,表示“(商品的)类,类别”,英文解释为“a range of similar things that are for sale”举个🌰:

There are discounts on many items from our older lines.



表示“华丽的点缀,花里胡哨的东西;华而不实的点缀品”,英文解释为“special features that are added to a product or system to attract more buyers”举个🌰:

Manufacturers still build luxury cars with all the bells and whistles.


The popularity of wireless earbuds has driven Apple rivals to offer their own versions. Microsoft this month said it would sell such devices . Alphabet's Google also said it would introduce wireless earbuds due out next year.

The new AirPods are available to order now and can be purchased at Apple stores starting Oct. 30.

The new model lifts the average-selling price of AirPods 27% to $202. When Apple first introduced AirPods in 2016 they were priced at $159. The increase is the latest example of Apple raising the average price of a product as it tries to maintain sales growth amid a decline in unit sales of the iPhone, which still accounts for more than half of total revenue. It previously used the pricing strategy with the iPhone, iPad and Mac.

Apple's iPhone sales fell 15% to $109.02 billion through the first three quarters of fiscal 2019 ended in June. The introduction of the iPhone 11 should help arrest that slide, analysts say, when Apple, the largest publicly traded company, reports earnings Wednesday.


表示“阻止;抑制”,英文解释为“to stop or interrupt the development of something”举个🌰:

They failed to arrest the company's decline.



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