
女乘客飞机驾驶舱“打卡” 涉事机长被终身停飞!

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


今天,桂林航空(Air Guilin)官方发布通报,涉事机长被终身停飞、相关机组成员被停飞12个月,桂林航空的董事长、总经理、维修副总经理、原安全总监、飞行部总经理等多名高层也被处分及扣罚工资。

Chinese pilot grounded after photo of woman in cockpit sparks outrage


Chinese pilot has been grounded after a photo of a woman sitting in an airplane cockpit emerged on social media, sparking outrage over a breach of safety rules.


熟词僻义,此处作动词,表示“使停飞;阻止…起飞”,英文解释为“prohibit or prevent (a pilot or an aircraft) from flying”举个🌰:

The civil aviation minister ordered all the planes to be grounded.


此前在埃航坠机波音再受质疑一文中,就有出现:The Civil Aviation Administration of China then issued an order for the mandatory grounding of Boeing 737 Max planes by Chinese carriers. 中国民用航空局随后发布命令,要求中国航空公司强制停飞波音737 Max 8。

此处的grounding就表示“飞机停飞”,英文解释为“the process of officially stopping an aircraft from flying, especially because it is not safe to fly”。

BBC的报道中“停飞”,则直接说的是be banned from flying. 原句:A Chinese pilot has been banned from flying after a photo went viral showing a female passenger in the cockpit.


表示“(飞机、船或赛车的)驾驶舱,驾驶座”,英文解释为“the area in a plane, boat or racing car where the pilot or driver sits”。

The photo, posted by the woman on the Twitter-like Weibo social network, showed her taking the pilot's seat and making a V-sign while wearing civilian clothes.

"[I am] super thankful to the pilot! I am really so excited," the caption read.


The photo was spotted by a Chinese aviation blogger on Sunday. The blogger identified that the image was taken on an Air Guilin plane mid-flight, and criticized the airline for disregarding flight safety. The woman has since deleted the original photo on her Weibo account.


表示“不理会;不顾;漠视;对…置之不理”,英文解释为“to not consider sth; to treat sth as unimportant”举个🌰:

Safety rules were disregarded.


The photo went viral by the time it had been taken down. The aviation blogger's post about the image currently has 22,000 likes.

Air Guilin confirmed that the incident took place during a flight from the southern city of Guilin to Yangzhou, eastern China on January 4.

In a statement on Monday, the airline said it had suspended the unnamed pilot from flying duties "for life" for violating civil aviation rules, while other members of the flight crew had been banned indefinitely, pending further investigation.


表示“等到…之后;直到…时为止”,英文解释为“used to say that one thing must wait until another thing happens”举个🌰:

The identity of the four people was not made public, pending (the) notification of relatives.


Flights were suspended pending (an) investigation of the crash.


The carrier said it had always placed the safety of its passengers as its top priority, and reiterated it had a "zero tolerance policy towards any unprofessional and improper acts that could endanger air safety."


"We will enhance our rigorous safety guidelines, to avoid incidents like this from happening again," the statement said.


A company representative told state media outlet Beijing Youth Daily that every carrier has its own rules and, if the pilot decides to apply for jobs with other airlines, it'd be up to other carriers to decide whether or not to hire him.

Meanwhile, the photo sparked outrage on Chinese social media.

"This is putting passengers' lives in the entire aircraft at risk," one user commented. Another asked: "How can an aviation professional not understand the basics of air safety?"

The woman was identified as a student taking a flight attendant course at the Guilin Tourism University, according to the state-run People's Daily. It is unclear whether she is personally connected to the pilot.

flight attendant

表示“(客机的)乘务员;空乘人员”,英文解释为“a person whose job is to serve and take care of passengers on an aircraft”。

This is not the first time that pilots have violated air safety rules in China by inviting guests into the cockpit mid-flight.

In 2018, a pilot received a six-month suspension after he was found to have invited his wife into the cockpit three times during a Donghai Airlines flight, People's Daily reported.

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