
「故事·听力」I Took Revenge On My Ex By Stealing His Money

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

I Took Revenge On My Ex By Stealing His Money. In Your Face!

Hey, guys. I want to tell you how I came up with a plan to get back at my boyfriend, but it all went wrong, and I was left all alone in a big city that scared the crap out of me. Now I regret it more than anything.

My name is Helen, I'm 16 years old, and I'm a student. I like studying, I have a lot of friends at school, and I've been dating an amazing boyfriend for a couple months. The only thing that made me uncomfortable was that my parents weren't doing so well. My dad lost his business and we didn't have much money. Dad always said he wanted to start over and that everything would be fine, but he needed a lot of money to do it. How ironic, right? We barely had enough money to live on, and it had a big impact on our relationship. My parents were always fighting about it. Dad was very stubborn, and at some point, my mother got tired of it, and they decided to divorce. I don't know if this was a good decision or not, but life has not become easier for any of us. The problem remained the same - we had very little money. And, unexpectedly for me, it affected my relationships as well.

Max and I were just getting started, and we were having this romantic period of endless dates, movies, and gifts. But the fact is that, for all this, you need money! And I couldn't let Max pay for me everywhere we went, it wouldn't be nice. I tried to hide my lack of money from Max, and I kept making excuses. So every time my boyfriend called me to meet him at a cafe, I immediately did the math in my head: "OK, I'll get a coffee and a slice of cake, plus a tip, that'll be 15 bucks, and if he offers to go to the movies, I'll say I have a lot of homework to do, and we'll go home." And I did this every time! Max was from a wealthy family, and trips to cafes and restaurants were regular things for him. At some point, I started to fear that he would leave me because I was too poor for him. I've seen how money affects relationships through my parents, and I didn't want that to happen to me. Every time I had to give up something because I didn't have the money to do it, Max would get really upset. Plus, he was a really nice guy, and he could have easily found another girl. And it made me jealous. And I wasn't just worried. Other girls were always paying attention to him, and we had unpleasant conversations about it. Gradually, I began to notice that our relationship was deteriorating, and there was nothing I could do about it. And pretty soon Max got tired of my constant refusals to spend time together.

Our teacher told us that our class had the opportunity to go to New York for a few days. It was amazing news. Imagine how cool it would be to go there together, and have a good time. We were both very enthusiastic and we talked about it all day. Max said it was a dream trip, and that we should definitely go. I also had a lot of enthusiasm about it, but I knew that when I asked my mother for money, I would get a negative answer. So that was that. I needed about two hundred dollars for the whole trip, but that amount was too much for my mom, and she said that unfortunately, I would have to stay home. I was very upset at the time, but I was even more sad after talking to Max. I had to come up with another excuse, but he expected too much from the trip already, and I ruined his dream. That was our last conversation. He said we didn't need a relationship if we couldn't spend time together, and we broke up. At first I was sad about it, but then I started to get angry. It's just not fair that he dumped me. It's not my fault I can't afford the damn trip! That's a lot of money, after all! But then something happened at school that just pissed me off.

We had a regular class, and I sat there pretending to listen, but my mind was elsewhere. I tried to take my mind off Max, but it was hard because he was sitting right in front of me. I saw him constantly exchanging glances with Sarah, who was sitting at the other end of the class. They chatted, and quietly laughed. Oh, you scoundrels! We just broke up yesterday, and he's already texting another girl. I knew that Sarah had liked Max for a long time, but I hadn't expected him to reciprocate so quickly. At that moment I was so angry that I decided to get revenge on him. While everyone was in gym class, I slipped into the locker room, opened his locker, and took the keychain that I made for him. He didn't deserve this gift. But then I saw his wallet. Look, I would never have done this under normal circumstances, but I was really angry at the time, and I came up with a plan.







