
「故事·听力」My Parents Left Me With An Adult Man Alone For A Week

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

My Parents Left Me With An Adult Man Alone For A Week. Awkward!

Hello everyone. I'm Rachel. I'm 15 years old. Recently I learned that my whole life has been a lie. It was an accident, and now I'm not even sure if I can handle the truth. I wish this hadn't happened at all.

My family is a little unusual. I have a mom, a dad, and an uncle Doug. The thing is, I just call him that. He's not really related to us, he's just a very close family friend. Doug has been with us for as long as I can remember. He walked with us, came to dinner almost every day, he was with us on all the holidays, whether it was my birthday, Christmas, or Thanksgiving, and he was present at all the important moments in my entire life. Yes, he was very close to our family. He had been my father's best friend since high school, and their friendship not only overcame many years, they also went through many tough times together. He was like a brother to my dad. So I could really call him my uncle. But my relationship with him wasn't as good as my parents'. I mean, he's a good man, and it's cool that my mom and dad have a friend like that, but he's always seemed a little weird to me.

Since childhood. It was just like he was taking care of me too much, and it was weird. For example, when I was younger, he sometimes picked me up from school, and I had to explain to my classmates that he was not my second dad, but my uncle Doug. Also, my parents often asked him to babysit me. Mom and dad would go to dinner at a restaurant. They wouldn't take me with them, so that I wouldn't ruin the romance, and they'd ask Doug to look after me. These evenings were full of awkward conversations because we couldn't find common ground. But it was OK. At some point, my parents realized that I could be left with my uncle for longer. They went on vacation without me several times, and I had to stay with Doug for like a week. 

Needless to say, I didn't like it. I know he was close to our family, but it was still weird when my parents left me with a stranger. Okay, I couldn't go on vacation with my parents because I had to go to school. But they could've safely left me alone at home! I wouldn't do anything wrong! And after another week of living at Doug's house, something happened that turned our family's life upside down.

I was at school, and I really wanted to go home, because I knew that my parents were returning home that night. I was impatient, so I decided to skip class in the middle of the day, get my stuff from my uncle's house, and run home to meet my mom and dad. But what I saw at Doug's house caused me such a storm of emotions that I wanted to scream, fight, and cry at the same time. I wanted to stop by as quickly as possible so I wouldn't have to waste time talking to Doug. I ran into the house and immediately stopped in confusion. My mom was standing in the kitchen making out with my uncle. They panicked and started making excuses and said that this is not what I thought it was. But I was old enough to understand everything. It was clear that my mom was cheating on my dad! They started asking me to not tell my father about it, but I wasn't going to keep their dirty secret. I told them to come to us immediately and confess everything, otherwise I'd tell my dad everything myself. Then I ran out of the house, and I tried to put my thoughts together. I didn`t expect such an emotional blow. I was walking home scared, and I couldn't stop thinking about what would happen next?

When I got home, dad kept asking me why I was so worried. Apparently, I still could not calm myself down after what I had seen. But 15 minutes later, mom and Doug arrived, and we had a serious conversation. I just couldn't even look at my mother. How could she do that? How long had it been going on? At least she had the courage to come clean. But that didn't make it any easier, after all. This information was a huge blow to my dad. I saw his face, and I can't even imagine how he felt then. It's just awful to find out your wife is cheating on you with your best childhood friend. Naturally, my father was furious. He shouted, swore, and threatened them. He wanted to kick them out of our house, take me away, and never see them again. But suddenly, mom blurted out another dose of information. And this time there was no outcry or anger. Dad and I stood there, and our mouths were hanging open with surprise. Mom said dad couldn`t take me away, because he was not my real father. Even when I say it now, my blood runs cold. I thought she was lying because that's impossible, but then mom tried to explain everything.







