

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,据外媒报道,93岁的英国女王伊丽莎白二世(Queen Elizabeth II),或于2021年(95岁时)退休,由长子查尔斯(Prince Charles)担任摄政王。

近年来,英国女王已逐渐减少公务活动次数,退休传闻已经不是第一次出现。自1952年2月6日即位,1953年6月2日加冕以来,伊丽莎白二世(Queen Elizabeth II)已经在位60余年,是目前英国历史上在位时间最长的君主。

Queen Elizabeth may soon retire to hand ‘reigns’ to Prince Charles

New York Post

Queen Elizabeth II is apparently considering retiring in about 18 months so her son, Prince Charles, can assume the throne, reports in the UK said Wednesday.

The 93-year-old monarch is weighing stepping down around her 95th birthday, the same age that her husband, Prince Philip, withdrew from his royal duties, sources told the UK's Express.


表示“承担(责任);担任,就(职);取得(权力);呈现,具有”,英文解释为“to take or begin to have responsibility or control, sometimes without the right to do so, or to begin to have a characteristic”举个🌰:

The new president assumes office at midnight tonight.



表示“王位;王权;帝位”,英文解释为“the position of being a king or queen”举个🌰:

Queen Elizabeth came/succeeded to the throne in 1952.



monarch /ˈmɒnək/表示“君主”,英文解释为“The monarch of a country is the king, queen, emperor, or empress.”


weigh/ weigh up,表示“仔细考虑;权衡;掂量”,英文解释为“to carefully consider, especially by comparing facts or possibilities, in order to make a decision”,权衡利弊 weigh up the pros and cons = consider the advantages and disadvantages of sth,举个🌰:

I weighed the benefits of the plan against the risks involved.


Her Majesty is mindful of her age and wants to make sure when the time comes, the transition of the Crown is seamless,” a former senior member of the royal household told the outlet.

“I understand the queen has given the matter considerable thought and believes that, if she is still alive at 95, she will seriously consider passing the reign to Charles.”

Her Majesty

Majesty表示“(对国王、女王或王后的尊称)陛下”,英文解释为“the title used to speak to or about a king or queen  I was invited to tea with Her Majesty th”举个🌰:

I was invited to tea with Her Majesty the Queen.


The performance begins at eight o'clock, (Your) Majesty.


the Crown

表示“王权,君权;王国政府”,英文解释为“the royal governing power of a country that has a king or queen”,如:a minister of the Crown 王国政府的一位大臣。

crown作名词本身即表示“皇冠;王冠;冠”(A crown is a circular ornament, usually made of gold and jewels, which a king or queen wears on their head at official ceremonies. You can also use crown to refer to anything circular that is worn on someone's head.)

crown作动词时,则可以表示“为…加冕;立…为君主”(to put a crown on someone's head in an official ceremony that makes that person king or queen)举个🌰:

Queen Elizabeth II was crowned (queen) (= made queen in a special ceremony) in 1953.



coronation /ˌkɒrəˈneɪʃən/表示“加冕典礼,加冕”(a ceremony at which a person is made king or queen)。

1953. Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II: 'The Crowning Ceremony'


表示“顺利的;连续的”,英文解释为“happening without any sudden changes, interruption, or difficulty”举个🌰:

The intention is to achieve a seamless transition with a continuity of management.


seamless本身含义是“无缝的”(without any seams (= lines of sewing joining different pieces of cloth)),如:a seamless garment 无缝衣服。


作名词时,表示“君主统治时期;任期;为王,为君;当政;统治”,英文解释为“the period of time when a king or queen rules a country;a period when a particular person, feeling, or quality is very important or has a strong influence”,如:in/during the reign of Charles II 在查理二世统治期间。

The Sun also reported that there was “renewed talk” behind palace walls about the Queen stepping down when she turns 95.

“Planning for Charles to become king has been going on for some time,” a royal source told the outlet. “A transition is plainly already underway.”

The queen — the world's longest-reigning current monarch — won’t be able to officially retire without abdicating her throne, according to royal succession rules.


表示“退位”,英文解释为“If a king or queen abdicates, he or she gives up being king or queen.”举个🌰:

The last French king was Louis Philippe, who abdicated in 1848.

最后一位法国国王是路易斯·菲利普, 退位于1848年。

But she would be able to stop all of her royal duties if her health were to become a concern.

In that case, a regent, most likely her heir, 71-year-old Charles, would step in as a placeholder, Express reported.


表示“摄政者;摄政王”,英文解释为“a person who rules a country because the king or queen is too young, old, ill/sick, etc.”


heir /ɛə/ 表示“继承人;后嗣”,英文解释为“a person who will legally receive money, property, or a title from another person, especially an older member of the same family, when that other person dies”,注意,单数时,heir前用an,而不是a.

类似的还有:heiress“女继承人,嗣女”(a woman or girl who will receive or already has received a lot of money, property, or a title from another person, especially an older member of the same family, when that person dies)

The Prince of Wales has stepped in for the queen in recent years, as she's gradually cut back her official engagements.

He also reportedly played a key role in dealing with the fallout from his brother Prince Andrew's train-wreck interview about his friendship with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

cut back

表示“减少,削减,缩减”,英文解释为“to spend less, do less, or use less of something”举个🌰:

If exercise is causing you pain, you should cut back.



表示“完全失败;极为糟糕”,英文解释为“something that fails completely or goes extremely badly”,train wreck也可以直接作为名词短语,举个🌰:

The movie was a train wreck.


有点像我们常说的,“翻车”,类似的也可以用car crash,举个🌰:

At that time my private life was a car crash.


注:此前安德鲁王子(Prince Andrew)遭到性侵指控。11月14日,他接受BBC采访时进行否认,结果“越描越黑”。

Even though Charles was in New Zealand at the time, he reportedly insisted that “Andrew has got to go … it is the only way,” in phone conversations with their mom.

“The scandal surrounding Andrew and Epstein gave Charles an opportunity to step in to show that he can run The Firm,” a source told The Sun.

“No one is bigger than the institution of the Royal Family. Not even Andrew, the Queen's favorite son,” the source said. “Charles recognized that and acted decisively — like the king he may well soon be.”

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