

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

@LearnAndRecord 的同名微博,每天都会更新一些英语习语英语陷阱中华思想文化术语中国特色话语翻译词条,以及视频听写等等内容供大家学习&记录,帮助大家把刷微博的零碎时间充分利用起来,欢迎各种打卡~

令我们震惊且悲痛万分,至今无法接受!We are very shocked and saddened and even until now find it impossible to accept.
在节目录制过程中昏厥 fainted during the recording;
参演节目的安全问题引发关注come under scrutiny for the lack of safety for its participants;
在录制综艺节目的过程中猝死collapse during the filming of a reality TV show;
参赛嘉宾guest contestant;
现场医护人员on-site medical staff;
心源性猝死 sudden cardiac arrest;
中国年轻观众的偶像a nationwide sensation with young Chinese viewers

【网易前员工发文称企业“暴力裁员” 公司回应:我们错了】
被保安强行驱赶being violently frog-marched by security guards;
被主管强迫辞职forced by his supervisor to resign;
迟迟不给予他应得的赔偿withhold severance compensation to which he was legally entitled; 绩效考核结果为D  D-level performance rating;
被诊断为扩张型心肌病diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy;
游戏策划game planner

我国将在2022年前后完成空间站建造并开始运营。China plans to complete the construction of a space station and have it put into operation around 2022.
规模为100吨 designed to weigh 100 tons;
可载3人accommodate three astronauts;
独立掌握近地空间长期载人飞行技术independently master the technology for long-term manned flight in near-Earth space;
长期开展近地空间有人参与科学实验carry out long-term manned scientific experiments in near-Earth space

用于治疗套细胞淋巴瘤的胶囊capsules for treatment of mantle cell lymphoma;
既往接受过至少一项疗法receiving at least one prior therapy;
中国制药企业China-based drugmaker;
加速批准accelerated approval;
罕见病rare diseases;
临床试验clinical trials;
新药 novel drugs

港澳企业家、收藏家何鸿燊将一尊马首铜像捐赠给国家文物局。A bronze horse-head statue was donated by Macao-based tycoon and collector Stanley Ho Hung-sun to the National Cultural Heritage Administration.
当时十二生肖兽首喷泉依每日对应时辰顺序喷水,唯中天午时十二喷泉同时喷涌。These animal-head taps took turns to spray water during different hours within a day, but a salvo would happen only at noon.
文化遗产cultural relics;
皇室园林imperial resort;
兽首雕像animal-head statue;
在浩劫中流到国外taken abroad in the havoc;
民族屈辱national stigma

欧盟委员会正式批准抗埃博拉病毒疫苗“Ervebo”上市。The European Commission granted marketing authorization to Merck’s vaccine, known as Ervebo.
这是一个历史性的里程碑,也是科学、创新和公私合作力量的证明。It is a historic milestone and a testament to the power of science, innovation and public-private partnership.
埃博拉疫苗Ebola vaccine;
临床试验 a clinical trial;
监管机构regulatory agency;
传染病infectious disease;
体温body temperature;
血管blood vessel;
免疫系统immune system

1分36秒破百亿元sales hit 10 billion yuan in just 1minute 36 seconds;
众星云集的倒计时晚会a star-studded countdown gala celebration;
随着竞争加剧,阿里巴巴正在探索促进销售和留住用户的新策略。As competition intensifies, Alibaba is searching for fresh ideas to drive sales and keep users hooked to its sites.
成交额gross merchandise volume;
购物盛宴shopping bonanza;
刺激购物需求spur consumption demands;
限量版产品limited-edition products;
犒劳自己的一天a day to treat yourself;
之所以叫“光棍节”是因为日期里四个1连写让人联想到“光棍”。The festival’s name originates from the calendar date 11/11, with the four ones referencing being single

前冬季奥运会冠军former Winter Olympic champion;
世界反兴奋剂机构 World Anti-Doping Agency;
短道速滑比赛short track speedskating events;
国际社会的认可international society’s recognition

正式启动6G技术研发工作officially launching the 6G technology research and development;
处于探索阶段in an exploratory stage;
关键指标和应用场景还未有统一的定义。Key indicators and application scenarios have not been uniformly defined.
5G商用 5G commercialization;
移动运营商telecom operators

飞行期间允许女乘客进入驾驶舱allow a female passenger in the cockpit during a flight;
被终身停飞be suspended for life ;
与民航局沟通建议吊销机长的飞行执照suggest the civil aviation authority revoke the pilot's license;
涉事机组人员受到停飞12个月的处分。 On-duty crew members were suspended from flying for 12 months

【第二届中国国际进口博览会今日开幕  23项在首届进博会期间达成的合作事项已办结】
顺应各国人民对美好生活的向往meet the common aspirations of people around the world to live a better life;
加强国际合作intensify international cooperation;
进入广阔的中国市场access the vast Chinese market;
第二届中国国际进口博览会the Second China International Import Expo

中国自主研发的阿尔茨海默药物获批上市,填补了过去17年来AD治疗领域的空白。China’s self-developed drug for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) has been greenlighted for sales, filling a 17-year blank in this field.
改善轻度至中度阿尔茨海默病患者的认知功能improve cognitive function in mild-to-moderate AD patients;
药理机制pharmacological mechanism;
心血管疾病和恶性肿瘤cardiovascular diseases and malignant tumors













