
黑五网购破纪录 线下抢购场面堪比_____

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

和“双十一”一样,国外一年一度的购物狂欢节“黑色星期五”(Black Friday)也来袭了。据统计,今年黑五购物节,美国消费者在网上花费了74亿美元,创下了有史以来最高纪录。

Black Friday pulls in a record $7.4 billion in online sales, as many turn to mobile orders


This year's Black Friday shaped up to be the biggest yet. Americans spent $7.4 billion online on Black Friday and $4.2 billion on Thanksgiving Day.

shape up

1)表示“开始形成;酝酿;进展;发展”,英文解释为“If something is shaping up, it is starting to develop or seems likely to happen.”举个🌰:

The accident is already shaping up as a significant environmental disaster.


2)表示“合理行事;好好表现;表现变好”,英文解释为“If you tell someone to shape up, you are telling them to start behaving in a sensible and responsible way.”举个🌰:

I've been told that if I don't shape up, I'll lose my job.



shape up or ship out!

表示“好好干,要不就走人;不改进就解雇你!”(said to tell someone that they must improve their performance or behaviour or they will have to leave)

With Thanksgiving landing six days later than last year, retailers amped up their advertising and served up deep discounts on items such as appliances, sporting goods, televisions, consumers and toys, according to Adobe Analytics.

"We've got a shorter holiday selling season," Jason Woosley, Adobe's vice president of commerce product and platform, told CNN Business earlier this week. "That's creating a compression effect."

amp sth up

表示“放大,增强”,英文解释为“to make something stronger, more extreme, or more exciting”。


表示“(常为用电的)家用器械”,英文解释为“An appliance is a device or machine in your home that you use to do a job such as cleaning or cooking. Appliances are often electrical.”举个🌰:

He could also learn to use the vacuum cleaner, the washing machine and other household appliances.


Consumers spent $11.6 billion online over the two days. Friday was also the biggest day ever for mobile sales, as $2.9 billion came from smartphones. People are getting more comfortable with buying online and on smaller screens.

As the cyber weekend continues, Small Business Saturday, a day to support smaller retailers, had pulled in $470 million, as of 9 am ET.

Small Business Saturday

“小商业星期六”感恩节过后的周六。Small Business Saturday is an American shopping holiday held during the Saturday after US Thanksgiving during one of the busiest shopping periods of the year. This Saturday is always the last one in November, so falls between November 24 and November 30.

Cyber Monday is a marketing term for the Monday after the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States. It was created by retailers to encourage people to shop online. 网络星期一是美国感恩节假期后的一项常年促销项目。

And the shopping sprees are far from over, giving a boost to retailers. Cyber Monday is poised to be even bigger. Adobe is projecting $9.4 billion in online sales. It anticipates that the last few hours of Cyber Monday will attract a lot of sales from people unwilling to miss out on deals.

shopping spree

这届90后最“秃”出:假发套成交数排第一一文中提到双十一购物狂欢节就是用的the shopping spree,spree表示“玩乐,作乐;纵乐”,英文解释为“a short period of time that you spend doing one particular activity that you enjoy, but often too much of it举个🌰:

I went on a drinking/shopping/spending spree on Monday.


be poised to

表示“准备就绪的”,英文解释为“ready to do a particular thing at any moment”举个🌰:

The company is poised to launch its new advertising campaign.


Woosley estimates that consumers will spend $29 billion online between Thursday and Monday. That five-day "Cyber Week" period should account for a 20% chunk of the $143.8 billion in online sales Adobe predicted for this holiday season.

The most-popular items being tossed into the virtual carts included Frozen 2, NERF, and Paw Patrol toys; video games "FIFA 20," "Madden 20," and Nintendo Switch; and electronics including Apple laptops, AirPods and Samsung TVs, according to Adobe.


表示“一部分;(尤指)大部分,一大块;相当大的量”,英文解释为“a fairly large amount of sth”,如:a chunk of text 一大段文字,a substantial chunk of our profits 我们利润的很大一部分,举个🌰:

I've already written a fair chunk of the article.


Retail sales at brick-and-mortar stores are expected to grow 2% in November and 6% in December, thanks to favorable weather and a "year-end surge" in disposable income," according to IBM, which utilizes artificial intelligence to analyze US Census and retail data.

In New York, on Black Friday, customers crowded brick-and-mortar shops, even as many ordered online and picked up purchases in stores — a way to bypass long checkout lines.


字面意思就是砖头和水泥,砖头加水泥模式,指的是传统的实体店的模式,与在线销售/网店模式相对,英文解释为“existing as a physical building, especially a shop, rather than doing business only on the internet”。

disposable income

表示“个人净收入,可支配收入”,英文解释为“the money a person has available to spend after paying taxes, pension contributions, etc”。


动词,表示“绕过;避开”,英文解释为“to go around or avoid a place”举个🌰:

A new road now bypasses the town.


Buying online and picking up in store transactions grew 43.2% this year, meaning retailers have been able to connect their offline and online operations, Adobe said.

* 线上下单,线下提货/线上订购,线下提货

order online and pick up purchases in stores

Buying online and picking up in store (transaction)

Even more were shopping online and on smartphones. While the streets around New York City shopping districts looked tame enough, stores like Japanese retailer Uniqlo and Israeli brand Adika that offered steep discounts saw packed crowds with little room to maneuver.


表示“平淡无奇的;枯燥乏味的”,英文解释为“not interesting or exciting”举个🌰:

It was a tame film in comparison to some that she's made.



上文中用的是deep discount,此处用了steep discount,都是表示折扣力度较大,a large or greater than usual reduction in price.


英式 manoeuvre /məˈnuːvə/ 美式 maneuver /məˈnuːvə/,此处作动词,表示“(使谨慎或熟练地)移动,运动;转动”,英文解释为“to move or turn skilfully or carefully; to move or turn sth skilfully or carefully举个🌰:

There was very little room to maneuver.


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「彭博社」外媒看双十一They’re meaningless.



「听力」双十一Dollars or data?

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