
「故事·听力」My Bf Secretly Stalked Me For Months

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

My Bf Secretly Stalked Me For Months Before We Started Dating

Hey, so, my name is Sophie and I’m 19 now. When I was 18 I had a boyfriend for about six months. I didn’t know two things at first, though. Turns out, he had been STALKING me for a long time before we started dating. But the worst part was that my MOM was HELPING him. 

When I was 18, I started dating Calvin. He was the most perfect boyfriend ever. We met when I was buying a book in a bookstore and he was there, also buying the same one. We started chatting and it turned out we both had the same favorite author. Calvin was always super attentive to me and he knew exactly what I wanted. I felt like I had met my soul mate - we both liked the same things and our relationship was all in sync, so to speak. My mother also loved him as her own son, and I couldn’t be happier.
As you may have guessed, ALL OF IT was just a bunch of lies. 

The cracks began to show when we were planning a trip to New York and we were discussing it with my mom, and she said something about how Calvin had been planning this trip for six months and Calvin made a few comments about how I hadn’t been on any trips for a long time and that I deserved one. I was confused because we had only been dating for a few months by this point and I'd never told Calvin that I hadn’t been anywhere for a long time. I asked them about it and both of them became very uncomfortable and awkward. I was alarmed, but decided to keep quiet about it.

You might think that I was jumping to conclusions, but it was very suspicious how perfect Calvin was. I started to think deeply about all the “coincidences” we had with our hobbies - the way he always knew EXACTLY which movies, food, or books I liked, without ever asking me. Moreover, my Mom was always trying to control my life and my decisions. She would come into my room when I wasn’t home and look through my stuff. The worst thing was that she had already done something like this before, when I was younger - trying to set me up with guys she liked without me knowing. 

I still loved Calvin and I wanted to believe that my Mom wasn’t involved, but I needed to be one hundred percent sure. So I decided to look at Calvin’s computer or phone. He was always very secretive about it, never letting me use his phone or laptop. And he was sure that I wouldn’t do it, and normally I wouldn’t, but I was extremely paranoid. So I was patiently waiting for a chance to get into his laptop or anything, and at one point, this opportunity kind of fell into my lap.
It was a hot day, so we went to Calvin’s place and he wanted to take a shower right when we got there, and Calvin liked taking long showers. I asked him if he could put some music on from his laptop and he did, so I wouldn’t need to go through his passwords and stuff. He did discreetly log out of all of his social media, though, so I missed out on my chance to look through his stuff. But instead, I tried to look through his drawers. You see, he was a neat freak, so he kept all of his papers and notebooks in one place.

I looked in his drawer with his old papers and school notebooks. I skimmed through all of them and decided to check the ones at the bottom, and after about 10 minutes  found a suspicious one with short notes about stuff I liked. I took it and put it into my backpack, and once Calvin was out of the shower, I told him that my Mom called me and that I needed to go home as soon as possible, alone. He asked if I needed a ride but I said I had already called a taxi. 

When I got home, my Mom asked me what happened and why I was home so early. I had a suspicion that they had been talking to each other and found out that I was lying. I went to my room to read through the notebook. After a few minutes my Mom entered the room and took the notebook out of my hands. I guess she didn’t think through what she was doing and that this action revealed waaay more than me going through this notebook with scribbles in it. 
I demanded an explanation and me and Mom shouted at each other for an hour before my Dad arrived home from work and asked what was going on. I explained it to him, and Dad took my Mom into their room and at first it was quiet, but then Dad started to raise his voice and I heard, “I’m tired of being part of this, tell her!”

My Mom came out in tears and finally decided to tell me what happened. My Mom met Calvin when she was late for the bus and he offered her a ride. Calvin seemed like a very good guy, like... presentable, so she didn't get suspicious. They talked on the way and she thought he was a nice guy and that he needed to meet me. Then he revealed to her that he actually knew who I was...







