

LR君 LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26




The expression is an emotional phrase expressing one's affection, amusement and excitement when watching a Bilibili video, making use of Bilibili's unique interactive user interface.

“AWSL” is similar to the colloquial English expression “This is killing me” or “I’m dying,” phrases that are often said in casual conversation when something, especially on social media, is found to be extremely cute, exciting, funny or unique.

Bilibili, China's most popular website for animation, comic, and game videos, announced its bullet comment of 2019 – "AWSL", a word to express experiencing immense happiness, on Wednesday.
Bullet comments are viewer–generated texts superimposed onto online videos. The word "AWSL" is used about 3.3 million times in Bilibili in 2019, ranking the top among all trending words on the bullet screen.



据维基百科(Wikipedia),Bilibili全称为哔哩哔哩弹幕网,简称B站,是一个ACG相关的弹幕视频分享网站。你可能会有疑问,ACG又是什么?别急,我们先看看CGTN对B站的描述,China's most popular website for animation, comic, and game videos.


顺便看看外刊对B站的介绍,比如经济学人(Economist)去年8月份一篇提到B站的文章是这么表达的,Bilibili, an online hub for fans of comics and games. 此处hub一词可以理解为“(某地/活动)中心,枢纽,核心”,如:the commercial hub of the city 城市的商业中心,a hub airport 大型中转机场,举个🌰:
The kitchen was the hub of family life.


那么官方是怎么介绍的呢?去年B站上市时官方宣传视频是这么介绍的:Started as a content community inspired by anime, comics and games, bilibili has evolved into a full-spectrum online entertainment world.

其中spectrum /ˈspɛktrəm/可以表示“范围;各层次;系列;幅度”(a complete or wide range of related qualities, ideas, etc.)如:a broad spectrum of interests 广泛的兴趣范围,举个🌰:
A wide spectrum of opinion was represented at the meeting.


B站的一大特色就是「弹幕」。先看官方介绍,Our pioneered community feature - bullet chatting - transforms viewing experience by allowing audience to share thoughts and feelings real-time with others viewing the same video.

Bullet chatting,或者说是,Bullet Chat. 弹幕,弹幕,到底是dàn,还是tán呢?看英文译文,Bullet chatting“子弹式聊天”,那就是dàn了,不要搞错了哦。百度百科介绍提到“弹幕,...,指的是在网络上观看视频时弹出的评论性字幕。”)那么,读作tán幕似乎也没毛病。

另外,你应该也注意到了,CGTN的介绍中,还提到两种说法,「AWSL」是the bullet comment of 2019,以及the top among all trending words on the bullet screen. 被推选为2019年度弹幕,以及弹幕热词榜首。

所以,其实还有bullet comment和bullet screen的说法,当然,都离不开bullet一词。CGTN还说了,什么是弹幕?Bullet comments are viewer–generated texts superimposed onto online videos. “被叠加”在视频上的用户评论。

其中,superimpose表示“使(尤指图片、文字等)叠加,将…放在他物之上 ”(to put especially a picture, words, etc. on top of something else, especially another picture, words, etc., so that what is in the lower position can still be seen, heard, etc.)举个🌰:

The book cover had a picture of a dove superimposed on a battle scene.


接着是中国日报的介绍,同样用到了bullet screen这个说法:
“Bullet screen,” or danmu, a model of movie-watching that has been introduced in select theaters in China since 2014 has been widely used by video websites. 2014年开始在中国部分指定影院引入的“弹幕”其实早已被在线视频网站广泛应用了。
In this case, the bullets don't refer to actual bullets, but to text messages that audience members send via their mobile phones while watching the film or video. 这里的“弹”并不是真正的子弹,而是指观众在看电影或视频时通过手机发送出去的信息。
The messages are then projected onto the screen, so that at any given time the scene may be overlaid with multiple “bullets,” or comments, scrolling across the screen. 这些信息发送之后都被直接显示在屏幕上,所以,观看电影或视频的时候,你随时都可能看到整个屏幕上挂满了滚动显示的“子弹”,也就是评论。

再来看看外刊中,比如纽约时报(The New York Times)2014年的一篇文章提到的,“弹幕”文化其实起源于日本,由一个叫Nicodou的视频网站普及开来。

The idea behind “bullet screens” originated in Japan, where they were first popularized by a Japanese ACG (animation, comics, games) video portal called Nicodou, which later became the inspiration for similar Chinese ACG video sites such as Bilibili.

而日语中,其实弾幕(だんまく)的罗马音是danmaku. 维基百科的即使时:Danmaku ("bullet curtain" or "curtain fire"), also known as "Bullet Hell" in English, is a Japanese term for "barrage", as in a barrage of bullets. They are shoot 'em ups similar to regular shooting games, but focus more on weaving through complex patterns containing anywhere from dozens to hundreds of bullets; the genre is considered the hardest genre for a shoot 'em up.

此处的barrage在英文里真的就是和“子弹”相关了,意思是“火力网;弹幕射击;(尤指)掩护炮火”,英文解释为“the continuous firing of a large number of guns in a particular direction, especially to protect soldiers while they are attacking or moving towards the enemy”。

barrage还有另一个用法,a brrage of 可以指“一连串(问题,抱怨等)”,英文解释为“A barrage of something such as criticism or complaints is a large number of them directed at someone, often in an aggressive way.”如:a barrage of questions/criticisms/complaints 连珠炮似的问题/批评/抱怨。

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非常有意思的是,在搜索Bullet screen的介绍时,我发现2016年的一篇论文,研究者对弹幕文化进行了一番分析,究竟为啥弹幕会这么受欢迎。(文献的标题:Social Viewing, Bullet Screen, & User Experience: A First Look)

他们的结论是,Our results also show that bullet screen can increase viewers’ attention to content. 弹幕能够增加人们对(视频)内容的注意力。

论文中,研究者做了对照实验进行分析,比如问及用户对看了弹幕视频的体验时,cool一词出现频率时最高的,并且用的都是一些“积极/正面”的词汇来表达自己的观感。Participants used more positive than negative words to describe their experience of bullet screen.


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