
「故事·听力」My Bf's Mom Enters Our Room Every Night.

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26
My Bf's Mom Enters Our Room Every Night. Crazy!
Hi everybody! I've heard a lot of stories about relationships, some of them were about problems between a boy and a girl, some — about unhappy love, some — about being unfaithful, when there were more than two people in the relationship. My name is Katy, I'm nineteen years old and my story is like the last type. This is a story about how someone else intervened in my relationship with my boyfriend. Namely, his mother.

My boyfriend’s name is Guido and he is twenty-five years old. We met about six months ago and soon began to live together in a tiny, one-bedroom apartment. Guido worked a lot in his office, and though he assured me that there were great career opportunities, at the present moment he did not earn much, so we could not afford anything better. However, the lack of money was not a big problem for us — I think that Guido and I were pretty happy, and, in fact, I don't think that we experienced more difficulties than any other couple our age.

However, all good things come to an end sooner or later. In my case, the end had a name: Giuseppina, Guido's mother. Not very long ago, Giuseppina... or just Juzy, as she asked to be called, decided to move from her historic homeland to be closer to her son. I was, of course, very excited. I perceived Guido as my husband-to-be, so I really hoped to be able to please my potential mother-in-law. I decided to cook lasagna for her arrival — you know, it's welcoming when a familiar, well-known dish is offered as a greeting. The only difference was that I was going to cook a vegetarian version of lasagna for Juzy — I am a vegetarian, and since it was very important for me, I tried to guide Guido into the same way of life.

But please! Don’t you even think that I tried in any way to put pressure on my boyfriend. Yes, it was indeed really important to me, but still I have never insisted that Guido share my beliefs in any way. But he was, in fact, fully understanding and he always did his best to support me in my endeavors, and that’s why he always readily made small sacrifices. I was very grateful for him! Guido was usually very nice, kind, and gentle with me. We have never argued at all, really, and we've always been ready to discuss anything and make compromises... until his mother arrived.

My boyfriend promised me that we would have no problems with his mom. So, I expected to see an active, but friendly and good-natured woman, but Juzy was not like that. She did not seem happy to see me at all, although I persistently tried to give her a sincere hug. Juzy looked at me as if she was evaluating me and was not happy with what she had seen. After that she started something that looked like an inspection of our apartment and was also not completely satisfied with the results. It seemed to me that it was a little bit inappropriate to start any introduction with a barrage of criticism regarding another person's lifestyle, but I swallowed my offense and called Juzy and Guido to the table. And this did not help to improve the situation at all — when Juzy found out that there was no meat in my lasagna, she suggested that she could help me to serve the food and... then proceeded to drop my dish on the floor. After that, Juzy was terribly distressed and asked me to forgive her, but I already had my doubts regarding her sincerity.

I really wanted to believe that all this was just a coincidence and that this lady was simply feeling tired after her long flight, but after that things only got worse. Juzy, of course, stayed with us on the very first night, and as we went to sleep, she walked into our bedroom several times pretending that she needed to ask or clarify something. Of course, Juzy did not bother to knock on the door and Guido only shrugged at my interrogative glances. Okay, that was his mother, so I couldn’t insist that he tell her how inappropriate her behavior was. But on the second night, Juzy declared that the sofa in the living room was too soft for her sore back, so we had to give up our bed to her. I had to go to sleep on our small sofa... alone. Because Guido slept in the bedroom, on the floor. Juzy insisted that her son stay with her because she thought that the floor in the living room was too dirty.

By the way, Juzy really did make our apartment perfectly clean... and, at the same time, she threw away all my clothes that she did not like. I was furious and demanded an explanation, but Juzy's logic was killing me: for example, she said that she threw away my ripped jeans because she thought they were an old rag. With everything that was left, my wardrobe began to resemble a nun's locker.







