
「故事·听力」I Did Something To A Girl In A Barn

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

I Did Something To A Girl In A Barn And Now Her Sister Blackmails Me

Hello! My name is Kurt and I am 16 years old. I would like to tell you a story about how I became a victim of love. Well, well, not necessarily of love and not earnestly a victim, but those who were mean to me could never know the depths of my suffering.

But let's start from the very beginning. My story began when my father and his business colleagues went to the countryside to attend a team building event. My father works for a big corporation. And when I say “big” I mean “BIG”. And it is very important, even crucial, that all the top managers, who are located in different cities, can function as a real team, to be almost like a family. That’s why it is a custom at the corporation, that from time to time the managers of the major city branches that work closely together, get together in an informal setting.

So the story began when one of these trips was organized. And this one was even different from the previous ones because every participant from the top of the team had to bring his family along. And there we were — four families, including ours, went out into the countryside, not in tents, of course, we were no longer accustomed to a camping lifestyle, but to a pretty nice area with small wooden cabins, where everything had to be done ourselves. There were no restaraunts and the nearest gas station where you could buy ice cream and chips was 12 miles. And the only mainstay of civilization in the middle of this wilderness was a vending machine with chocolates and sweets, which was located in the hall where all the families were supposed to get together in the evenings. We were supposed to stay there for over a week, and this seemed like a really long time for us kids, especially as our parents saw it as a way to combine work with pleasure and we were really all by ourselves, with nothing to do in particular.

My father and his three colleagues all happened to be married and have children, and while the elders were busy getting the housing, which was supposed to be our home for the next few days, into proper shape, we, their children, of course began to get to know each other. There were a couple of little boys, twins, who I could never tell apart, one guy my age who would not part with his gadget, and since the network connection in this wilderness was very weak with the only exception being the hill behind the houses, he spent almost the whole time there, and two girls. One of them, Bobby, was about my age, and her sister Teddy, who fit in well with the company of the twins, although I don't think that she could tell who was who either.
I had no choice but to communicate with Bobby. After our first conversation, I realized that there was no way I was going to be friends with her. She, in my opinion, was boring, and even a little bit stupid, and no matter how many interesting topics for conversation I offered her — comics, video games, baseball — she didn’t seem able to talk back about any of them and only looked at me with her large, pretty, blue eyes with long eyelashes... I can’t really say that I liked Bobby very much, but she was Okay and in general, seemed to be attracted to me, so I decided to not miss the moment to have some fun while my parents were busy with their team building. The only alternative seemed to be playing all kinds of little kiddie games with Teddy and the twins.

Bobby and I went for walks a lot, but I did not dare to kiss her, although there were many opportunities for this, and she herself did not look like she was against it. If I had waited a little longer she would probably have made a move herself, but I was positive that this first move had to be done by me, and finally the time came for me to take some action. I had found a small barn, used for storing gardening equipment, as well as feed-stuff and several piles of hay for the rabbits that were kept onsite. Bobby really liked the rabbits and I suggested that we go to this barn on the pretext of taking some feed and feeding the animals. For some reason I did not dare to openly tell her why I called her into a secluded barn, although everything was clear.

However, Bobby was clearly not against our solitude, because she trustingly put her hand in mine and followed me without a single question. There was this romantic dim light in the barn and the pleasant smell of hay. We pocketed a few handfuls of rabbit food, and then I laid down my jacket, which I brought especially for this occasion and suggested that Bobby and I sit down next to each other.

We started to kiss, and got so carried away that we didn’t notice that there was someone other than us in the barn. 







