
「故事·听力」My Gf And My Best Friend Stole All My Money

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

My Gf And My Best Friend Stole All My Money

Hello everyone! I’m Corey and I’m 20 years old. So, I decided to live  with my girlfriend, but it turned out to be far from what I thought it would be. I mean, there was always a certain stage for the two of us to just discover the good and bad things about each other, but for me, what I actually found out about my girlfriend, well... it was totally shocking.

I started dating Angela about a year ago. We met at a coffee shop and afterward we had a little chat, I asked her out and luckily, she said yes. The only problem we actually had was that we studied at different colleges and this created certain obstacles for us to see each other. That’s why, very soon, we began living together.

I really felt like a man providing a life for the two of us. I mean, Angela also had a job and so on, but the money she was making was not that much and, in addition, I just liked to buy her things from time to time. And I even gave Angela my card every now and then, for example, to buy new cosmetics or to fill the fridge with something tasty. I just enjoyed that type of thing.

But a couple of months after we actually moved in together, I began to notice that  strange things were happening around me. I guess that, for the first time, I found myself missing a few pounds. You know, I had had this tin container since I was, like, 16 or so, where I usually kept all of my money. It’s not that it was my main money storage, obviously, since I do have a bank account and a debit card, and so on. I just got used to putting some cash into that can, you know, when, for example, my nana would try to “financially support” me every Christmas, and so on.

So, one day, I needed to give a tip to the pizza guy and when I opened the can I got surprised, ‘cause it seemed to me that I had originally had a little bit more money in there. Later I decided to look through the can once again and discovered that about 45 pounds were missing. Of course, it was a little bit suspicious and definitely upsetting, just as it always happens when you lose something, you know. But back then I thought that I might have already spent that money and just forgot how I did it. Anyway, I let go of that situation until a couple of weeks later when I once again found myself short of money.

I had to pay my landlord rent for my apartment and I agreed to meet him on the weekend, so I withdrew a sufficient amount of money from my bank account. I put the money into my drawer, since I had to keep it somewhere till the weekend, you know. And it just so happened that at the same time the thermostat in our apartment broke down and I asked Angela to call somebody to fix it.  I told her where I had left the money and that she could use to pay for the repair. Then my landlord re-scheduled our meeting to the following week and I just totally forgot about that money in the drawer.

Then randomly I got a call from my best friend from school, Danny. We hadn’t seen each other for several years and only kept in touch on Facebook from time to time, and this time he was calling to say that he was in the city for a couple of days and that he really wanted to see me and finally meet Angela. I couldn’t let my best pal stay anywhere except for at my place, so I invited him without even a second thought. I got so excited and happy and I was really looking forward to Danny’s visit.

When I got home that evening, I told Angela about it, but she seemed to be far from happy after having heard this news. She started this, “You should’ve asked me first” argument, which totally blew my mind. I mean, it was my friend and we had a couch, so I didn’t see why it was such a big deal, honestly. But then she stopped talking to me for the rest of that day and would only give me that disappointed look from time to time.

Danny was only planning to stay with us for one night and I was really hoping that Angela’s mood would become better as soon as she met him. You know, she could at least pretend that it was OK to have him with us. But her bad temper went nowhere, to the point that she totally refused to cook for us, even though I was really hoping for that. Well, at least she ordered some Chinese, I thought, when I brought Danny home after having met him at the airport. All in all, the evening went OK. I mean, it was so nice to see Danny in person, and if Angela wouldn't have behaved unfriendly and bored, everything would have been great. However, Danny didn't say anything about that and pretended like nothing had happened, just like a good friend normally does.

But then, the meeting-with-the-landlord day came, which surprised me in a really unpleasant way.







