
才艺表演在舞台上做实验 24岁博士生获选美国小姐冠军

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,2020年度美国小姐选美比赛落下帷幕。来自弗吉尼亚州24岁的药学在读博士研究生卡密尔·施里尔(Camille Schrier)荣获冠军。


Camille Schrier Just Won Miss America 2020 With a Little Help From Exploding Colorful Foam


Camille Schrier has been crowned Miss America 2020.


1)表示“为…加冕”,英文解释为“to put a crown on the head of a new king or queen as a sign of royal power”举个🌰:

Queen Elizabeth was crowned in 1952.


2)表示“(尤指通过增添成就、成功等)使圆满,使完美”,英文解释为“ [often passive] ~ sth (with sth) to make sth complete or perfect, especially by adding an achievement, a success, etc. ”举个🌰:

The award of the Nobel Prize has crowned a glorious career in physics.


Schrier, who edged out 50 of her fellow competitors for the title, is a graduate of Virginia Tech, a current doctor of pharmacy student at Virginia Commonwealth University and 2019’s Miss Virginia.

edge sb/sth out (of sth)

表示“逐渐将…排挤出”,英文解释为“to move sb from their position or job gradually, especially when they are not fully aware of what is happening”举个🌰:

She was edged out of the company by the new director.


“Science is a talent. And it’s my mission to show kids that science is fun,” said Schrier, 24, on Thursday evening from Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut.

Along with the title of Miss America, the biochemist will win a $50,000 scholarship, a six-figure salary and work with “professionals passionate about creating more opportunities for women,” according to a representative for the organization.

During her talent portion, Schrier demonstrated the catalytic  decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by adding potassium iodide to hydrogen peroxide, food coloring and dish soap. “Don’t try this at home,” she joked. For the demonstration’s big finish, spouts of colorful foam rocketed out of the beakers.


1)表示“起催化作用的”,英文解释为“In chemistry, a catalytic substance or a substance with catalytic properties is a substance which increases the speed of a chemical reaction.”如:carbon molecules with unusual chemical and catalytic properties. 具有不寻常的化学催化属性的碳分子。

2)表示“促进发生的;加速发生的”,英文解释为“If you describe a person or thing as having a catalytic effect, you mean that they cause things to happen or they increase the speed at which things happen.”举个🌰:

Governments do, however, have a vital catalytic role in orchestrating rescue operations. 



表示“迅速移动”,英文解释为“to move very fast”举个🌰:

The car rocketed out of a side street.



talent portion 才艺展示环节

decomposition 分解

hydrogen peroxide化氢

potassium iodide 碘化钾

beakers  大口烧杯


The unexpected experiment impressed those watching along.

Schrier’s unique talent—science—matched her impact initiative about drug safety and abuse prevention emphasizing bringing the opioid crisis in the U.S. to an end.



The Miss America runner-up, Miss Georgia Victoria Hill showcased her talent of singing opera and social impact presentation encouraging more Americans to participate in foster care. “Please help me flip the script on foster care,” Hill, 20, said onstage.


表示“亚军,英文解释为“A runner-up is someone who has finished in second place in a race or competition. 举个🌰:

The ten runners-up will receive a case of wine. 



形容词,表示“(与某些代养有关的名词连用)”,英文解释为“[only before noun] used with some nouns in connection with the fostering of a child”,如:a  foster mother/father/family  代养母╱父;代养的家庭。

foster parents  代养父母

a  foster child  代养子

a  foster home  寄养家庭

foster care  寄养照管

Queer Eye culture aficionado Karamo Brown, singer Kelly Rowland and actor Lauren Ash judged the competition, which aired on NBC. Kit Hoover and Mario Lopez of Access Hollywood hosted the evening.


表示“播放”,英文解释为“If a broadcasting company airs a television or radio programme, they show it on television or broadcast it on the radio.”举个🌰:Tonight CGTN will air a documentary called "LearnAndRecord". 


This year’s competition comes a year after the Miss America Organization announced in June of 2018 that it would do away with its swimsuit competition for the first time in close to a century.

do away with

1)表示“消除;终结”,英文解释为“To do away with something means to remove it completely or put an end to it.”举个🌰:

The long-range goal must be to do away with nuclear weapons altogether. 


2)表示“谋杀”,英文解释为“If one person does away with another, the first murders the second. If you do away with yourself, you kill yourself.”如:a woman whose husband had made several attempts to do away with her 一位丈夫数次试图将其谋杀的女人。

It’s been a landmark year for pageants. Nia Franklin’s historic 2019 win made her the first of five major pageant winners of major pageants that each had a black woman wearing the crown. Most recently, Miss Jamaica, Toni-Ann Singh, became Miss World earlier this month, joining Miss Universe Zozibini Tunzi, Miss USA Cheslie Kryst and Miss Teen USA Kaliegh Garris. It was the first time in history that all five titles were held by black women simultaneously.


1)表示“选美大赛”,英文解释为“A pageant or a beauty pageant is a competition in which young women are judged to decide which one is the most beautiful.”如:the Miss Universe beauty pageant 环球姐选美大赛。

2)表示“盛大庆典(通常为露天的)”,英文解释为“A pageant is a colourful public procession, show, or ceremony. Pageants are usually held outdoors and often celebrate events or people from history.”如:a historical pageant of kings and queens 一场历史上的国王和王后们的盛大庆典

While Thursday’s live broadcast crowned Schrier as Miss America 2020, contestants participated in preliminary rounds earlier in the week. The competition segments of Thursday’s telecast included interview questions, a talent segment and a social impact initiative presentation.



She cleaned a small segment of the painting.


2)表示“分割;划分”,英文解释为“to divide sth into different parts”举个🌰:

Market researchers often segment the population on the basis of age and social class.


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