
「故事·听力」My Dad Paid My Bf To Make Him Dump Me

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

My Dad Paid My Bf To Make Him Dump Me

Hi, everybody. My name is Jasmine. I'm 16, and endless parental control still makes me mad. My dad raised me all by himself, and I have always been a little Princess to him. All was going well, until Jasmine met her Aladdin. And I had no idea I could hate my father…

A year ago, I met a nice guy. My Aladdin's name was Derek. We were introduced by mutual friends and since that day, we have never spent time apart. Suck it, skeptics! Love at first sight does exist! But... This is just the beginning of the story. Derek is my first love. So when I told my dad about him, I hoped he'd be happy for me. He has always been the best daddy. But instead of the expected joy, he started asking me about Derek. Who Derek was, what his family was like, what his plans were for life and the future? Hmmm, how should I put it? Derek is from a poor family, he is only 16, so he had no special plans for his future either, but I knew the most important thing. I knew Derek loved me, but unfortunately my dad was not satisfied with this answer. So immediately, without meeting him, he forbade me from seeing him... He said he wouldn't let some ragamuffin be with his little Princess! 

After that, we had a big fight. How could he know who I wanted?! Until that moment, I didn't think that for dad, a guy being poor was some kind of life sentence... I needed to vent and I quietly, in my room, called Derek on the phone. It was then that he first compared himself to Aladdin. He said that he was sorry that he does not have a magic lamp with a Genie, which would have solved all his financial problems. But at the same time, he cheered me up and gave me confidence that he and I would come up with something. Unfortunately, our troubles were far from over. Dad must have passed by my room and overheard our conversation. He was very angry that I had disobeyed him so quickly. He yelled at me and took the phone away. I was speechless. I lied there in silence and thought, " Was it really about the money?!" Later, dad came back into my room. He apologized for overreacting and returned my phone, but insisted that I, for my own good, stop communicating with Derek. Yeah, OK, sure! I was not going to stop anything... Since then, Derek and I started to communicate only by text and we agreed to meet secretly, just in case.

What can I say... Secret meetings are scary. I had to keep making up stories to tell my dad so he wouldn't get suspicious. But Derek and I only thought of it as a temporary obstacle, because after I turn 18, I can do whatever I want. You know, after a while we even got used to these meetings and came up with stories automatically. One evening, Derek asked me to go for a walk around the lake. With all these limitations, I always enjoyed any kind of romantic gesture. I told my dad I was going to see a friend tonight, and he said he didn't mind. Well, I met Derek at the specified place and time. The cuteness of the setting was literally unreal. But I think you know how dating works. At one point, Derek moved closer to me and reached out to kiss me. The moon, the lake, the best moment you could think of... but, unfortunately, it was the moment of my dad's sudden appearance. He came up behind us and started screaming. He told Derek to get away from me, and ordered me to go home fast. Derek said he loved me and tried to comfort my dad, but my dad wouldn't listen. He told Derek to not come near me, and he led me home by my hand. I walked home in tears and could not understand how he knew where we were...?
At home, I calmed down a little and began to think. After Derek and I agreed on a time and a place, I deleted the chat. So, even if he knew my passwords, he could not have read my messages anywhere. As I walked, I kept turning around, and there was no trail behind me. So the only option left was that my father had the ability to track my location. But he's not some military man and there's no way he could have bugged me... I finally figured it out in the end. I remembered that while I was talking to Derek, dad took my phone away from me. Then it dawned on me, and I began to go through all the folders on my phone with downloads. Voila! In one of these folders, I found a program that parents use to spy on their younger children. Hello, let me introduce myself, I'm Jasmine, and I'm 3 years old! I didn't know what was going on with my dad. This was my first love (hopefully my only one), and he's already watching me. Of course, my discovery wouldn’t change my dad's attitude toward Derek, but at least I knew how to outwit him now. Now, every time Derek and I secretly went out...







