
霸气议员怒怼美国CDC 迫使CDC承诺免费检测

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,美国加州议员凯蒂·波特(Katie Porter)火了。她在听证会上拿出小白板,现场算账,计算每个美国人需要花多少钱检测病毒,步步紧逼、环环相扣,质问美国疾控中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC)主任,最终对方招架不住,当场承诺为所有美国人提供免费检测。

其中,出现了两三次的ballpark一词值得注意,ballpark表示数额的「变动范围;可量范围」,英文解释为:an area or a range within which an amount is likely to be correct or within which sth can be measured. 举个🌰:
Give me a ballpark figure (= a number that is approximately right).
If you said five million you'd be in the ballpark.

Congresswoman gets CDC to OK free coronavirus tests

Brut. News

Using some quick math and a sharp grilling, Rep. Katie Porter of California got the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to say “yes” to free coronavirus testing for all Americans.


表示“盘问,责问,审问(的一段时间)”,英文解释为“a period of being questioned closely about your ideas, actions, etc.”

Who is Katie Porter

Katherine Moore Porter was born on January 3, 1974 in Fort Dodge, Iowa. Her father was a farmer-turned-banker. She attended Phillips Academy, Yale University, and Harvard Law School. By 2001, she had her bachelors in American studies and her Juris Doctorate. She also studied under Senator Elizabeth Warren. She has been teaching as a tenured professor at the University of California, Irvine School of Law since 2006. California Attorney General Kamala Harris made Porter the state’s independent monitor of banks in a $25 billion mortgage settlement and as monitor, she oversaw an implementation of $9.5 billion in settlement reforms.


Juris Doctor/Juris Doctorate degree, 据百度百科,法律博士(JD)一般指全部美国法学院或部分澳大利亚,加拿大及香港法学院提供的一种法律学位,是法律教育中的一个学历,亦有译为法律职业博士、法律专业博士等翻译的情况。A Juris Doctor degree is the highest law degree in the United States and was originally a replacement to the Bachelor of Laws degree. A Juris Doctor or Juris Doctorate degree represents professional recognition that the holder has a doctoral degree in law. Due to the length of study required in the United States to attain a law degree, the name change reflected its status as a professional degree.


tenured /ˈtɛnjʊəd, ˈtɛnjəd/ 表示“获终身聘用的;享有终身职位的”,英文解释为“having the right to keep their job permanently”,如:a tenured professor 终身教授。

In 2018, Porter won the election for United States Representative of California. As Representative she introduced the Help America Run Act which was passed in October 2019. She is currently on the committee on financial services, committee on oversight and reform, the Asian Pacific American Caucus, and the progressive caucus. Currently, she is going viral for her interrogation of the CDC where she got them to promise free coronavirus testing for uninsured Americans.


1)表示“(政党或组织的)决策层(会议);利益集团(会议)”,英文解释为“(a meeting of) a small group of people in a political party or organization who have a lot of influence, or who have similar interests”;

2)表示“(美国政党集团挑选候选人的)决策会议”,英文解释为“in the US, a meeting held to decide which candidate a political group will support in an election”;

How to prevent the virus

Since the coronavirus taskforce predicts that a coronavirus vaccine will not be perfected for another year or year and a half, it is best to start looking into at-home prevention methods. Health professionals are asking citizens to stop buying medical masks as they are often worn improperly, and tend to be more effective for those with the virus rather than those trying to avoid getting sick. Also, the mass stockpiling of these devices are preventing medical workers from having the proper supplies. Other known prevention methods include rigorously and frequently washing hands, using hand sanitizer if soap is unavailable, disinfecting any and all surfaces, and preparing medicine and food supplies in case of infection.


此处作动词,表示“使完善;使完美;使完备”,英文解释为“to make sth perfect or as good as you can”举个🌰:

As a musician, she has spent years perfecting her technique.



表示“(大量)储备,贮存;囤积”,英文解释为“to store a large supply of something for future use”举个🌰:

People are stockpiling food for the coming winter.



表示“给…消毒”,英文解释为“to clean sth using a substance that kills bacteria”,如:to disinfect a surface/room/wound 给表面/房间/伤口消毒。

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