

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


弟弟CNN主播克里斯·科莫(Chris Cuomo

哥哥纽约州州长安德鲁·科莫(Andrew Cuomo)




「第三集」两兄弟再再次直播连线。弟弟不停追问哥哥,人家都夸你做得很好,你接下去会竞选总统吗,No. 是不想回答还是不想竞选,No. 以后会不会考虑,No. ...反正不管弟弟问啥,就是No.



Will Andrew Cuomo run for president, his brother asks? 'No. No'

The Guardian

As he navigates the coronavirus crisis in New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo has become the subject of increasingly excited talk about a late run for the Democratic presidential nomination.

But on Monday night, after a day in which cases and deaths in the state rose steeply and a massive US Navy hospital ship arrived in New York City harbour, he had a simple answer for his brother, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo.

Will he run?

“No. No.”

Not that the governor’s brother was prepared to take no answer for an answer – however many times, or however bluntly, it was offered.

Chris Cuomo, 49, referred to comments from Donald Trump earlier in the day, when the president was asked during an uproarious Fox & Friends interview if he thought Andrew Cuomo, 62, should have a go at depriving Joe Biden, the probable Democratic nominee, of his shot at the White House.

“So he weaponizes it,” the younger Cuomo said, “and says, ‘You know what he should do, he should run for president, this guy, Cuomo. He’d be better than Biden, this guy Cuomo. But I’d beat him, too.’”

“Let me ask you something. With all of this adulation that you’re getting for doing your job, are you thinking about running for president? Tell the audience.”

“No,” said Governor Cuomo. “No.”

Then the two Italian American brothers indulged their developing habit of bickering endearingly on prime time TV:

Chris Cuomo: No, you won’t answer?
Andrew Cuomo: No. I answered. The answer is no.
Chris Cuomo: No, you’re not thinking about it?
Andrew Cuomo: I answered the question, sometimes it’s one word. I said no.
Chris Cuomo: Have you thought about it?
Andrew Cuomo: No.
Chris Cuomo: Are you open to thinking about it?
Andrew Cuomo: No.
Chris Cuomo: Might you think about it at some point?
Andrew Cuomo: No. No.
Chris Cuomo: No, you won’t answer?
Andrew Cuomo: No, I answered. The answer is no. No is sometimes one word. I said no.
Chris Cuomo: Have you thought about it?
Andrew Cuomo: No.
Chris Cuomo: Are you open to thinking about it?
Andrew Cuomo: No.
Chris Cuomo: Might you think about it at some point?
Andrew Cuomo: No.
Chris Cuomo: How can you know what you might think about at some point right now?
Andrew Cuomo: Because I know what I might think about and what I won’t think about. I won’t think about it. But you’re a great interviewer by the way.
Chris Cuomo: Appreciate it. Learned from the best.

The governor also offered praise for Biden, who he said was “a great public servant” and “a guy who does the job for real Americans”.

The brothers discussed Trump’s apparent insinuation that New York hospitals and emergency staff are stealing protective equipment, although the governor refused to be drawn into criticising the president, insisting he did not know what Trump had meant by the comment.

Andrew Cuomo also delivered a sobering message for New Yorkers stuck, like his brother, at home, unsure of how long the crisis will last.

“The apex is anywhere from six days to 21 days away, depending on who you listen to,” he said.

According to researchers at Johns Hopkins University, New York has around 67,000 of 164,000 Covid-19 cases confirmed in the US, and around 1,300 of 3,161 deaths. Federal public health experts have said the US could see between 100,000 and 200,000 deaths.

“The apex can either be one and a half times the capacity of the hospital system, or three times the capacity of the hospital system,” Cuomo said, “depending on which projection you reach. I want to prepare for that apex because this virus has been ahead of us every step of the way.”

On Sunday, Cuomo told viewers of his daily press conference to “seek joy” in their forcibly proscribed lives, possibly through family ritual. At the close of the interview, the younger Cuomo tried to one-up his brother by describing how their mother only taught him how to make her special pasta sauce.

“You’ve always been good at manipulation,” the older Cuomo shot back. “You’ve always been the meatball of the family.

“Look, some of us have to work, right? I don’t have the luxury of working one hour a day, right? I’m happy for you, God bless you. But most of us work more than one hour a day, that’s all I’m saying.

“I have to do my job and momma didn’t raise an armchair general in me, anyway. I’m not going to sit in my basement … I love you, be safe, call me sometime.”

“I’ll send you some sauce,” Chris Cuomo said.

“Love you, brother.” said Andrew. “Meatball.”

“It’s a term of endearment in Italian circles,” Chris Cuomo said, adding to his unseen producers: “Please hang up on him now. He has a lot of work to do.”

On Tuesday, CNN announced that Chris Cuomo had tested positive for coronavirus. He said he would continue to broadcast daily, from isolation in his basement.

In Albany, Andrew Cuomo told reporters his brother was “young, in good shape, strong, not as strong as he thinks, but he will be fine”.

“He’s a really sweet, beautiful guy,” the governor said. “And he’s my best friend.”

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Will Andrew Cuomo run for president, his brother asks? 'No. No'

The Guardian

As he navigates the coronavirus crisis in New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo has become the subject of increasingly excited talk about a late run for the Democratic presidential nomination.


熟词僻义,表示“(尤指在美国)参加竞选”,英文解释为“to be a candidate in an election for a political position, especially in the US”,举个🌰:

Clinton ran a second time in 1996.


But on Monday night, after a day in which cases and deaths in the state rose steeply and a massive US Navy hospital ship arrived in New York City harbour, he had a simple answer for his brother, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo.

Will he run?

“No. No.”

Not that the governor’s brother was prepared to take no for an answer – however many times, or however bluntly, it was offered.

not take no for an answer

表示“不容拒绝,不接受别人说「不」”,英文解释为“To not allow someone to refuse what you have offered;To not stop with what one has planned or desires, regardless of others' lack of agreement.”举个🌰:

She is tough, unwilling to take no for an answer.


I told him I'm not interested, but he keeps asking me out - he won't take no for an answer.



表示“直言不讳地;直言地,单刀直入地,(说话)不客气地”,英文解释为“If you speak bluntly, you speak without trying to be polite or considering other people's feelings.”举个🌰:

To put it bluntly, I can't afford it.


Chris Cuomo, 49, referred to comments from Donald Trump earlier in the day, when the president was asked during an uproarious Fox & Friends interview if he thought Andrew Cuomo, 62, should have a go at depriving Joe Biden, the probable Democratic nominee, of his shot at the White House.


1)表示喧闹;热烈;吵吵嚷嚷“in which there is a lot of noise and people laugh or shout a lot”,如:an uproarious party 热闹的聚会;

2)表示“滑稽;极可笑;令人捧腹”,英文解释为“extremely funny”,如:an uproarious story 令人捧腹的故事。


deprive sb/sth of sth,表示“剥夺;使丧失;使不能享有”,英文解释为“to prevent sb from having or doing sth, especially sth important”举个🌰:

You can't function properly when you're deprived of sleep.


“So he weaponizes it,” the younger Cuomo said, “and says, ‘You know what he should do, he should run for president, this guy, Cuomo. He’d be better than Biden, this guy Cuomo. But I’d beat him, too.’”

“Let me ask you something. With all of this adulation that you’re getting for doing your job, are you thinking about running for president? Tell the audience.”


表示“称赞;吹捧;奉承”,英文解释为“admiration and praise, especially when this is greater than is necessary”举个🌰:

As a born performer, she loves the excitement and she loves the adulation.


“No,” said Governor Cuomo. “No.”

Then the two Italian American brothers indulged their developing habit of bickering endearingly on prime time TV:


表示“(使)沉溺于;(尤指)放纵”,英文解释为“to allow yourself or another person to have something enjoyable, especially more than is good for you”举个🌰:

The soccer fans indulged their patriotism, waving flags and singing songs.



作动词,表示“(为小事)斗嘴,争吵”,英文解释为“to argue about things that are not important”举个🌰:

The children are always bickering about something or other.



endearingly副词,endearing形容词,表示“令人爱慕的;惹人喜爱的;讨人喜欢的”,英文解释为“causing people to feel affection”,如:an endearing habit 讨人喜欢的习惯。

Chris Cuomo: No, you won’t answer?
Andrew Cuomo: No. I answered. The answer is no.
Chris Cuomo: No, you’re not thinking about it?
Andrew Cuomo: I answered the question, sometimes it’s one word. I said no.
Chris Cuomo: Have you thought about it?
Andrew Cuomo: No.
Chris Cuomo: Are you open to thinking about it?
Andrew Cuomo: No.
Chris Cuomo: Might you think about it at some point?
Andrew Cuomo: No. No.
Chris Cuomo: No, you won’t answer?
Andrew Cuomo: No, I answered. The answer is no. No is sometimes one word. I said no.
Chris Cuomo: Have you thought about it?
Andrew Cuomo: No.
Chris Cuomo: Are you open to thinking about it?
Andrew Cuomo: No.
Chris Cuomo: Might you think about it at some point?
Andrew Cuomo: No.
Chris Cuomo: How can you know what you might think about at some point right now?
Andrew Cuomo: Because I know what I might think about and what I won’t think about. I won’t think about it. But you’re a great interviewer by the way.
Chris Cuomo: Appreciate it. Learned from the best.

The governor also offered praise for Biden, who he said was “a great public servant” and “a guy who does the job for real Americans”.

The brothers discussed Trump’s apparent insinuation that New York hospitals and emergency staff are stealing protective equipment, although the governor refused to be drawn into criticising the president, insisting he did not know what Trump had meant by the comment.


表示“旁敲侧击的话;影射;暗示”,英文解释为“something that sb insinuates”举个🌰:

She resented the insinuation that she was too old for the job.


Andrew Cuomo also delivered a sobering message for New Yorkers stuck, like his brother, at home, unsure of how long the crisis will last.

“The apex is anywhere from six days to 21 days away, depending on who you listen to,” he said.

apex /ˈeɪpɛks/

1)表示“顶点;最高点”,英文解释为“the highest point or top of a shape or object”,如:the apex of a triangle/pyramid 三角形的顶点/金字塔的塔尖。

2)表示“巅峰,全盛时期”,英文解释为“the highest point or most successful part of something”举个🌰:He reached the apex of his career during that period.


According to researchers at Johns Hopkins University, New York has around 67,000 of 164,000 Covid-19 cases confirmed in the US, and around 1,300 of 3,161 deaths. Federal public health experts have said the US could see between 100,000 and 200,000 deaths.

“The apex can either be one and a half times the capacity of the hospital system, or three times the capacity of the hospital system,” Cuomo said, “depending on which projection you reach. I want to prepare for that apex because this virus has been ahead of us every step of the way.”

On Sunday, Cuomo told viewers of his daily press conference to “seek joy” in their forcibly proscribed lives, possibly through family ritual. At the close of the interview, the younger Cuomo tried to one-up his brother by describing how their mother only taught him how to make her special pasta sauce.


表示“宣布禁止”,英文解释为“to say officially that sth is banned”,如:proscribed organizations 被查禁的组织。


可以作动词,表示“占上风的;领先于……,胜过”,英文解释为“having or having scored an advantage or lead over someone or something”。

“You’ve always been good at manipulation,” the older Cuomo shot back. “You’ve always been the meatball of the family.


原意表示肉丸,此处指的是“笨蛋,讨厌的人, 无趣味的人,发尾的人”,英文解释为“a dull, stupid, or foolish person”。

“Look, some of us have to work, right? I don’t have the luxury of working one hour a day, right? I’m happy for you, God bless you. But most of us work more than one hour a day, that’s all I’m saying.

“I have to do my job and momma didn’t raise an armchair general in me, anyway. I’m not going to sit in my basement … I love you, be safe, call me sometime.”


1)表示“扶手椅”,英文解释为“a comfortable chair with sides that support your arms”;

2)表示“无实际经验的;不切实际的;空谈的”,英文解释为“used to refer to a person who knows, or says they know, a lot about a subject without having direct experience of it”,如:an armchiar general 纸上谈兵将军,an armchair critic/gardener/traveller 夸夸其谈的评论家/手不沾泥的园艺家/足不出户的神游旅行者。

“I’ll send you some sauce,” Chris Cuomo said. “Love you, brother.” said Andrew. “Meatball.”

“It’s a term of endearment in Italian circles,” Chris Cuomo said, adding to his unseen producers: “Please hang up on him now. He has a lot of work to do.”

On Tuesday, CNN announced that Chris Cuomo had tested positive for coronavirus. He said he would continue to broadcast daily, from isolation in his basement.

In Albany, Andrew Cuomo told reporters his brother was “young, in good shape, strong, not as strong as he thinks, but he will be fine”.

“He’s a really sweet, beautiful guy,” the governor said. “And he’s my best friend.”

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