

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

1998年,美国一个反体罚组织—有效管教中心(Center For Effective Discipline)发起名为国际不打小孩日的活动,将每年的4月30日定为国际不打小孩日(International SpankOut Day),它的口号:请你试试看,至少在今天不要打小孩,或者你将会发现,今天过后的每一天,你都不需要打小孩了。


What is SpankOut Day?

SpankOut Day USA was initiated in 1998 to give widespread attention to the need to end corporal punishment of children and to promote non-violent ways of teaching children appropriate behavior.

EPOCH-USA (End Physical Punishment of Children) sponsors SpankOut Day USA on April 30th of each year.

All parents, guardians, and caregivers are encouraged to refrain from hitting children on this day, and to seek alternative methods of discipline through programs available in community agencies, churches  and schools.

EPOCH-USA is a program of the Center for Effective Discipline and part of an international effort to end corporal punishment of children through education and legal reform.

Child Sexual Abuse Reports Are On The Rise Amid Lockdown Orders


There has been a rise in the number of minors contacting the National Sexual Assault Hotline to report abuse. That's according to RAINN, the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network, which runs the hotline.

By the end of March, with much of the country under lockdown, there was a 22% increase in monthly calls from people younger than 18, and half of all incoming contacts were from minors. That's a first in RAINN's history, Camille Cooper, the organization's vice president of public policy, tells NPR.

Of those young people who contacted the hotline in March, 67% identified their perpetrator as a family member and 79% said they were currently living with that perpetrator. In 1 out of 5 cases where the minor was living with their abuser, RAINN assisted the minor in immediately contacting police.

"As a result of looking at the information that we had from those sessions, it was clear that the abuse was escalating in both frequency and severity," Cooper says. "So a lot of the kids that were coming to the hotline were feeling pretty vulnerable and traumatized. And it was a direct result of COVID-19, because they were quarantined with their abuser. The abuser was now abusing them on a daily basis."

Lockdown orders are first and foremost public health and safety measures. But statistically speaking, home is not the safest place for every young person. RAINN reports that about 34% of child sexual abusers are family members. Closing schools and canceling youth activities like sports removes children from the watchful eyes of "mandatory reporters" — those trusted adults, like teachers, nurses and child care providers, who are required by law in most states to report suspicions of child abuse or neglect.

However, Cooper says her organization has confirmed with authorities around the country that the child welfare system is still operating during the pandemic. That is, an official report of current and ongoing abuse will still trigger an investigation, and, if necessary, a child will be removed from the home.

"[Child welfare workers] will be coming to the home in person and proceeding with a formal investigation and a child forensic interview and things like that," she says. If the abuse is farther in the past and the child is not quarantined with the accused, Cooper says, the interview may take place over video chat.

In the meantime, RAINN and other child welfare organizations are lobbying to make it easier for children to report abuse. Cooper says, "One of the solutions we came up with that we are now currently working directly with the leadership in Congress on is to get all of the online learning platforms that children are interacting with to have a reporting function on that platform in plain sight for children."

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What is SpankOut Day?

SpankOut Day USA was initiated in 1998 to give widespread attention to the need to end corporal punishment of children and to promote non-violent ways of teaching children appropriate behavior.

EPOCH-USA (End Physical Punishment of Children) sponsors SpankOut Day USA on April 30th of each year.

corporal punishment

表示“体罚”,英文解释为“Corporal punishment is the punishment of people by hitting them.”举个🌰:

Corporal punishment in public schools is forbidden. 



作动词,表示“ 用手打(小孩的)屁股”,英文解释为“If someone spanks a child, they punish them by hitting them on the bottom several times with their hand.”举个🌰:

When I used to do that when I was a kid, my mom would spank me.


All parents, guardians, and caregivers are encouraged to refrain from hitting children on this day, and to seek alternative methods of discipline through programs available in community agencies, churches  and schools.

EPOCH-USA is a program of the Center for Effective Discipline and part of an international effort to end corporal punishment of children through education and legal reform.

refrain from

1)表示“忍住;克制”,英文解释为“If you refrain from doing something, you deliberately do not do it.”举个🌰:

He refrained from making any comment. 


2)补充:refrain还可以作名词表示“副歌;一再重复的话”,如:a refrain from an old song 一首老歌的副歌,举个🌰:

Her constant refrain is that she doesn't have a life. 


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下面来看看NPR这篇讲述近期Child Sexual Abuse Reports激增的报道。

Child Sexual Abuse Reports Are On The Rise Amid Lockdown Orders


There has been a rise in the number of minors contacting the National Sexual Assault Hotline to report abuse. That's according to RAINN, the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network, which runs the hotline.

minor /ˈmaɪnə/

1)表示“未成年人”,英文解释为“a person who is under the age at which you legally become an adult and are responsible for your actions”举个🌰:

2)表示“辅修科目;辅修课程”,英文解释为“a subject that you study at university in addition to your major”。

By the end of March, with much of the country under lockdown, there was a 22% increase in monthly calls from people younger than 18, and half of all incoming contacts were from minors. That's a first in RAINN's history, Camille Cooper, the organization's vice president of public policy, tells NPR.

Of those young people who contacted the hotline in March, 67% identified their perpetrator as a family member and 79% said they were currently living with that perpetrator. In 1 out of 5 cases where the minor was living with their abuser, RAINN assisted the minor in immediately contacting police.


· perpetrator表示“作恶者;犯罪者”,英文解释为“someone who does something morally wrong or illegal”。

· prankster表示“恶作剧者”(someone who plays tricks on people to make them look silly)

美剧《疑犯追踪》(Person of Interest)的片头经典台词就有一句:But victim or perpetrator, if your number is up, we'll find you.(但无论是受害人还是行凶者,只要你的号码被列出来,我们就会找到你。)

"As a result of looking at the information that we had from those sessions, it was clear that the abuse was escalating in both frequency and severity," Cooper says. "So a lot of the kids that were coming to the hotline were feeling pretty vulnerable and traumatized. And it was a direct result of COVID-19, because they were quarantined with their abuser. The abuser was now abusing them on a daily basis."


表示“使受精神创伤”,英文解释为“to shock and upset sb very much, often making them unable to think or work normally”。

Lockdown orders are first and foremost public health and safety measures. But statistically speaking, home is not the safest place for every young person. RAINN reports that about 34% of child sexual abusers are family members. Closing schools and canceling youth activities like sports removes children from the watchful eyes of "mandatory reporters" — those trusted adults, like teachers, nurses and child care providers, who are required by law in most states to report suspicions of child abuse or neglect.

However, Cooper says her organization has confirmed with authorities around the country that the child welfare system is still operating during the pandemic. That is, an official report of current and ongoing abuse will still trigger an investigation, and, if necessary, a child will be removed from the home.

"[Child welfare workers] will be coming to the home in person and proceeding with a formal investigation and a child forensic interview and things like that," she says. If the abuse is farther in the past and the child is not quarantined with the accused, Cooper says, the interview may take place over video chat.


表示“法医的”,英文解释为“connected with the scientific tests used by the police when trying to solve a crime”,如:forensic evidence/science/tests 法医证据学/科学/检验,the forensic laboratory 法医检验室。

In the meantime, RAINN and other child welfare organizations are lobbying to make it easier for children to report abuse. Cooper says, "One of the solutions we came up with that we are now currently working directly with the leadership in Congress on is to get all of the online learning platforms that children are interacting with to have a reporting function on that platform in plain sight for children."


表示“游说”,英文解释为“to try to influence a politician or the government and, for example, persuade them to support or oppose a change in the law”举个🌰:

Women's groups are lobbying to get more public money for children. 妇女组织在对政府进行游说,要求增加对儿童的拨款。

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