

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Woman shocked after ordering fake AirPods on Amazon and they arrived bigger than her head

The Sun

A WOMAN was left in hysterics after receiving a pair of giant Airpods that were bigger than her head after ordering a replica from Amazon. 

Aleezay, from Dubai, purchased a pair of fake Apple AirPods for just £50 in March. 

Aleezay thought she would receive a petite white case set similar to the authentic Apple AirPods, but knew they wouldn’t be the same as the original. 

However, Aleezay was shocked after receiving a pair of AirPods that looked more like a large hair dryer than a pair of headphones. 

Aleezay shared a photo of her giant AirPods on Twitter, with the caption: “So today I received my airpods from Amazon. God these are huge.” 

The post has since spread like wildfire across social media gaining over 384,600 likes and 71,900 retweets, leaving users highly entertained at the order. 

She added: “I got the AirPods from Amazon last month. I knew they were fake because Amazon sells weird stuff, and it wasn't expensive. 

“I was shocked not going to lie but we move on.” 

One social media user joked: “Airpods for elephants I guess.” 

Another added: “Are you sure you ordered the right size?” 

Meanwhile, one said: “Are you kidding me? Do they make these for giants too?”

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Woman shocked after ordering fake AirPods on Amazon and they arrived bigger than her head

The Sun

A WOMAN was left in hysterics after receiving a pair of giant Airpods that were bigger than her head after ordering a replica from Amazon. 

hysterics /hɪˈstɛrɪks/

1)表示“歇斯底里”,英文解释为“If someone is in hysterics or is having hysterics, they are in a state of uncontrolled excitement, anger, or panic.”举个🌰:

I'm sick of your having hysterics, okay?


2)表示“狂笑”,英文解释为“You can say that someone is in hysterics or is having hysterics when they are laughing loudly in an uncontrolled way.”举个🌰:

He'd often have us all in absolute hysterics.



表示“复制品;仿制品”,英文解释为“a very good or exact copy of sth”,如:a replica of the Eiffel tower 埃菲尔铁塔模型。

Aleezay, from Dubai, purchased a pair of fake Apple AirPods for just £50 in March.

Aleezay thought she would receive a petite white case set similar to the authentic Apple AirPods, but knew they wouldn’t be the same as the original. 

petite /pəˈtiːt/

通常用来形容女子,表示“纤弱的;娇小的”,英文解释为“small and thin”,如:a petite blonde 娇小的金发女郎。

However, Aleezay was shocked after receiving a pair of AirPods that looked more like a large hair dryer than a pair of headphones.

a hair dryer 电吹风,电风机;吹风机

Aleezay shared a photo of her giant AirPods on Twitter, with the caption: “So today I received my airpods from Amazon. God these are huge.” 


表示“(图片或卡通的)说明文字;文案”,英文解释为“A caption is the words printed underneath a picture or cartoon which explain what it is about.举个🌰:

The local paper featured me standing on a stepladder with a caption, "He climbs the ladder to success." 


The post has since spread like wildfire across social media gaining over 384,600 likes and 71,900 retweets, leaving users highly entertained at the order. 

spread like wildfire

表示“(疾病或消息)迅速传播开来;(消息)不胫而走”,英文解释为“If disease or news spreads like wildfire, it quickly affects or becomes known by more and more people.”举个🌰:

Once one child in the school has the infection, it spreads like wildfire.


电影《怦然心动》(Flipped)中有句台词:要是不反应快点,这事就得传开了。If I didn't do something fast, this could spread like wildfire.

She added: “I got the AirPods from Amazon last month. I knew they were fake because Amazon sells weird stuff, and it wasn't expensiveI was shocked not going to lie but we move on.” 

One social media user joked: “Airpods for elephants I guess.” 

Another added: “Are you sure you ordered the right size?” 

Meanwhile, one said: “Are you kidding me? Do they make these for giants too?”

I built a GIANT AirPod (it works!)

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For the 54-year-old Norwegian is the very billionaire who treated Mr Slyngstad and a group of his friends to concerts by Sting and Gregory Porter, meals cooked by Jamie Oliver and a ride on a private jet with his friends from a Wharton Business School seminar in Philadelphia back to Oslo.


For the 54-year-old Norwegian is the very billionaire who treated [Mr Slyngstad and a group of his friends] to concerts by Sting and Gregory Porter, meals cooked by Jamie Oliver and a ride on a private jet with his friends from a Wharton Business School seminar in Philadelphia back to Oslo.

📍主句:The 54-year-old Norwegian is the very billionaire. 主语The 54-year-old Norwegian. 谓语是be动词is.

📍For:因为,由于(used to introduce the reason for sth mentioned in the previous statement)

📍定语从句:先行词the very billionaire,引导词who.

📍treat sb. (to sth):招待;款待;请(客);买(可享受的东西)(to pay for sth that sb/you will enjoy and that you do not usually have or do)这里简化后就是treat [sb.] to concerts, meals and a ride. 请了[sb.]听音乐会,吃大餐和坐私人飞机。

📍Philadelphia 费城(美国宾夕法尼亚州东南部港市),Oslo 奥斯陆(挪威首都),Wharton Business School 沃顿商学院。

📍字面意思:(因为这位54岁的挪威人就是那个亿万富翁哪个亿万富翁?(定语从句),那个【请斯林格斯塔德先生(Mr Slyngstad)和他的一群朋友们听了斯汀(Sting)和格雷戈里·波特(Gregory Porter)的音乐会吃了杰米·奥利弗(Jamie Oliver)做的饭菜,还让他和他的朋友们从费城(Philadelphia)的沃顿商学院的研讨会上坐私人飞机回奥斯陆(Oslo)】的亿万富翁。

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