

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Badminton great Lin Dan retires after 2 Olympic golds and five World titles


Lin Dan, arguably the greatest badminton player of the 21st century, has announced his retirement from the sport. Lin, who won two Olympic golds and five World titles, dominated men's singles badminton for about a decade along with Malaysia's Lee Chong Wei.

"I've dedicated everything to the sport I love," Lin said in a post on China's Twitter-like Weibo. "My family, coaches, teammates and fans have accompanied me through many happy times and difficult moments."

Lin had been eyeing a third Olympic gold in Tokyo, to accompany the golds he won in 2008 and 2012. "Now I'm 37 years old, and my physical fitness and pain no longer allow me to fight side by side with my teammates," he said.

Lin was at his best in the big matches and was the kind of player who saved his best for the biggest moments. In an eight year period between 2006 and 2014, he won almost every major final he played in, including five Worlds, two Olympics and two Asian Games golds. He was particularly dominant against Lee Chong Wei and Chen Long, who were easily the best players of his generation besides him. Lin won 23 of his 31 matches against Lee between 2006 and 2014. His record against Chen during the same period was 7-3.

Lin had slipped to 19th in the world rankings and was all but out of contention for the Tokyo Olympics, with both Chen Long and Shi Yuqi being placed significantly higher than him.

Lee Chong Wei, who retired in June last year after a battle with cancer, paid an emotional tribute to Lin on Twitter, calling him "the king" and his retirement a "heavy moment of our lives".

HS Prannoy, who is the only Indian to defeat Lin thrice, said, "He's the greatest badminton player I've known. I don't see anyone coming close to his level in the next ten years either. He won the biggest tournaments multiple times."

2014 Commonwealth Games champion Parupalli Kashyap said, "He was an absolute legend and icon of the sport, , ... But he was always courteous when he saw you, even with the limited English words like 'hi', 'bye', 'hello' or 'thanks' that he knew."

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Two-time Olympic gold medallist Lin Dan retires (cr: CGTN)


Badminton great Lin Dan retires after 2 Olympic golds and five World titles


Lin Dan, arguably the greatest badminton player of the 21st century, has announced his retirement from the sport. Lin, who won two Olympic golds and five World titles, dominated men's singles badminton for about a decade along with Malaysia's Lee Chong Wei.



arguable /ˈɑːɡjʊəbəl/ 表示“大概,可能;可论证的;有论据的”,英文解释为“used when stating an opinion or belief that you think can be shown to be true;that you can give good reasons for”举个🌰:

He is arguably the world's best badminton player.



作名词,熟词僻义,表示“(体育比赛的)第一名,冠军”,英文解释为“the position you get by beating all other competitors in a sports competition”举个🌰:

He won the heavyweight boxing title in 2019.


"I've dedicated everything to the sport I love," Lin said in a post on China's Twitter-like Weibo. "My family, coaches, teammates and fans have accompanied me through many happy times and difficult moments."


Lin had been eyeing a third Olympic gold in Tokyo, to accompany the golds he won in 2008 and 2012. "Now I'm 37 years old, and my physical fitness and pain no longer allow me to fight side by side with my teammates," he said.



eye作动词,表示“(饶有兴趣地)看,注视;审视;细看”,英文解释为“to look at someone or something with interest”举个🌰:

He couldn't help eyeing the cakes hungrily.


side by side

fight side by side 并肩作战,side by side表示“肩并肩地;一个挨一个地”,英文解释为“next to each other”举个🌰:

The children sat side by side on the sofa watching television.


🎬电影《遭遇陌生人》(You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger)中的台词提到:And side by side, I think. They'll be really good side by side. 我觉得并排摆吧 并排摆肯定很好看。

🎬电影《指环王3:王者无敌》(The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)中的台词提到:Never thought that I'd die fighting side by side with an elf. 从来没想过和一个精灵并肩战死。

Lin was at his best in the big matches and was the kind of player who saved his best for the biggest moments. In an eight year period between 2006 and 2014, he won almost every major final he played in, including five Worlds, two Olympics and two Asian Games golds. He was particularly dominant against Lee Chong Wei and Chen Long, who were easily the best players of his generation besides him. Lin won 23 of his 31 matches against Lee between 2006 and 2014. His record against Chen during the same period was 7-3.


be at one's best

表示“处于最好状态”,英文解释为“to be as active or intelligent as you can be”举个🌰:

I'm not at my best in the morning.


easily the best

此处的easily解释为“容易地”显然不合理,此处熟词僻义,可能很多小伙伴没注意到,表示“无疑;肯定”,英文解释为“without doubt; definitely”,通常easily+形容词最高级,如:easily the best,easily the most beautiful,easily the nicest,举个🌰:

For me, Hangzhou is easily the most beautiful city in China.


🎬电影《彗星的轨迹》(Comet)中的台词提到:Knowing you goes down as easily the bestthing that's ever happened to me. 能够认识你无疑是发生在我身上的最美好的事情。

📍补充:此处的go down as意思是“被认为;被记作; 作为...被载入史册”(to be remembered or recorded in a particular way)

Hurricane Katrina will go down as the costliest storm ever faced by insurers.


Lin had slipped to 19th in the world rankings and was all but out of contention for the Tokyo Olympics, with both Chen Long and Shi Yuqi being placed significantly higher than him.



原意表示“滑倒;滑落;滑离”,此处解释为“下降;退步;变差”,英文解释为“to fall to a lower level; to become worse”举个🌰:

His popularity has slipped recently.


I don't know what went wrong, I must be slipping.


all but


The game was all but over by the time we arrived.


🎬电影《光之城:破晓(下)》(The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2)中的台词提到:Carlisle is all but ensuring his own destruction. 卡莱尔不过是在自掘坟墓罢了。

🎬电影《终极神鹰》(Hudson Hawk)中的台词提到:They're all but identical. 他们几乎是一样的。

out of contention

out of contention (for sth) 表示“没有机会赢得”(without a chance of winning sth);相反的,in contention (for sth) 表示“有机会赢得”(with a chance of winning sth);

🎬电影《军火贩》(War Dogs)中的台词提到:This wouldn't just put us in contention. 这不仅给了我们竞争的机会。

Lee Chong Wei, who retired in June last year after a battle with cancer, paid an emotional tribute to Lin on Twitter, calling him "the king" and his retirement a "heavy moment of our lives".

去年6月与癌症抗争后退役的李宗伟在推特上向林丹表达了情感上的敬意,称他为 “王者”,他的退役是“我们生命中沉重的时刻”。


1)表示“有成效的结果”,英文解释为“If one thing is a tribute to another, the first thing is the result of the second and shows how good it is.”举个🌰:

His success has been a tribute to hard work, to professionalism.


2)表示“称赞;敬意”,英文解释为“A tribute is something that you say, do, or make to show your admiration and respect for someone.”举个🌰:

The song is a tribute to Lin dan.


HS Prannoy, who is the only Indian to defeat Lin thrice, said, "He's the greatest badminton player I've known. I don't see anyone coming close to his level in the next ten years either. He won the biggest tournaments multiple times."


thrice /θraɪs/

(old use or Indian English)作副词,表示“三次;三倍”,英文解释为“three times”。

2014 Commonwealth Games champion Parupalli Kashyap said, "He was an absolute legend and icon of the sport... But he was always courteous when he saw you, even with the limited English words like 'hi', 'bye', 'hello' or 'thanks' that he knew."

2014年英联邦运动会(Commonwealth Games)冠军卡什亚普·帕鲁帕里(Parupalli Kashyap)说:“他是绝对的传奇,也是这项运动的偶像人物。...尽管只会'嗨'、'再见'、'你好'或'谢谢'这样有限的英语单词,他见到你时总是彬彬有礼。


表示“(尤指某领域中的)传奇人物”,英文解释为“a very famous person, especially in a particular field, who is admired by other people”,如:a jazz/tennis legend 爵士乐/网球的传奇人物。


1)表示“象征物;偶像”,英文解释为“If you describe something or someone as an icon, you mean that they are important as a symbol of a particular thing.”如:a fashion icon 时尚偶像。

2)表示“图标;图符”,英文解释为“a small symbol on a computer screen that represents a program or a file”。

此前在真维斯在澳大利亚宣布破产文中出现过形容词性iconic,表示“偶像的;图符的;象征性的”,英文解释为“An iconic image or thing is important or impressive because it seems to be a symbol of something.”举个🌰:

The ads helped Nike to achieve iconic status.



courteous /ˈkɜːtɪəs/ 表示“有礼貌的;客气的;(尤指)恭敬的,谦恭的”,英文解释为“polite, especially in a way that shows respect”如:a courteous young man 彬彬有礼的年轻人。


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