

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

今日,农夫山泉(Nongfu Spring)在香港正式上市,开盘大涨85.12%,报39.8港元/股,总市值达4400亿港元。其创始人钟睒睒身价也随之飙升,一度成为新晋中国首富,超过马云和马化腾。随后,股价有所回落,当日收盘,农夫山泉股价上涨53.95%,报33.10港元/股。



Nongfu Spring宣传片


Shares of Chinese bottled water giant Nongfu Spring spike 85% in Hong Kong debut


Shares of Chinese bottled water giant Nongfu Spring surged more than 85% in their debut on the Hong Kong stock market on Tuesday. 

The stock opened at 39.80 Hong Kong dollars per share ($5.14) before inching down to around 35.00 Hong Kong dollars ($4.52). Its initial public offering price was 21.50 Hong Kong dollars ($2.77), allowing the company to raise around $1.1 billion. 

Dickie Wong, executive director of Kingston Securities, told CNBC’s “Squawk Box Asia” that Nongfu Spring was “one of the hottest IPO ever” in the history of Hong Kong’s stock market. He pointed out that the IPO was oversubscribed by 1,148 times.

Wong explained that investors are interested in the stock not only for its “fundamentals or its very high profit margin.” He added that there has been a general lack of investment opportunity given that valuations of many stocks — especially technology or internet companies — are high.

“So investors think (participating) in a new IPO is always the best strategy,” he said. 

Investors have also been turning to stocks as interest rates globally remain low, said Fraser Howie, an independent analyst. 

“Ultimately, half the world is operating on negative rates and half of the rest of them is operating on zero rates, and governments keep printing money,” he told CNBC’s “Street Signs Asia.” 

“The world is awash with money, Chinese stocks are hot,” he added.

Nongfu Spring sold 388.2 million shares in its IPO deal. Its cornerstone investors include fund manager Fidelity, hedge fund Coatue and Singapore sovereign wealth fund GIC. Its IPO is one of the largest in Hong Kong this year.

In addition to bottled water, the company produces other packaged drinks such as tea, coffee and fruit juices. The company, citing a Frost and Sullivan report, said it had the largest share in China’s packaged drinking water market from 2012 to 2019.

Nongfu Spring said its 2019 revenue jumped 17.3% to 24.02 billion yuan ($3.51 billion). But in January to May this year, its revenue fell 12.6% year-over-year to 8.66 billion yuan ($1.27 billion) with sales affected by the coronavirus outbreak, the company said.

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Shares of Chinese bottled water giant Nongfu Spring spike 85% in Hong Kong debut


Shares of Chinese bottled water giant Nongfu Spring surged more than 85% in their debut on the Hong Kong stock market on Tuesday.



giant表示“巨头,大公司”,英文解释为“Giant is often used to refer to any large, successful business organization or country.”如:Japanese electronics giant, Sony 日本的电子业巨头——索尼公司。


📍mogul /ˈməʊɡəl/表示“(尤指新闻、影视界的)大人物;大亨”,英文解释为“A mogul is an important, rich, and powerful businessman, especially one in the news, film, or television industry.”如:an international media mogul一位国际传媒大亨。

📍magnate /ˈmæɡneɪt, -nɪt/ 表示“大亨,巨头”,英文解释为“a rich and powerful person in industry or business”。

📍tycoon /taɪˈkuːn/ 表示“巨头,大亨(工商界)”,英文解释为“someone who is successful in business or industry and has a lot of money and power”如:property tycoon 房地产大亨。

📍conglomerate /kənˈglɒmərɪt/ 表示“联合大公司;企业集团”,英文解释为“A conglomerate is a large business firm consisting of several different companies.”如:the world's second-largest media conglomerate 世界第二大传媒集团。

📍behemoth /ˈbiːhɪmɒθ/ 表示“巨头(指规模庞大、实力雄厚的公司或机构)”,英文解释为“a very big and powerful company or organization”。

📍titan表示“巨人;巨头”,英文解释为“If you describe someone as a titan of a particular field, you mean that they are very important and powerful or successful in that field.”


熟词僻义,表示“泉”,英文解释为“a place where water naturally flows out from the ground”如:a mountain spring 山泉,spring water 泉水,bubbling springs 汩汩冒泡的泉,hot springs 温泉。

📺美剧《废柴联盟》(Community)中的台词提到:At most, what you want-- two drops of spring water. 最多也就能加两滴泉水。


1)作动词,表示“剧增”,英文解释为“If something surges, it increases suddenly and greatly, after being steady or developing only slowly.举个🌰:

The company's profits have surged.


2)作名词,表示“剧增”,英文解释为“A surge is a sudden large increase in something that has previously been steady, or has only increased or developed slowly.”举个🌰:

An unexpected surge in electrical power caused the computer to crash.


🎬电影《雷神2:黑暗世界》(Thor: The Dark World)中的台词提到:But she will not survive the amount of energy surging within her. 但她体内涌动的能量太大 她撑不住的。

The stock opened at 39.80 Hong Kong dollars per share ($5.14) before inching down to around 35.00 Hong Kong dollars ($4.52). Its initial public offering price was 21.50 Hong Kong dollars ($2.77), allowing the company to raise around $1.1 billion. 



作动词,表示“缓慢地移动”,英文解释为“to move very slowly or in a lot of short stages”举个🌰:

Share prices inched up/higher during the day.


📺美剧《吸血鬼日记》(The Vampire Diaries)第八季中的台词提到:You're inching up to Alaric 你在慢慢向阿拉里靠近,


首次公开募股(Initial Public Offering, IPO)是指一家企业第一次将它的股份向公众出售。一旦首次公开上市完成后,这家公司就可以申请到证券交易所或报价系统挂牌交易。(百度百科)

Dickie Wong, executive director of Kingston Securities, told CNBC's “Squawk Box Asia” that Nongfu Spring was “one of the hottest IPO ever” in the history of Hong Kong's stock market. He pointed out that the IPO was oversubscribed by 1,148 times.

金利丰证券执行董事黄德几(Dickie Wong)表示,农夫山泉是港股历史上“最热门的IPO之一”。他指出,IPO获得1148倍超额认购。


复数形式securities,熟词僻义,表示“证券”,英文解释为“documents proving that sb is the owner of shares, etc. in a particular company”。


表示“(尤指对股票或票)超额认购的,订购过多的”,英文解释为“If something is oversubscribed, people still want to buy things, especially shares or tickets, although all of them are already sold.”举个🌰:

The $400 million oil company share issue was three times oversubscribed.


🎬电影《华尔街:金钱永不眠》(Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps)中的台词提到:And it's no wonder our new fund is oversubscribed. 难怪我们的新基金被超额认购了。

Wong explained that investors are interested in the stock not only for its “fundamentals or its very high profit margin.” He added that there has been a general lack of investment opportunity given that valuations of many stocks — especially technology or internet companies — are high.


profit margin

表示“利润率,利润幅度”,英文解释为“the difference between the total cost of making and selling something and the price it is sold for”举个🌰:

Many small companies operate on very narrow profit margins.


“So investors think (participating) in a new IPO is always the best strategy,” he said.


Investors have also been turning to stocks as interest rates globally remain low, said Fraser Howie, an independent analyst.

独立分析师弗雷泽·豪伊(Fraser Howie)表示,由于全球利率仍处于低位,投资者也纷纷转向股票。

“Ultimately, half the world is operating on negative rates and half of the rest of them is operating on zero rates, and governments keep printing money,” he told CNBC's “Street Signs Asia.” 


“The world is awash with money, Chinese stocks are hot,” he added.



awash /əˈwɒʃ/ 表示“充满的;充斥的;泛滥的”,英文解释为“having an amount of something that is very large or larger than necessary or wanted”举个🌰:

The city is awash with drugs and the police are powerless to do anything about it.


🎬电影《猜火车》(Trainspotting)中的台词提到:The streets are awash with drugs you can have for unhappiness and pain, and we took them all. 失眠 失业 失恋什么都有的医(充满各种各样的药)我们当然照单全收。

Nongfu Spring sold 388.2 million shares in its IPO deal. Its cornerstone investors include fund manager Fidelity, hedge fund Coatue and Singapore sovereign wealth fund GIC. Its IPO is one of the largest in Hong Kong this year.



📍cornerstone investors 表示“基石投资者”,基石投资者主要是一些一流的机构投资者、大型企业集团、以及知名富豪或其所属企业。

📍hedge fund 表示“对冲基金”(A hedge fund is an investment fund that invests large amounts of money using methods that involve a lot of risk.)

📍sovereign wealth fund表示“主权财富基金(由政府投资)”(A state-owned investment fund)

📍GIC:新加坡政府投资公司(Government of Singapore Investment Corp)

In addition to bottled water, the company produces other packaged drinks such as tea, coffee and fruit juices. The company, citing a Frost and Sullivan report, said it had the largest share in China's packaged drinking water market from 2012 to 2019.

除了瓶装水,该公司还生产其他包装饮料,如茶、咖啡和果汁。该公司援引弗若斯特沙利文公司(Frost and Sullivan)的报告称,2012年至2019年,该公司在中国包装饮用水市场的份额最大。

Nongfu Spring said its 2019 revenue jumped 17.3% to 24.02 billion yuan ($3.51 billion). But in January to May this year, its revenue fell 12.6% year-over-year to 8.66 billion yuan ($1.27 billion) with sales affected by the coronavirus outbreak, the company said.



表示“暴涨;激增 ”,英文解释为“to increase suddenly by a large amount”举个🌰:

Prices have jumped dramatically.







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“蚂蚁”变“大象” 整楼码农都在欢呼






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