

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

听说,今天教资考试选择题考了,《汉谟拉比法典》(The Code of Hammurabi)写在哪儿?






Hammurabi's Code: Babylonian Law Set in Stone

Ancient History Encyclopedia

Hammurabi was the first king of the Babylonian Empire, reigning from 1792 B.C. – 1750 B.C. During his time in power, he conquered Sumer and Akkad, amassing those cultures for his territory. He is probably best known for his enduring code of Babylonian laws, known as Hammurabi’s Code.

Though not the only law code around in the Ancient Near East (the codes of Ur-Nammu and Eshnunna predate it by a few hundred years), Hammurabi’s code stands today as a fundamental example of laws that are so simple that they can not be altered by anyone, not even a king. The laws, 282 of them in total, catalog a number of crimes and their applicable punishments, with little or no provision for the accused to offer explanation in his own defense.

Hammurabi’s code, a fine example of the “an eye for an eye” mentality of justice, was established in order to please the gods he worshipped. It was usual and customary for different Ancient Near Eastern civilizations to establish their own sets of law codes, and many of them are quite similar in content.

The laws were strict and absolute. Hammurabi’s Code was carved into a large slab of stone of black basalt (known as a stela) and displayed publicly. Thus, no citizen or slave could claim he was not aware of a certain law or infraction. This stela, which stood 8 feet high, was discovered in 1901 in Elam, and is now housed in the Musee de Louvre in Paris.

Some of the laws according to Hammurabi include:

If a man accuses another of a crime, but can’t prove it, the accuser will be put to death. If a man accuses another of a crime, and can prove it, the accuser shall receive a monetary reward. If a robber is caught while stealing, he is to be put to death. If a man marries a woman, but has no relations with her, it is not considered a marriage. If a slave strikes his owner, his ear shall be cut off. If a son strikes his mother, his hands shall be cut off.

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Hammurabi's Code: Babylonian Law Set in Stone

Ancient History Encyclopedia

Hammurabi was the first king of the Babylonian Empire, reigning from 1792 B.C. – 1750 B.C. During his time in power, he conquered Sumer and Akkad, amassing those cultures for his territory. He is probably best known for his enduring code of Babylonian laws, known as Hammurabi’s Code.

汉谟拉比(Hammurabi)是巴比伦王国(Babylonian)的第一任国王,于公元前1792年至公元前1750年在位,在位期间,他征服了苏美尔人和阿卡德人,为他的领土积累了这些文化。他最著名的可能是他那部经久不衰的巴比伦法典,即《汉谟拉比法典》(Hammurabi’s Code)。

reign /reɪn/

1)表示“统治;当政;为王;为君”,英文解释为“to rule as king, queen, emperor , etc.”举个🌰:

Queen Victoria reigned from 1837 to 1901.


2)从第一个含义引申出来,可以解释为“主宰;盛行;成为最显著的 ”,英文解释为“to be the most obvious feature of a place or moment”举个🌰:

Confusion reigned about how the debate would end.


📍写作里可以试试这个表达,xxx reigned. 表示某个东西“占据了主导地位”,既简洁又高级。当然,要注意主语单复数/可不可数。

At last silence reigned (= there was complete silence).


🎬电影《黑衣人2》(Men in Black II)中的台词提到:We have lived by its word, and peace has reigned throughout our world. 我们一直谨守诫律  和平相处。


表示“占领;攻取;征服;击败”,英文解释为“to take control or possession of foreign land, or a group of people, by force”举个🌰:

The Spanish conquered the New World in the 16th century.



表示“(尤指大量)积累,积聚”,英文解释为“to collect sth, especially in large quantities”举个🌰:

He amassed a fortune from delivering newspapers.



📍accumulate:to gradually get more and more of sth over a period of time 积累;积聚;

📍rack up表示“大量获得(利润);严重遭受(损失);(体育中)多次赢得(比赛)”(If a business racks up profits, losses, or sales, it makes a lot of them. If a sportsman, sportswoman, or team racks up wins, they win a lot of games or races.)

Though not the only law code around in the Ancient Near East (the codes of Ur-Nammu and Eshnunna predate it by a few hundred years), Hammurabi’s code stands today as a fundamental example of laws that are so simple that they can not be altered by anyone, not even a king. The laws, 282 of them in total, catalog a number of crimes and their applicable punishments, with little or no provision for the accused to offer explanation in his own defense.

虽然不是古代近东(Ancient Near East)地区唯一的一部法典(乌尔纳姆和埃什努纳法典比它早了几百年),但汉谟拉比法典今天仍然是一部简单到任何人都无法改变的法律的基本范例,即使是国王也不行。这些法律共282条,列举了一些罪行及其适用的惩罚,几乎没有或根本没有规定被告在自己的辩护中作出解释。


code在文中表示“法典,法规;行为准则,道德规范”,英文解释为“a set of rules, laws, or principles that tell people how to behave”,如:fire code可以解释为消防规范,消防法规,highway code (英国)交通规则。


表示“早于…存在(或发生)”,英文解释为“to have existed or happened before another thing”举个🌰:

These cave paintings predate any others which are known.



英式拼写catalogue,美式catalog,作动词,表示“记录;将…编入目录”,英文解释为“to record something, especially in a list”举个🌰:

Many plants become extinct before they have even been catalogued.



表示“生效的;适合的,适用的”,英文解释为“affecting or relating to a person or thing”举个🌰:

This part of the law is only applicable to companies employing more than five people.


🎬电影《美丽心灵》(A Beautiful Mind)中的台词提到:To triumph, we need results.  Publishable, applicable results. 为了争取胜利 我们需要结果 需要可以发表和适用的结果。


作名词,此处表示“(法律文件的)规定,条款”,英文解释为“a condition or an arrangement in a legal document”举个🌰:

Under the provisions of the lease, the tenant is responsible for repairs.


Hammurabi’s code, a fine example of the “an eye for an eye” mentality of justice, was established in order to please the gods he worshipped. It was usual and customary for different Ancient Near Eastern civilizations to establish their own sets of law codes, and many of them are quite similar in content.


an eye for an eye

an eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth)表示“以眼还眼,以牙还牙。”,英文解释为“saying said to show that you believe if someone does something wrong, that person should be punished by having the same thing done to them”。

worship /ˈwɜːʃɪp/

可作名词也可以作动词,表示“(对上帝或神的)崇拜,敬仰,礼拜”,英文解释为“the practice of showing respect for God or a god, by saying prayers, singing with others, etc.; a ceremony for this”如:ancestor worship 对祖先的崇拜,举个🌰:

On the island the people worshipped different gods.




She's not her customary cheerful self today.


📺美剧《权利的游戏》(Game of Thrones)第二季中的台词提到:It was customary for me to extend him an invitation. 邀请他前来赴宴是一种习俗。

The laws were strict and absolute. Hammurabi’s Code was carved into a large slab of stone of black basalt (known as a stela) and displayed publicly. Thus, no citizen or slave could claim he was not aware of a certain law or infraction. This stela, which stood 8 feet high, was discovered in 1901 in Elam, and is now housed in the Musee de Louvre in Paris.



basalt /ˈbæsɔːlt/ 表示“玄武岩”,英文解释为“a type of black rock that comes from a volcano”。


表示“雕刻”,英文解释为“to make something by cutting into especially wood or stone, or to cut into the surface of stone, wood, etc.”举个🌰:

He carved her name on a tree.



表示“(石、木等坚硬物质的)厚板”,英文解释为“a thick flat piece of stone, wood or other hard material”,如:a slab of marble/concrete 大理石板/混凝土板。


表示“石碑”,英文解释为“a vertical piece of stone with writing cut into it, often used in the past as a gravestone (= a stone that shows where a dead person is buried)”。

Some of the laws according to Hammurabi include:


If a man accuses another of a crime, but can’t prove it, the accuser will be put to death. If a man accuses another of a crime, and can prove it, the accuser shall receive a monetary reward. If a robber is caught while stealing, he is to be put to death. If a man marries a woman, but has no relations with her, it is not considered a marriage. If a slave strikes his owner, his ear shall be cut off. If a son strikes his mother, his hands shall be cut off.

如果一个人指控另一个人犯罪,但不能证明它, 指控者将被处死。如果一个人指控另一个人犯罪,并且能够证明,指控者将获得金钱奖励。如果一个强盗在偷窃时被抓到,就要处死他。如果一个男人娶了一个女人,但没有和她发生关系,就不算结婚。如果奴隶打了主人,就要割掉他的耳朵。如果儿子打他的母亲,他的手要被砍掉。







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