

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26




Alibaba to kick off China's first post-pandemic 'Singles Day' early


China’s Alibaba Group Holding Ltd will kick off its mega-shopping extravaganza “Singles Day” early this year, a move that will likely see a big jump in its sales as the easing of the country’s COVID-19 pandemic drives an economic rebound.

The tech giant will offer two check out periods - a new one from Nov. 1-3 and its traditional 24-hour shopping window on Nov. 11. It says it will introduce more than 2 million new products, double the amount last year.

This year’s blitz is being watched as a barometer for how strong consumer appetite is rebounding in China, amid signs that a recovery in household spending has started broadening.

Other tech players, like Douyin, the Chinese version of ByteDance’s TikTok, JD.com and Pinduoduo are rolling out their own campaigns, some larger than others.

Alibaba turned China’s informal Singles’ Day into a one-day shopping event in 2009 and has made it the world’s biggest online sales fest, dwarfing Cyber Monday in the United States. Last year, it recorded $38.4 billion in sales on the day.

“The longer 11-11 lasts, the more opportunity they have to make money,” said Sam Coopersmith, partner at Full Jet, a Shanghai-based e-commerce consultancy.

But Lu Zhenwang, an independent e-commerce expert and chief executive officer of Shanghai-based Wanqing Consultancy, says he expects Alibaba’s gross merchandise value (GMV) growth to be modest, at around 10-20% compared to last year, noting many consumers’ incomes were hurt by the pandemic.

Alibaba Chief Marketing officer Chris Tung told reporters on Thursday he expects the pandemic to drive purchases of luxury goods in particular, as global travel bans prevent Chinese consumers from shopping overseas.

The company’s Cainiao logistics division is expecting package shipments to increase 30% from last year, when the company sent out 1.3 billion on Nov. 11 and the week after, said the unit’s senior director James Zhao.

In the eastern city of Wuxi, one of Cainiao’s warehouses has added between 200 and 300 robots, along with more dormitories and dining rooms to accommodate extra staff, said Tu Ping, the facility’s general manager.

JD.com, Alibaba’s chief rival, will begin its 11-day festival on Nov. 1, which it has done for the past few years. The company said it will offer a total of 10 billion yuan ($1.49 billion) in discounts to consumers this year

Douyin will hold its own Singles Day activities for the first time this year as it tries to build up its e-commerce offering. Last year the popular short video app partnered with Alibaba to power its livestreaming services, but plans to direct its users to its own internal e-commerce stores this year.

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This is what Singles Day sales means to China's Alibaba (CNBC International TV)


Alibaba to kick off China's first post-pandemic 'Singles Day' early


China’s Alibaba Group Holding Ltd will kick off its mega-shopping extravaganza “Singles Day” early this year, a move that will likely see a big jump in its sales as the easing of the country’s COVID-19 pandemic drives an economic rebound.


kick off

表示“开始(事件、比赛等)”,英文解释为“If an event, game, series, or discussion kicks off, or is kicked off, it begins.举个🌰:

The shows kick off on November 11th. 



表示“巨大的;了不起的;非常大的;给人深刻印象的;十分令人愉快的”,英文解释为“very large or great”如:a megastore 大商场,举个🌰:

Their first record was a mega hit.



extravaganza /ɪkˌstrævəˈɡænzə/ 表示“盛大展示; 盛大表演”,英文解释为“An extravaganza is a very elaborate and expensive show or performance.”如:a magnificent fireworks extravaganza 一场壮观的焰火表演,a musical/dance extravaganza 场面宏大华丽的歌曲汇演/舞蹈盛宴。


表示“激励;促进;推进”,英文解释为“to influence sth or cause it to make progress”举个🌰:

This is the main factor driving investment in the area.



1)作名词,表示“复兴;振作;反弹”,英文解释为“a positive reaction that happens after sth negative.”

2)作动词,表示“弹回”,英文解释为“If something rebounds from a solid surface, it bounces or springs back from it.”举个🌰:

His shot in the 21st minute of the game rebounded from a post.


3)作动词,表示“反作用于(尤指对自己产生本想施与别人的不良影响)”,英文解释为“If an action or situation rebounds on you, it has an unpleasant effect on you, especially when this effect was intended for someone else.”举个🌰:

She realized her trick had rebounded on her.


The tech giant will offer two checkout periods - a new one from Nov. 1-3 and its traditional 24-hour shopping window on Nov. 11. It says it will introduce more than 2 million new products, double the amount last year.



1)表示“(超级市场的)付款台,付款处”,英文解释为“the place where you pay for the things that you are buying in a supermarket”如:a  checkout assistant/operator 付款台助手/收银员。

2)表示“(在旅馆)结账离开的时间”,英文解释为“the time when you leave a hotel at the end of your stay”举个🌰:

At checkout, your bill will be printed for you.


This year's blitz is being watched as a barometer for how strong consumer appetite is rebounding in China, amid signs that a recovery in household spending has started broadening.



blitz /blɪts/ 表示“集中力量的行动;闪电式行动”,英文解释为“a lot of energetic activity举个🌰:

The car was launched with a massive media/advertising blitz, involving newspapers, magazines, television and radio.



barometer /bəˈrɒmɪtə/ 表示“(显示经济、社会、政治变化的)晴雨表,标志,指标”,英文解释为“something that shows the changes that are happening in an economic, social or political situation”举个🌰:

Infant mortality is a reliable barometer of socio-economic conditions.


Other tech players, like Douyin, the Chinese version of ByteDance’s TikTok, JD.com and Pinduoduo are rolling out their own campaigns, some larger than others.


roll out

表示“推出(新产品或服务)”,英文解释为“If a company rolls out a new product or service, or if the product or service rolls out, it is made available to the public.”举个🌰:

Microsoft rolls out its new operating system.


📍此外,roll out还有另一个含义,表示“将…轧平”,英文解释为“to make sth flat by pushing sth over it”举个🌰:

Roll out the pastry.


🎬电影《老爸上战场》(Dad's Army)中刚好有这个例句:Shall I roll out the pastry?  我要把面团轧平吗?

📍rollout作名词时,表示“首次提供(产品或服务)”,英文解释为“the act of making something, especially a product or service, available for the first time”举个🌰:

Since its rollout in 2011, Wechat has gained billions of members.


📍今年政府工作报告Part 12中就提到:We will support the rollout of e-commerce and express delivery services in rural areas to expand rural consumption. 支持电商、快递进农村,拓展农村消费。

Alibaba turned China's informal Singles' Day into a one-day shopping event in 2009 and has made it the world's biggest online sales feast, dwarfing Cyber Monday in the United States. Last year, it recorded $38.4 billion in sales on the day.

阿里巴巴在2009年将中国非正式的光棍节变成了为期一天的购物活动,并使其成为全球最大的网购盛会,使美国的“网络星期一”(Cyber Monday)相形见绌。去年,当日的销售额达到了384亿美元。


fest一般是作词根,表示“活动;盛会;节日”。更常用的是feast一词,表示“(宗教)节日”,英文解释为“a day on which a religious event or person is remembered and celebrated”如:a Muslim feast day 一个穆斯林节日。

📍As nouns the difference between feast and fest is that feast is a very large meal, often of a ceremonial nature while fest is (in combination) a gathering for a specified reason or occasion.


dwarf /dwɔːf/表示“使显得矮小;使相形见绌”,英文解释为“to make sth seem small or unimportant compared with sth else”举个🌰:

The old houses were dwarfed by the huge new tower blocks.


“The longer 11-11 lasts, the more opportunity they have to make money,” said Sam Coopersmith, partner at Full Jet, a Shanghai-based e-commerce consultancy.

“双十一持续的时间越长,他们赚钱的机会就越多。”上海一家电子商务咨询公司Full Jet的合伙人山姆·库珀史密斯(Sam Coopersmith)说。

But Lu Zhenwang, an independent e-commerce expert and chief executive officer of Shanghai-based Wanqing Consultancy, says he expects Alibaba's gross merchandise value (GMV) growth to be modest, at around 10-20% compared to last year, noting many consumers' incomes were hurt by the pandemic.


gross merchandise value


Alibaba Chief Marketing officer Chris Tung told reporters on Thursday he expects the pandemic to drive purchases of luxury goods in particular, as global travel bans prevent Chinese consumers from shopping overseas.

阿里巴巴首席市场官董本洪(Chris Tung)周四向记者表示,由于全球旅行禁令阻止中国消费者到海外购物,他预计疫情将特别推动奢侈品的消费。

The company's Cainiao logistics division is expecting package shipments to increase 30% from last year, when the company sent out 1.3 billion on Nov. 11 and the week after, said the unit's senior director James Zhao.

阿里巴巴的菜鸟物流预计包裹配送量将比去年增加30%,该公司去年11月11日和及其后一周配送了13亿件包裹,该部门的高级总监James Zhao表示。

In the eastern city of Wuxi, one of Cainiao's warehouses has added between 200 and 300 robots, along with more dormitories and dining rooms to accommodate extra staff, said Tu Ping, the facility's general manager.

在东部城市无锡,菜鸟物流的一个仓库已经增加了200到300个机器人以及更多的宿舍和餐厅,以容纳额外的员工,仓库总经理Tu Ping说。


1)表示“为(某人)提供住宿(或膳宿、座位等)”,英文解释为“to provide sb with a room or place to sleep, live or sit”举个🌰:

The hotel can accommodate up to 123 guests.


2)表示“容纳;为…提供空间”,英文解释为“to provide enough space for sb/sth”举个🌰:

Over 10 minutes of music can be accommodated on one CD.


3)表示“考虑到;顾及”,英文解释为“to consider sth, such as sb's opinion or a fact, and be influenced by it when you are deciding what to do or explaining sth”举个🌰:

Our proposal tries to accommodate the special needs of minority groups.


JD.com, Alibaba's chief rival, will begin its 11-day festival on Nov. 1, which it has done for the past few years. The company said it will offer a total of 10 billion yuan ($1.49 billion) in discounts to consumers this year.


Douyin will hold its own Singles Day activities for the first time this year as it tries to build up its e-commerce offering. Last year the popular short video app partnered with Alibaba to power its livestreaming services, but plans to direct its users to its own internal e-commerce stores this year.



1)表示“用品;剧作;作品;供消遣的产品”,英文解释为“something that is produced for other people to use, watch, enjoy etc.”如:the latest offering from the writer 那位作家的最新作品。

2)表示“祭品;供品”,英文解释为“An offering is a gift that people offer to their God or gods as a form of worship.”

📺美剧《康斯坦丁》(Constantine)中的台词提到:we present you offerings from life into death 吾等向汝供奉由生入死的祭品。






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