
密歇根州软件故障 错将6000票投给拜登

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


当地时间11月6日,密歇根州(Michigan)共和党主席劳拉·考克斯(Laura Cox)在新闻发布会上表示,该州安特里姆县(Antrim County)的计票软件出现故障,导致该县6000张投给共和党(特朗普)的选票被算到民主党(拜登)名下;并且,该州有47个县(超过一半)使用了这一软件。


此外,6日晚上乔·拜登(Joe Biden)发表了公开讲话。虽然在讲话中没有宣布自己胜选,但是他表示,数字清晰地表明,我们将赢得这场竞赛。


Michigan Republicans claim software issue undercounted Trump votes

New York Post

President Trump’s supporters are pointing to a small Michigan county as evidence that vote-counting software used in the state may undercut Trump’s number of votes — as the Trump campaign fends off the appearance of inevitable defeat.

Republicans point out that in northern Antrim County, thousands of votes were counted in error for Biden, and for Democratic Sen. Gary Peters instead of GOP candidate John James.

Biden is ahead by 146,123 votes in Michigan with 98 percent of ballots counted, and the Associated Press and major news networks declared him the winner.

Michigan GOP Chairwoman Laura Cox said at a Friday press conference that “in Antrim County, ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans, causing a 6,000 vote swing against our candidates. The county clerk came forward and said, ‘tabulating software glitched and caused a miscalculation of the votes.'”

Cox said that “since then, we have now discovered that 47 counties used this same software in the same capacity,” or more than half of Michigan’s 83 counties. She urged those counties to “closely examine their results for similar discrepancies.” Trump’s campaign circulated her remarks on Twitter.

The Detroit Free Press reports that Antrim County uses Dominion Voting Systems equipment. Results are stored on computer cards at precincts, then uploaded to another computer by county election officials.

Antrim County Clerk Sheryl Guy, a Republican, told the Free Press that it’s unclear if human error or a glitch caused the error, which was discovered because Democratic wins were incongruous with the county’s conservative leanings. A manual review confirmed the error.

University of Michigan computer science professor J. Alex Halderman, a voting machine expert, told the Free Press that “it’s plausibly human error, but if a simple screw-up could cause these problems, that sounds like a technical design flaw.”

“It’s natural to wonder whether similar problems could have occurred in other jurisdictions that use the same machine. Fortunately, even if the county hadn’t noticed, this would have been caught and corrected during Michigan’s normal canvassing procedures, when they compare the results to the paper tapes from the machines,” he added.

A Michigan judge on Thursday tossed out a lawsuit from the Trump campaign to halt the counting of ballots in the Wolverine State, ruling that the vote count had already ended — in Biden’s favor.

Trump won Michigan by just 10,704 votes in 2016 against Hillary Clinton, and Biden boasted of his apparently wider lead in Wednesday remarks, when the state’s race was still tighter.

“In Michigan, we lead by over 35,000 votes, and it is growing, a substantially bigger margin that President Trump won Michigan in 2016,” Biden said.

Trump’s path to a second term appeared bleak Friday, with unofficial vote counts in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and Pennsylvania tilting toward Biden. If those results hold, Biden will become president-elect.

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Michigan Republicans claim software issue undercounted Trump votes

New York Post

President Trump's supporters are pointing to a small Michigan county as evidence that vote-counting software used in the state may undercut Trump's number of votes — as the Trump campaign fends off the appearance of inevitable defeat.



表示“削弱;损害;使失败”,英文解释为“to damage something or to make it fail ”举个🌰:

He suspected it was an attempt to undercut his authority.




1)表示“逐渐削弱;逐渐动摇”,英文解释为“If you undermine something such as a feeling or a system, you make it less strong or less secure than it was before, often by a gradual process or by repeated efforts.”举个🌰:

Offering advice on each and every problem will undermine her feeling of being adult.


2)表示“(通常以间接方式)动摇(某人的地位或权威)”,英文解释为“If you undermine someone or undermine their position or authority, you make their authority or position less secure, often by indirect methods.”举个🌰:

She undermined him and destroyed his confidence in his own talent.


fend off

表示“避开,回避;挡住(攻击)”,英文解释为“to defend yourself from something such as difficult questions, competition, or a situation you do not want to deal with”举个🌰:

She uses her secretary to fend off unwanted phone calls.


He raised his hand to fend off the blow.


Republicans point out that in northern Antrim County, thousands of votes were counted in error for Biden, and for Democratic Sen. Gary Peters instead of GOP candidate John James.

共和党人指出,在北部的安特里姆县(Antrim County),数千张选票被错误地计入拜登和民主党参议员加里·彼得斯(Gary Peters)的选票中,而不是共和党候选人约翰·詹姆斯(John James)的选票中。

Biden is ahead by 146,123 votes in Michigan with 98 percent of ballots counted, and the Associated Press and major news networks declared him the winner.

拜登在密歇根州以146123票领先,计票率达98%,美联社(Associated Press)和各大新闻网都宣布他获胜。

Michigan GOP Chairwoman Laura Cox said at a Friday press conference that “in Antrim County, ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans, causing a 6,000 vote swing against our candidates. The county clerk came forward and said, ‘tabulating software glitched and caused a miscalculation of the votes.'”

密歇根州共和党主席劳拉·考克斯(Laura Cox)在周五的新闻发布会上说:“在安特里姆县,本来是给共和党人的选票被统计成了民主党的,导致6000票对我们的候选人不利。县政官员出面说,制表软件出了故障,导致票数计算错误。”


GOP, 老大党,指美国共和党,the Grand Old Party的缩写。共和党(Republican Party)与民主党(Democratic Party并列为美国当代的两大主要政党


1)作名词,表示“秋千”,英文解释为“a seat for swinging on, hung from above on ropes or chains”;

2)表示“摆动;挥动;转动;强劲节奏”,英文解释为“a swinging movement or rhythm”,举个🌰:

He took a wild swing at the ball.


3)表示“改变;改变的程度”,英文解释为“a change from one opinion or situation to another; the amount by which sth changes”,举个🌰:

Voting showed a 25% swing to him.



表示“制表;列成表格;列表显示”,英文解释为“to arrange facts or figures in columns or lists so that they can be read easily”。


表示“故障;小毛病;小差错;小故障”,一般是作名词,此处作动词,英文解释为“(of a machine or system) to suffer a sudden fault and fail to work correctly”举个🌰:

The screen glitched.


📍此前,萝莉音主播直播出bug秒变大妈脸?一文中提到乔碧萝直播bug时也用的glitch一词:Fans of a popular Chinese video blogger who called herself "Your Highness Qiao Biluo" have been left stunned after a technical glitch during one of her live-streams revealed her to be a middle-aged woman and not the young glamorous girl they thought her to be.

Cox said that “since then, we have now discovered that 47 counties used this same software in the same capacity,” or more than half of Michigan's 83 counties. She urged those counties to “closely examine their results for similar discrepancies.” Trump's campaign circulated her remarks on Twitter.



表示“差异;不符合;不一致”,英文解释为“a difference between two or more things that should be the same”,如:wide discrepancies in prices quoted for the work 这项工作的报价出入很大。

📍补充:quote,熟词僻义,作动词此处表示“开价;出价;报价”,英文解释为:to tell a customer how much money you will charge them for a job, service or product.


circulate有“传播;流传;散布”的含义(if a story, an idea, information, etc. circulates or if you circulate it, it spreads or it is passed from one person to another),举个🌰

Rumours began to circulate about his financial problems.


🎬电影《拉瑞·克劳》(Larry Crowne)中的台词提到:If gossip of this nature were to circulate, 如果这种性质的八卦流传开来,

The Detroit Free Press reports that Antrim County uses Dominion Voting Systems equipment. Results are stored on computer cards at precincts, then uploaded to another computer by county election officials.

《底特律自由新闻报(Detroit Free Press)》报道称,安特里姆县使用的是多米尼克投票系统设备。结果存储在选区的计算卡上,然后由县选举官员上传到另一台电脑。


precinct /ˈpriːsɪŋkt/ 表示“选区”,英文解释为“one of the parts into which a town or city is divided in order to organize elections”。

Antrim County Clerk Sheryl Guy, a Republican, told the Free Press that it's unclear if human error or a glitch caused the error, which was discovered because Democratic wins were incongruous with the county's conservative leanings. A manual review confirmed the error.

安特利姆县政官员、共和党人谢里尔·盖伊(Sheryl Guy)对底特律自由新闻报表示,目前还不清楚是人为错误还是故障造成的,发现错误的原因是民主党人获胜与该县的保守倾向不一致。人工复核确认了这一错误。


incongruous /ɪnˈkɒŋɡrʊəs/ 表示“不协调的;不合适的;不一致的”,英文解释为“unusual or different from what is around or from what is generally happening”举个🌰:

The new computer looked incongruous in the dark book-filled library.


University of Michigan computer science professor J. Alex Halderman, a voting machine expert, told the Free Press that “it's plausibly human error, but if a simple screw-up could cause these problems, that sounds like a technical design flaw.”

密歇根大学计算机科学教授亚历克斯·哈尔德曼(J. Alex Halderman)是投票机专家,他告诉底特律自由新闻报,“这很可能是人为的错误,但如果一个简单的错误能导致这些问题,这听起来像是一个技术设计缺陷。”


plausibly 副词,plausible形容词,表示“有道理的;可信的;貌似真实的,貌似有理的”,英文解释为“in a way that is likely to be true, or is possible to believe”举个🌰:

Her story sounded perfectly plausible.



表示“把事情搞砸了;犯了大错”,英文解释为“a situation in which you do something badly or make a big mistake”举个🌰:

There's been a screw-up with our hotel reservation.


“It's natural to wonder whether similar problems could have occurred in other jurisdictions that use the same machine. Fortunately, even if the county hadn't noticed, this would have been caught and corrected during Michigan's normal canvassing procedures, when they compare the results to the paper tapes from the machines,” he added.


jurisdiction /ˌdʒʊərɪsˈdɪkʃən/

1)表示“司法权;管辖权”,英文解释为“Jurisdiction is the power that a court of law or an official has to carry out legal judgments or to enforce laws.”举个🌰:

The British police have no jurisdiction over foreign bank accounts.


2)表示“管辖范围”,英文解释为“A jurisdiction is a state or other area in which a particular court and system of laws has authority.”如:in most other European jurisdictions, 欧洲大部分其他司法辖区。

🎬电影《X战警:逆转未来》(X-Men: Days of Future Past)中的台词提到:I don't believe you have jurisdiction in this matter.我想这事不在你的管辖范围内。

canvass /ˈkænvəs/

1)表示“游说;拉选票”,英文解释为“to ask sb to support a particular person, political party, etc., especially by going around an area and talking to people”举个🌰:

He spent the whole month canvassing for votes.


2)表示“调查(民意);征求(意见)”,英文解释为“to ask people about sth in order to find out what they think about it”举个🌰:

He has been canvassing opinion on the issue.


A Michigan judge on Thursday tossed out a lawsuit from the Trump campaign to halt the counting of ballots in the Wolverine State, ruling that the vote count had already ended — in Biden's favor.

密歇根州的一名法官周四驳回了特朗普竞选团队提出的停止在密歇根州(狼獾州,Wolverine State)计票的诉讼,裁定计票已经结束--对拜登有利。

toss sth out

原意表示“丢弃…,抛弃… ;拒绝接受”,英文解释为“to get rid of or remove something”举个🌰:

She tossed out my old chair.



wolverine /ˈwʊlvəˌriːn/ 表示“(生活在欧洲北部和北美寒冷地区的)狼獾,貂熊”,英文解释为“a wild animal with short legs, long fur, and a long tail, found mainly in cold northern areas of Europe and North America”。

注:美国密歇根州(Michigan)别称就叫“狼獾州”(Wolverine State)。

Trump won Michigan by just 10,704 votes in 2016 against Hillary Clinton, and Biden boasted of his apparently wider lead in Wednesday remarks, when the state's race was still tighter.

特朗普在2016年仅以10704票战胜希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton),而拜登在周三的讲话中夸耀自己的领先优势明显更大,当时该州的选情仍然比较激烈。

“In Michigan, we lead by over 35,000 votes, and it is growing, a substantially bigger margin that President Trump won Michigan in 2016,” Biden said.


Trump's path to a second term appeared bleak Friday, with unofficial vote counts in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and Pennsylvania tilting toward Biden. If those results hold, Biden will become president-elect.



1)表示“(境况)惨淡的,无希望的”,英文解释为“If a situation is bleak, there is little or no hope for the future.”

1)表示“(地方)荒凉的;凄凉的”,英文解释为“If a place is bleak, it is empty, and not welcoming or attractive.”举个🌰:

The house stands on a bleak, windswept hilltop.


tilt toward

表示“倾向”,英文解释为“If a person or thing tilts toward a particular opinion or if something tilts them toward it, they change slightly so that they become more in agreement with that opinion or position.”


president elect, prime minister elect,此处-elect表示“候任的”,英文解释为“the person who has been voted to be president, prime minister, etc. but has not yet started work”。








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特朗普转身离开 记者:你是输不起吗?







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