

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

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十九届五中全会 the fifth plenary session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China;

全面建成小康社会 build a moderately prosperous society in all respects;

经济实力、科技实力、综合国力economic and technological strength and composite national strength;

碳排放达峰后稳中有降。Carbon emission will steadily decline after reaching a peak.

城乡区域发展差距disparities in urban-rural development;

制造强国 a manufacturer of quality;

推进两岸关系和平发展和祖国统一 advance the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations and national reunification


自动体外除颤器是一种抢救心脏骤停的急救设备,能够自动识别异常心律并给予电击除颤。Automated external defibrillator (AED) is a medical equipment that can recognize an abnormal heart rhythm and quickly help the heart to reestablish normal rhythms through an electrical shock.

10月27日,北京启动轨道交通车站配置AED工作,到2022年底北京所有轨道交通车站将实现AED设备全覆盖,为突发心脏病乘客提供急救。Beijing plans to install defibrillators in all of its subway stations by the end of 2022 to provide first-aid for any passenger who has a sudden heart attack.

一线站务人员培训取证率达80%以上。More than 80 percent of workers at subway stations will be trained to use them.


冷链运输已成为新冠病毒传播新途径。Cold-chain transportation has become a new route for viral transmission.

研究发现,新发地疫情中获得的病毒基因组序列具有明显的突变特征,和我国之前所发现的病例均不相同。这表明,新发地疫情应为单一性的境外输入。The study found that the viral genome sequence showed a clear mutation compared with those obtained from previous samples in China, a proof that the virus that caused the outbreak was imported.

【新疆喀什启动一级响应:共报告138例无症状感染者 待检测总人数474.65万】

截至目前,新疆喀什共报告138例无症状感染者。A total of 138 asymptomatic cases of the novel coronavirus were reported in the city of Kashgar in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

截至10月25日下午2点,已进行核酸采样283.53万人. As of 2:00 p.m. on October 25, more than 2,830,000 people had been swabbed for the novel coronavirus test.

航空铁路公路等全部正常畅通,外地游客前往喀什无需隔离或者提供核酸报告,但是离开时需持7日内核酸检测阴性报告。All highways, railways and the airport remain operational in Kashgar. Visitors to the city do not have to be quarantined or show nucleic acid test reports, but people who leave the area should have tested negative for COVID-19 within the past seven days.


首批3万只蒙古国捐赠羊中的4000只经二连浩特口岸入境中国。The first batch of 4,000 from 30,000 Mongolia-donated live sheep arrived in the China-Mongolia border city of Erenhot, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

根据中蒙双方商定的计划,这些羊宰杀加工后将被运往湖北省。According to a bilateral agreement, the sheep will be slaughtered and processed before being sent to Hubei Province.


减少碳排放cut carbon emissions;

优化能源利用optimize energy use;

 “十三五”期间,中国在生态环境质量改善、生态环境保护事业上取得了巨大的成就。China experienced its greatest improvement in ecological and environmental protection in 13th Five-Year-Plan period (2016-20).

全国单位GDP二氧化碳排放持续下降,截至去年底,碳排放强度比2015年下降18.2%。Carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP continues to decline and carbon intensity has decreased by 18.2% compared to 2015.

预计能够顺利完成“十三五”空气质量优良天数比率达到84.5%以上的约束性目标。The number of days with excellent or good air quality in 2020 is expected to reach 84.5% by the end of the year, comfortably meeting the goal as outlined in the plan.



新冠疫苗的产能production capacity of COVID-19 vaccines

明年我国新冠疫苗的年产能,将在此基础上有效地扩大,切实保证我国以及全球其他国家对中国新冠疫苗的需求。The production capacity will continue to expand next year to meet the demand for COVID-19 vaccines in China and other countries.

疫苗的定价将在大众可接受范围内。The price of COVID-19 vaccines will be acceptable to the public.



我国第三季度国内生产总值同比增长4.9%。China's gross domestic product (GDP) expanded 4.9 percent year on year in the third quarter of 2020.

在经历上半年同比下降1.6%,一季度同比下降6.8%之后,中国前三季度经济增长由负转正,GDP同比增长0.7%。In the first three quarters, the country's GDP expanded 0.7 percent year on year, returning to growth after the 1.6 percent-contraction in the first half of the year and the 6.8-percent slump in Q1.

疫情冲击下的中国经济正在逐步复苏。China’s economy is recovering steadily under the impact of COVID-19 pandemic.


首次对“碰瓷”行为作出准确界定:指行为人通过故意制造或者编造其被害假象,非法索取财物的行为。For the first time, authorities have defined the pengci scam, in which people pretend they have been harmed by another party and then ask that party for money or property as compensation.

两类常见 “碰瓷” 行为:诈骗和勒索two main types of pengci-fraud and extortion;

加大力度打击有组织的“碰瓷”违法犯罪 intensify efforts to crack down on organized crime involved in pengci;

遏制和严惩违法者,保护人们的合法权益deter and punish violators and protect people’s legitimate rights and interests;

现场处置、侦查取证, 起诉、审判工作on-site investigations, the collection of evidence, prosecutions and trials;

解决案件定性、管辖、证据标准等问题solve problems determining the nature, jurisdiction and standards of evidence;

确保案件证据确凿、定性准确、量刑适当ensure evidence is conclusive and accurate, and that punishment is appropriate;

提高警惕和自我保护意识enhance vigilance and awareness of self-protection


今年中国经济将增长1.9%,是全球唯一实现正增长的主要经济体。China is expected to grow by 1.9%, the only major economy that could see growth this year.

国际货币基金组织预计2020全球经济将萎缩4.4%。The International Monetary Fund (IMF) projected the global economy would contract by 4.4% in 2020.

消费成为经济发展的主要驱动力。Consumption is expected to become a major driver of the economy.

中国转向以国内经济为中心的新发展模式。China is pivoting to a new development pattern focused on the domestic economy.

复苏速度快于预期a faster-than-expected recovery;

内循环internal circulation;

国际高水平经贸规则high-standard international economic and trade rules;

贸易和投资便利化trade and investment facilitation;

开放型经济新高地 an economy with a new height of openness;

自由贸易港free trade port;

贸易自由便利和投资自由便利trade and investment facilitation;

生产要素自由便利流动smooth flow of production factors;

《世界经济展望报告》 World Economic Outlook (WEO) report


对密切接触者进行核酸测试和重点监测。Close contacts will be given nucleic acid tests and closely monitored.

无症状病例 asymptomatic cases;

境外输入性病例 inbound cases;

开展全市病毒检测 roll out city-wide virus testing;

及时发布信息release information to the public in timely manner;

调动全省资源 mobilize resources across the province;

具体的感染源仍在调查中。The specific source of infections is still under investigation.

流行病学调查 epidemiological investigation;

收治新冠肺炎患者的定点医院a designated medical institution for COVID-19 patients


黄金周 Golden Week;

经济健康晴雨表a barometer of economic health;

假期期间中国经济复苏势头强劲。China's economy recovers with strong momentum during holidays.

中国巨大的市场和不断扩大的内需China’s enormous market and expanding domestic demand;

蓬勃发展的“假日经济”助长了内部循环并促进了外部循环The booming “holiday economy” fuels internal circulation and promotes external circulation at the meantime.

“双循环”发展模式 “dual circulation” development pattern;

以旅游为驱动的消费旺季peak season of tourism-driven consumption;

良好的旅游体验 a great travel experience;

智能面部识别快速通道 smart face-scanning quick pass;

零接触式客户服务 zero-contact customer services


妇女是人类文明的开创者、社会进步的推动者Women are creators of human civilization and drivers of social progress;

为她们做好事、解难事、办实事Efforts must be made to enhance benefit for women, address their concerns, and deliver results for their well-being;

支持和帮助妇女享有出彩的人生support women and help them live their lives to the full


共建万物和谐的美丽家园 turn Earth into a beautiful homeland for all creatures to live in harmony;

生态兴则文明兴A sound ecosystem is essential for the prosperity of civilization;

单边主义不得人心Unilateralism finds no support;

愿承担与中国发展水平相称的国际责任China is prepared to take on international responsibilities commensurate with its level of development













