

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Confronting Death Anxiety

Psychology Today

Listening for the unspoken is one of the skills a therapist learns when working with others. Many clues lie in what is not being said. Psychiatrist Irvin Yalom, known for his pioneering work in existential psychotherapy and group therapy, suggests death anxiety is a critical issue rich with clues to one’s unrest and is often ignored by both the therapist and the patient (Yalom, 2008).

Death anxiety can be described as free-floating anxiety that one feels about dying yet is often repressed and experienced in other ways. For instance, some people may try to assert control and unconsciously advance their power and control in the world while others obsessively fight the signs of aging and still others perpetually run from relationships, careers, homes, and even life through a myriad of ways. However it plays out, Yalom suggests it be given space to consider.

The COVID pandemic begs attention to this issue as people learn of disease and death counts daily. Everyone has been impacted. Grief from the loss of loved ones and high-profile people. Freedoms impacted through social distancing, masks, and quarantine restrictions like curfews, working from home, and sheltering-in-place. We see death and we talk about solutions to solving medical and political problems and extending life—yet, as Yalom points out, how many acknowledge their feelings about their own death?

Are therapists discussing it with their clients or are they avoiding the topic due to their own fears? Are we experiencing mass collusion against mortality?

To get people to consider their fears and anxiety about dying, Yalom suggests a thought experiment by examining the question Nietzsche proposed: If you had to live this life over and over again throughout eternity, could you handle it? Is there anything you would change?

The opportunity behind this question is to take responsibility for one’s life and make changes if you are not happy with it.

Who wants to endure traumas repeatedly? Many trauma survivors have not sought out their experiences; it does not feel fair if they are being asked to take responsibility for it. But the successful work accomplished by those who have bravely face their traumas and histories is their waking up to what they want in life. The gift of facing trauma, grief, and death anxiety can serve as an empowering wake-up call to the Soul.

Some people seek more meaningful work after such a wake-up call. Others establish new boundaries with people where they encourage and feed healthy relationships in their lives. Still, others find deeper spiritual guidance with deeper confidence and appreciation for every breath and heartbeat they have. The wake-up call brings a paradoxical experience of living more fully, consciously, and seeking genuine relations and work in the world.

There are no right or wrong answers, just valuable information that can be cultivated from exploring the unexplored.

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Confronting Death Anxiety

Psychology Today

Listening for the unspoken is one of the skills a therapist learns when working with others. Many clues lie in what is not being said. Psychiatrist Irvin Yalom, known for his pioneering work in existential psychotherapy and group therapy, suggests death anxiety is a critical issue rich with clues to one's unrest and is often ignored by both the therapist and the patient (Yalom, 2008).

倾听未言之语是治疗师在与他人合作时学习的技能之一。许多线索就在于没有说出来的东西。精神病学家欧文·亚隆(Irvin Yalom)以其在存在主义心理治疗和群治疗方面的开创性工作而闻名,他认为死亡焦虑是一个关键性的问题,它蕴含着丰富的线索,可以反映一个人的不安,但往往被治疗师和病人所忽视(Yalom,2008)。


表示“未说出的;未表达的;默契的;心照不宣的”,英文解释为“not stated; not said in words but understood or agreed between people”如:an unspoken assumption 隐含的假定。


psychiatrist /saɪˈkaɪətrɪst/表示“精神病医生”,英文解释为“A psychiatrist is a doctor who treats people suffering from mental illness.”

Death anxiety can be described as free-floating anxiety that one feels about dying yet is often repressed and experienced in other ways. For instance, some people may try to assert control and unconsciously advance their power and control in the world while others obsessively fight the signs of aging and still others perpetually run from relationships, careers, homes, and even life through a myriad of ways. However it plays out, Yalom suggests it be given space to consider.



表示“不受(特定的目的、政党等)约束的;(无明确原因)模糊不清的, 暧昧的”,英文解释为“unattached or uncommitted, as to a cause, a party, etc”如:free-floating anxiety 浮动性的不安,无缘无故的烦恼,一种欠缺明确对象的不安。


1) 表示“忍住,克制”,英文解释为“to stop yourself from doing something you want to do”举个🌰:

Tom repressed the urge to shout at him.


2) 表示“压抑,克制,抑制(痛苦的情感、回忆等)”,英文解释为“if someone represses upsetting feelings, memories etc, they do not allow themselves to express or think about them”举个🌰:

He had long ago repressed the painful memories of his childhood.


3) 表示“镇压,压制”,英文解释为“to control a group of people by force”举个🌰:

The police were widely criticized for their role in repressing the protest movement.



1)表示“(坚决)主张;断言”,英文解释为“to state firmly that something is true”,举个🌰:

French cooking, she asserted, is the best in the world.


2)表示“维护自己的权利(或权威)”,英文解释为“to make other people recognize your right or authority to do sth, by behaving firmly and confidently”,如:to assert your independence/rights 维护你的独立/权利。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述疫情带来的影响的文章中提到:That will make it harder for strong firms to assert their advantage. 这将使大公司更难发挥优势。


表示“反复不断地;无休止地;永久地;不断地”,英文解释为“continuing all the time without changing or stopping;repeated many times in a way that annoys you”。

a myriad of sth/myriads of sth

myriad /ˈmɪrɪəd/ 表示“无数,极大数量;各种各样的”,英文解释为“a very large number of things”举个🌰:

They face a myriad of problems bringing up children.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述非洲大陆正在寻找自己的经济腾飞之路的文章中提到:Yet beneath that broad trend lies a myriad of stories. 然而,在这种大趋势下,很多变化正在发生。

The COVID pandemic begs attention to this issue as people learn of disease and death counts daily. Everyone has been impacted. Grief from the loss of loved ones and high-profile people. Freedoms impacted through social distancing, masks, and quarantine restrictions like curfews, working from home, and sheltering-in-place. We see death and we talk about solutions to solving medical and political problems and extending life—yet, as Yalom points out, how many acknowledge their feelings about their own death?



profile一词经常出现,1)表示“(有关某人的)简介,概况”,英文解释为“A profile of someone is a short article or programme in which their life and character are described.举个🌰:

A newspaper published comparative profiles of the candidates' wives.


2)表示“关注度”,英文解释为“If someone has a high profile, people notice them and what they do. If you keep a low profile, you avoid doing things that will make people notice you.”常用:a high profile 惹人注目/关注;高姿态,a low profile 不惹人注目,低姿态;如:a move that would give Egypt a much higher profile in the upcoming peace talks 会给埃及在即将到来的和平谈判中高关注度的一个行动。

📍顺便插一句,如果你把微信语言设置成英文,你就会发现微信官方把头像处理成:Profile Photo,上面的“My Profile”对应的中文则是“个人信息”。


curfew一词早在去年4月份关于斯里兰卡爆炸案一文中就提到了:A dusk-to-dawn curfew remains in effect in Colombo. 首都科伦破黄昏到黎明的彻夜宵禁仍在实施当中。最近的出现是在法国总统马克龙新冠检测阳性文中。

📍curfew可以表示“宵禁;宵禁时间”,英文解释为“a law that forces people to stay indoors after a particular time at night, or the time people must be indoors ”举个🌰:

The government imposed a night-time curfew throughout the country.


📍也可以指“熄灯令;父母规定的儿童晚上必须回家/睡觉的时间”(Curfew or a curfew is the time after which a child or student will be punished if they are found outside their home or dormitory;the time, decided by a parent, by which a child must be home or asleep in the evening)

Are therapists discussing it with their clients or are they avoiding the topic due to their own fears? Are we experiencing mass collusion against mortality?



表示“密谋;勾结;串通”,英文解释为“secret agreement especially in order to do sth dishonest or to trick people”举个🌰:

The police were corrupt and were operating in collusion with the drug dealers.



昨天刚又出现地mortality。mortality /mɔːˈtælɪtɪ/ 表示“死亡数量;死亡率”,英文解释为“the number of deaths in a particular situation or period of time”。


📍morbidity /mɔːˈbɪdɪtɪ/ 表示“发病(率)”,英文解释为“the morbidity of a disease is how many people have it in a particular population”。

To get people to consider their fears and anxiety about dying, Yalom suggests a thought experiment by examining the question Nietzsche proposed: If you had to live this life over and over again throughout eternity, could you handle it? Is there anything you would change?


The opportunity behind this question is to take responsibility for one's life and make changes if you are not happy with it.


Who wants to endure traumas repeatedly? Many trauma survivors have not sought out their experiences; it does not feel fair if they are being asked to take responsibility for it. But the successful work accomplished by those who have bravely face their traumas and histories is their waking up to what they want in life. The gift of facing trauma, grief, and death anxiety can serve as an empowering wake-up call to the Soul.


trauma /ˈtrɔːmə/

1)表示“痛苦经历;挫折;精神创伤”,英文解释为“an unpleasant experience that makes you feel upset and/or anxious”;

2)表示“损伤;外伤”,英文解释为“an injury”举个🌰:

The patient suffered severe brain trauma.


Some people seek more meaningful work after such a wake-up call. Others establish new boundaries with people where they encourage and feed healthy relationships in their lives. Still, others find deeper spiritual guidance with deeper confidence and appreciation for every breath and heartbeat they have. The wake-up call brings a paradoxical experience of living more fully, consciously, and seeking genuine relations and work in the world.



paradoxical /ˌpærəˈdɒksɪkəl/ 表示“自相矛盾的”,英文解释为“If something is paradoxical, it involves two facts or qualities that seem to contradict each other.”举个🌰:

Some sedatives produce the paradoxical effect of making the person more anxious.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述股市的文章中用到了副词形式:Paradoxically, positive sentiment is often seen as a reason to be wary, and that investors have got ahead of themselves. 不过矛盾的是,乐观情绪也常被视为需要保持警惕的原因,而投资者已经操之过急了。

There are no right or wrong answers, just valuable information that can be cultivated from exploring the unexplored.









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