

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Japan to announce Fukushima water release into sea soon

Associated Press

The Japanese government has decided to dispose of massive amounts of treated but still radioactive water stored in tanks at the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant by releasing it into the Pacific Ocean, local media reported Friday, a conclusion widely expected but delayed for years amid protests and safety concerns.

Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga told top fisheries association officials on Wednesday that his government believes the release into the sea is the most realistic option and that a final decision would be made “within days.”

A formal announcement is expected soon at a meeting of key ministers, Industry Ministry officials said Friday. They declined to confirm reports from Kyodo News and other media that the ministers will meet as early as Tuesday and have already reached a final decision.

A government panel, after seven years of discussion on how to dispose of the water without further harming Fukushima’s image and the region’s fisheries and other businesses, prepared a report two years ago saying a release into the sea is the most realistic method. The report mentioned evaporation as a less desirable option.

The release is expected to start in about two years after the utility, Tokyo Electric Power Co., sets up a facility approved by nuclear authorities. According to a preliminary estimate, a gradual release of the water is expected to finish before the plant cleanup ends.

A release of the water into the sea has faced fierce opposition from local fishermen and residents. Japan Fisheries Cooperatives Chairman Hiroshi Kishi said he rejects Suga’s proposed release plan and demanded the government explain how it will address damage to the fishing industry.

The government has said it will do its utmost to support local fisheries and provide compensation for any damages.

In 2011, a powerful magnitude 9.0 earthquake and tsunami damaged the Fukushima plant’s cooling systems, causing three reactor cores to melt.

In the decade since, cooling water has constantly escaped from the damaged primary containment vessels into the basements of the reactor buildings. To make up for the loss, additional water has been pumped into the reactors to cool the melted fuel remaining inside them. Water is also pumped out and treated, part of which is recycled as cooling water, and the remainder stored in around 1,000 tanks at the plant.

TEPCO, the utility, is contending with about 1.24 million tons of radioactive water.

TEPCO and government officials say tritium, which is not harmful in small amounts, cannot be removed from the water, but all other radionuclides selected for treatment can be reduced to safe levels for release. But some scientists say the long-term impact on marine life from low-dose exposure from such large volumes of water is unknown.

The operator says the tanks’ 1.37 million-ton storage capacity will be full in 2022, and that tanks will need to be removed to make room for decommissioning facilities.

Japan has sought the International Atomic Energy Agency’s involvement in safety reviews and monitoring to help increase transparency and public trust.

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Japan to announce Fukushima water release into sea soon

Associated Press

The Japanese government has decided to dispose of massive amounts of treated but still radioactive water stored in tanks at the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant by releasing it into the Pacific Ocean, local media reported Friday, a conclusion widely expected but delayed for years amid protests and safety concerns.



表示“排放;泄漏;渗漏”,英文解释为“the act of letting a gas, chemical, etc. come out of the container where it has been safely held”,如:the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere 二氧化碳向大气层的排放。


表示“(尺寸、数量、规模)非常大的”,英文解释为“Something that is massive is very large in size, quantity, or extent.”举个🌰:

There was evidence of massive fraud.



表示“放射性的”,英文解释为“Something that is radioactive contains a substance that produces energy in the form of powerful and harmful rays. ”举个🌰:

The government has been storing radioactive waste at Fernald for 50 years.



表示“(盛放液体或气体的)罐;箱;槽”,英文解释为“A tank is a large container for holding liquid or gas.”举个🌰:

Two water tanks provide a total capacity of 400 litres.



wrecked /rekt/ 表示“遭到严重破坏的;被毁的”,英文解释为“very badly damaged”举个🌰:

Just look at what you've done to my coat - it's wrecked.


Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga told top fisheries association officials on Wednesday that his government believes the release into the sea is the most realistic option and that a final decision would be made “within days.”

首相菅义伟(Yoshihide Suga)周三对渔业协会的高级官员表示,他的政府认为,将其排入大海是最现实的选择,并将在「几天内」做出最终决定。

A formal announcement is expected soon at a meeting of key ministers, Industry Ministry officials said Friday. They declined to confirm reports from Kyodo News and other media that the ministers will meet as early as Tuesday and have already reached a final decision.

产业省官员周五表示,预计很快将在主要部长会议上正式宣布。他们拒绝证实日本共同社(Kyodo News)和其他媒体的报道,即部长们最早将在周二召开会议,并已作出最终决定。


表示“谢绝,拒绝”,英文解释为“If you decline something or decline to do something, you politely refuse to accept it or do it.”举个🌰:

He declined their invitation



表示“批准(职位、协议等);确认;认可”,英文解释为“to make a position, an agreement, etc. more definite or official; to establish sb/sth firmly”举个🌰:

After a six-month probationary period, her position was confirmed.


A government panel, after seven years of discussion on how to dispose of the water without further harming Fukushima’s image and the region’s fisheries and other businesses, prepared a report two years ago saying a release into the sea is the most realistic method. The report mentioned evaporation as a less desirable option.



表示“(选定的)专家小组;讨论小组”,英文解释为“a small group of people chosen to give advice, make a decision, or publicly discuss their opinions as entertainment”举个🌰:

He assembled a panel of scholars to advise him. 



表示“形象;印象;声誉”,英文解释为“the impression that a person, an organization or a product, etc. gives to the public”举个🌰:

The advertisements are intended to improve the company's image.



evaporation /ɪˌvæpəˈreɪʃn/ 表示“蒸发,挥发,汽化”,英文解释为“Evaporation is the process by which water changes from a liquid to a gas or vapor. Evaporation is the primary pathway that water moves from the liquid state back into the water cycle as atmospheric water vapor.”

The release is expected to start in about two years after the utility, Tokyo Electric Power Co., sets up a facility approved by nuclear authorities. According to a preliminary estimate, a gradual release of the water is expected to finish before the plant cleanup ends.



表示“公用事业;公共设施”,英文解释为“A utility is an important service such as water, electricity, or gas that is provided for everyone, and that everyone pays for.”如:public utilities such as gas, electricity and phones 煤气、电和电话等公用事业。


preliminary表示“预备性的;初步的;开始的”,英文解释为“happening before a more important action or event”如:preliminary results/findings/enquiries 初步结果/发现/调查,举个🌰:

After a few preliminary remarks he announced the winners.


A release of the water into the sea has faced fierce opposition from local fishermen and residents. Japan Fisheries Cooperatives Chairman Hiroshi Kishi said he rejects Suga’s proposed release plan and demanded the government explain how it will address damage to the fishing industry.

向海中排放污水面临当地渔民和居民的强烈反对。日本渔业合作社会长Hiroshi Kishi表示,他拒绝接受菅义伟提出的排水计划,并要求政府解释如何解决对渔业的损害。


表示“激烈的;狂热的”,英文解释为“Fierce feelings or actions are very intense or enthusiastic, or involve great activity.”举个🌰:

Consumers have a wide array of choices and price competition is fierce.



表示“设法解决;处理;对付”,英文解释为“to think about a problem or a situation and decide how you are going to deal with it”举个🌰:

We must address ourselves to the problem of traffic pollution.


The government has said it will do its utmost to support local fisheries and provide compensation for any damages.


do one's utmost to

表示“最大努力”,英文解释为“If you say that you are doing your utmost to do something, you are emphasizing that you are trying as hard as you can to do it.”举个🌰:

He would have done his utmost to help her.



compensation /ˌkɒmpɛnˈseɪʃən/ 表示“补偿(或赔偿)物;(尤指)赔偿金,补偿金;赔偿”,英文解释为“If something is some compensation for something bad that has happened, it makes you feel better.”举个🌰:

He gained some compensation for her earlier defeat by winning the final open class.


In 2011, a powerful magnitude 9.0 earthquake and tsunami damaged the Fukushima plant’s cooling systems, causing three reactor cores to melt.



表示“核反应堆”,英文解释为“a large structure used for the controlled production of nuclear energy”。


表示“(使)熔化;融化”,英文解释为“When a solid substance melts or when you melt it, it changes to a liquid, usually because it has been heated.”举个🌰:

The snow had melted, but the lake was still frozen solid.


In the decade since, cooling water has constantly escaped from the damaged primary containment vessels into the basements of the reactor buildings. To make up for the loss, additional water has been pumped into the reactors to cool the melted fuel remaining inside them. Water is also pumped out and treated, part of which is recycled as cooling water, and the remainder stored in around 1,000 tanks at the plant.



表示“漏出;逸出”,英文解释为“When gas, liquid, or heat escapes, it comes out from a pipe, container, or place.”举个🌰:

Leave a vent open to let some moist air escape.



vessel /ˈvɛsəl/ 表示“(盛液体的)容器,器皿”,英文解释为“a container used for holding liquids, such as a bowl, cup, etc.”如:a Bronze Age drinking vessel 青铜器时代的饮具。


1)表示“抽送;用泵(或泵样器官等)输送”,英文解释为“To pump a liquid or gas in a particular direction means to force it to flow in that direction using a pump.”举个🌰:

The money raised will be used to dig bore holes to pump water into the dried-up lake.


2)表示“洗胃”,英文解释为“If someone has their stomach pumped, doctors remove the contents of their stomach, for example, because they have swallowed poison or drugs.”举个🌰:

One woman was rushed to the emergency room to have her stomach pumped.



表示“其他人员;剩余物;剩余时间”,英文解释为“the remaining people, things or time”举个🌰:

I kept some of his books and gave away the remainder.


TEPCO, the utility, is contending with about 1.24 million tons of radioactive water.


contend with sth

表示“(不得不)处理问题,对付困境”,英文解释为“to have to deal with a problem or difficult situation”举个🌰:

Nurses often have to contend with violent or drunken patients.


TEPCO and government officials say tritium, which is not harmful in small amounts, cannot be removed from the water, but all other radionuclides selected for treatment can be reduced to safe levels for release. But some scientists say the long-term impact on marine life from low-dose exposure from such large volumes of water is unknown.



tritium /ˈtrɪtɪəm/ 表示“氚”,英文解释为“an isotope  (= a different form) of hydrogen with a mass that is three times that of the usual isotope”。



表示“放射性核素”,英文解释为“a nuclide that is radioactive”。


1)表示“海的;海产的;海生的”,英文解释为“connected with the sea and the creatures and plants that live there”;

2)表示“海船的;货船的;海上贸易的”,英文解释为“connected with ships or trade at sea”。

The operator says the tanks’ 1.37 million-ton storage capacity will be full in 2022, and that tanks will need to be removed to make room for decommissioning facilities.



表示“停止使用”,英文解释为“When something such as a nuclear reactor or a large machine is decommissioned, it is taken out of use and taken apart because it is no longer going to be used.”举个🌰:

The ships were to be decommissioned.


Japan has sought the International Atomic Energy Agency’s involvement in safety reviews and monitoring to help increase transparency and public trust.



表示“监视;检查;跟踪调查”,英文解释为“to watch and check sth over a period of time in order to see how it develops, so that you can make any necessary changes”举个🌰:

Each student's progress is closely monitored.



表示“透明度;显而易见;一目了然”,英文解释为“the quality of sth, such as an excuse or a lie, that allows sb to see the truth easily ”举个🌰:

They were shocked by the transparency of his lies.









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