

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26





Are two face masks better than one?

The Guardian

We all know we need to wear a mask. But should we be wearing two?

Peeking out from underneath Joe Biden’s black face covering? A medical-grade mask. Underneath Gorman’s red and diamante-strewn one? Another mask.

The practice, which usually involves wearing a medical-grade mask under a more aesthetically pleasing cloth mask, was this week backed by Dr Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who told NBC News Today that it could lower the risk of spreading the virus. “If you have a physical covering with one layer, you put another layer on, it just makes common sense that it likely would be more effective,” he said.

David Heymann, a professor of infectious disease epidemiology at London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, struck a more cautious note when talking to the Guardian, saying double-masking was a valid “precautionary measure” but people needed to be reminded that masks stopped the spread of infection rather than protecting the wearer from getting the virus.

“I understand that it might give the wearer a sense of control. But people need to be reminded that the reason they are wearing the mask, or masks, is to protect others. I am sure people find it reassuring but the eyes are still exposed,” he told the Guardian. By contrast, he added, there was some growing evidence that people who wore glasses had less risk of infection.

According to Heymann, there is not a large body of evidence to prove that cloth masks are an effective method of protection. “If you are wearing a mask with an inside lining and an outside lining, so two different materials, it may be the same as a double mask of a single thickness made from two different materials.” Much depends on the fabric, and for this reason it would be very hard to make double-masking mandatory.

“The best way to protect yourself still remains physically distancing [yourself from others], and washing your hands,” Heymann says. However, a lot of the good press surrounding double-masking remains psychological. “If you want to wear two masks nobody would say that’s wrong, and I understand that’s the case if it’s a fashion statement.”

The conflation of fashion with PPE – medical grade masks with floral and silk masks by Marni and Fendi – has been a source of ire since masks were introduced last spring. As with all accessories, masks ran the risk of becoming statements of not just health, but identity.

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Are two face masks better than one?

The Guardian

We all know we need to wear a mask. But should we be wearing two?


Peeking out from underneath Joe Biden's black face covering? A medical-grade mask. Underneath Gorman's red and diamante-strewn one? Another mask.

从乔·拜登(Joe Biden)的黑色口罩下露出来的是?一个医用口罩。在戈尔曼的红色珠光口罩下?又是一个口罩。

peek out

表示“微露出;探出”,英文解释为“to be just visible”举个🌰:

Her feet peeked out from the end of the blanket.



表示“在…底下;在…下面”,英文解释为“under or below”举个🌰:

He was wearing a garish T-shirt underneath his shirt.



diamante /ˈdiːəmɑːˌnteɪ/ 表示“镶嵌钻石状玻璃饰品的;珠光的”,英文解释为“decorated with glass that is cut to look like diamonds”如:diamanté earrings 珠光耳环。


表示“布满的;撒满的”,英文解释为“If a place is strewn with things, they are lying scattered there.”如:.a litter-strewn street.垃圾遍地的街道,a rock-strewn hillside 布满石头的山坡。

a diamante-strewn mask

The practice, which usually involves wearing a medical-grade mask under a more aesthetically pleasing cloth mask, was this week backed by Dr Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who told NBC News Today that it could lower the risk of spreading the virus. “If you have a physical covering with one layer, you put another layer on, it just makes common sense that it likely would be more effective,” he said.

这种做法通常是在更美观的布艺口罩内戴上医用口罩,本周得到了美国国家过敏和传染病研究所所长安东尼·福奇博士(Dr Anthony Fauci)的支持,他告诉NBC今日新闻,这种做法可以降低病毒传播的风险。“如果你有一层物理覆盖物,你把另一层放在上面,这只是一个常识,它可能会更有效,”他说。


aesthetically /iːsˈθetɪkli; esˈθetɪkli/ 表示“审美地;美学观点上地”,英文解释为“connected with beauty and the study of beauty”。


表示“过敏”,英文解释为“If you have a particular allergy, you become ill or get a rash when you eat, smell, or touch something that does not normally make people ill.”


表示“(疾病)传染性的”,英文解释为“(of a disease) able to be passed from one person, animal, or plant to another”如:an infectious disease 传染病。

David Heymann, a professor of infectious disease epidemiology at London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, struck a more cautious note when talking to the Guardian, saying double-masking was a valid “precautionary measure” but people needed to be reminded that masks stopped the spread of infection rather than protecting the wearer from getting the virus.

伦敦卫生与热带医学院传染病流行病学教授大卫·海曼(David Heymann)在接受《卫报》采访时,提出了一个更为谨慎的观点,他说,双层口罩是一种有效的“预防措施”,但需要提醒人们,口罩阻止了感染的传播,而不是保护佩戴者不感染病毒。


表示“流行病学”,英文解释为“the scientific study of the spread and control of diseases”。


hygiene /ˈhaɪdʒiːn/ 不可数名词,表示“卫生;保健法”,英文解释为“the practice of keeping yourself and your living and working areas clean in order to prevent illness and disease”,如:food hygiene 食品卫生,personal hygiene 个人卫生。


表示“热带的;来自热带的;产于热带的”,英文解释为“coming from, found in or typical of the tropics”如:tropical fish 热带鱼。


表示“预防的”,英文解释为“Precautionary actions are taken in order to prevent something dangerous or unpleasant from happening.”举个🌰:

The curfew is a precautionary measure.


“I understand that it might give the wearer a sense of control. But people need to be reminded that the reason they are wearing the mask, or masks, is to protect others. I am sure people find it reassuring but the eyes are still exposed,” he told the Guardian. By contrast, he added, there was some growing evidence that people who wore glasses had less risk of infection.



表示“令人感到宽慰的;使人安心的;使人放心的”,英文解释为“making you feel less worried”举个🌰:

He smiled at me in a reassuring way.


According to Heymann, there is not a large body of evidence to prove that cloth masks are an effective method of protection. “If you are wearing a mask with an inside lining and an outside lining, so two different materials, it may be the same as a double mask of a single thickness made from two different materials.” Much depends on the fabric, and for this reason it would be very hard to make double-masking mandatory.


lining /ˈlaɪnɪŋ/

1)表示“衬层;内衬;衬里”,英文解释为“a layer of material used to cover the inside surface of sth”如:a pair of leather gloves with fur linings 一双毛皮衬里的皮手套。

2)表示“(胃等器官内部的)保护层”,英文解释为“The lining of your stomach or other organ is a layer of tissue on the inside of it.”如:a bacterium that attacks the lining of the stomach 一种侵袭胃粘膜的细菌。


表示“织物;布料”,英文解释为“material made by weaving wool, cotton, silk, etc., used for making clothes, curtains, etc. and for covering furniture”如:cotton fabric 棉织物。


表示“强制的;法定的;义务的”,英文解释为“required by law”举个🌰:

It is mandatory for blood banks to test all donated blood for the virus.


“The best way to protect yourself still remains physically distancing [yourself from others], and washing your hands,” Heymann says. However, a lot of the good press surrounding double-masking remains psychological. “If you want to wear two masks nobody would say that's wrong, and I understand that's the case if it's a fashion statement.”



表示“心灵的;心理的;精神上的”,英文解释为“connected with a person's mind and the way in which it works”如:the psychological development of children 儿童的心理发展。

fashion statement

表示“时尚宣言(为引人注目而穿戴或拥有的奇装异服)”,英文解释为“something that you wear or own that is new or unusual and is meant to draw attention to you”举个🌰:

This shirt is great for anyone who wants to make a fashion statement.


The conflation of fashion with PPE – medical grade masks with floral and silk masks by Marni and Fendi – has been a source of ire since masks were introduced last spring. As with all accessories, masks ran the risk of becoming statements of not just health, but identity.



表示“合并,混合”,英文解释为“the act or process of combining two or more separate things into one whole, especially pieces of text or ideas”。


即personal protective equipment 个人防护用品。


表示“绘有花的;饰以花的”,英文解释为“consisting of pictures of flowers; decorated with pictures of flowers”如:a floral dress 有花卉图案的连衣裙。


accessories,accessory的复数形式,表示“配饰”,英文解释为“Accessories are articles such as belts and scarves which you wear or carry but which are not part of your main clothing.”举个🌰:

It also has a good range of accessories, including sunglasses, handbags and belts.









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