

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

据@生命时报 消息:午睡多长时间对健康更好呢?宾夕法尼亚大学刊登在《美国老年医学学会杂志》上的研究称:午睡不超过1小时最好,可有效减缓大脑早衰。分析结果显示,与每天午睡1小时的人相比,不午睡的人认知能力下降风险增加了4~6倍;



Naps And Your Brain: Take An Afternoon Snooze To Stay Sharp

Medical Daily

When your morning coffee’s kick is wearing off and that afternoon slump starts to hit you, go and take a nap to keep your mind running properly.

The idea of a siesta is nothing new, particularly in hotter countries like Spain, and researchers have long studied the benefits of these post-lunch catnaps. A new study pinpoints the optimal amount of time seniors should nap in the afternoon for the benefit of their mental function: about one hour.

Findings in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society were based on surveys of almost 3,000 older Chinese people about their napping habits and data of their cognitive function. Those who napped for a moderate amount of time after lunch — most of them for close to 60 minutes — showed “better overall cognition” as compared to both people who didn’t nap and people who napped for periods that were longer than 90 minutes or shorter than 30 minutes. Based on the results, those moderately long naps “may be an important part of optimizing cognition in elderly adults,” the study suggested, and thus decreasing “the risk of functional dependence and poor quality of life.”

The Health in Aging Foundation, a nonprofit group founded by the American Geriatrics Society, said in a statement that the difference in mental function between the moderate nappers and all the rest was equivalent to what “a five-year increase in age would be expected to cause” — the latter group’s mental decline was between four and six times greater.

Mental tests in the study included basic math problems as well as exercises in which the seniors were asked to memorize and recall words or copy simple geometric drawings.

For those who may be afraid napping during the day will prevent them from sleeping at night, the study also found that people who napped the longest after lunch also slept the longest at night, while people who did not nap at all reported the shortest nighttime sleep durations. However, that does not mean napping habits affect nighttime sleep or vice versa — while not offering definitive explanations, the study suggests a person’s ability to nap reflects how well they sleep at night due to a number of factors like genetics or general sleep efficiency.

Afternoon naps were studied specifically because, in addition to an optimal napping time, researchers suspected that “circadian timing” plays a role in the benefits of napping, referring to the body’s internal clock that regulates various habits like sleeping and eating. “Napping during the post-lunch dip period may lead to better cognitive function because post-lunch dip napping has greater recuperative value than napping at other times of the day.”

Although the researchers focused on people 65 and older in their napping study, because of the necessity of maintaining memory and thinking function into old age, it’s possible the cognitive benefits of napping are similar in other age brackets. Young children already nap, and experts have often suggested the rest for other age groups, like college students, although the most beneficial sleep duration may differ from the elderly group.

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Naps And Your Brain: Take An Afternoon Snooze To Stay Sharp

Medical Daily

When your morning coffee's kick is wearing off and that afternoon slump starts to hit you, go and take a nap to keep your mind running properly.



1)表示“极度刺激;极度兴奋;极大的乐趣”,英文解释为“a strong feeling of excitement and pleasure”举个🌰:

He gets his kicks from hurting other people.


2)表示“(毒品或酒精的)效力,刺激性”,英文解释为“the strong effect that a drug or an alcoholic drink has”举个🌰:

This drink has quite a kick.


wear off

表示“逐渐消失;消逝”,英文解释为“If a feeling or the effect of something wears off, it gradually disappears.”举个🌰:

Most patients find that the numbness from the injection wears off after about an hour.



1)表示“(价格、价值、销售额等的)猛跌,暴跌”,英文解释为“a fall in the price, value, sales, etc. of something”举个🌰:

There's been a slump in the demand for new cars.


2)表示“萧条(期),衰落”,英文解释为“a period when an industry or the economy is in a bad state and there is a lot of unemployment”如:an economic slump 经济萧条。


本文高频词,表示“(尤指日间的)打盹,小睡”,英文解释为“a short sleep, especially during the day”举个🌰:

Grandpa usually takes/has a nap after lunch.


The idea of a siesta is nothing new, particularly in hotter countries like Spain, and researchers have long studied the benefits of these post-lunch catnaps. A new study pinpoints the optimal amount of time seniors should nap in the afternoon for the benefit of their mental function: about one hour.


siesta /siˈestə/

表示“(尤指气候炎热国家的)午睡;午休”,英文解释为“A siesta is a short sleep or rest which you have in the early afternoon, especially in hot countries.”


表示“小睡,打盹”,英文解释为“a short sleep”。


表示“查明,准确地说出,描述(事实真相)”,英文解释为“to discover or explain exactly the real facts about something or the cause of a problem”举个🌰:

It’s difficult to pinpoint the cause of the accident.



表示“最优的,最佳的;优化的”,英文解释为“best; most likely to bring success or advantage”举个🌰:

A mixture of selected funds is an optimal choice for future security and return on investment.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述量化交易的文章中提到:It requires algorithms that first establish and then fine-tune the optimal period over which to do the sorting. 这需要通过算法来确定并微调出一个最优的筛选期。

Findings in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society were based on surveys of almost 3,000 older Chinese people about their napping habits and data of their cognitive function. Those who napped for a moderate amount of time after lunch — most of them for close to 60 minutes — showed “better overall cognition” as compared to both people who didn't nap and people who napped for periods that were longer than 90 minutes or shorter than 30 minutes. Based on the results, those moderately long naps “may be an important part of optimizing cognition in elderly adults,” the study suggested, and thus decreasing “the risk of functional dependence and poor quality of life.”

《美国老年医学学会杂志》(the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society)的研究结果是基于对近3000名中国老年人的午睡习惯和他们的认知功能数据的调查。那些在午餐后适度午睡的人--其中大多数人接近60分钟--与不午睡的人和午睡时间超过90分钟或短于30分钟的人相比,显示出“更好的整体认知能力”。根据结果,该研究表明那些适度长时间的小睡“可能是优化老年人认知能力的一个重要部分”,从而减少“功能依赖和生活质量差的风险。”


geriatrics /ˌdʒeriˈætrɪk/ 表示“老年医学;老年病学”,英文解释为“the care and treatment of old people”。


表示“认知的”,英文解释为“Cognitive means relating to the mental process involved in knowing, learning, and understanding things.”举个🌰:

As children grow older, their cognitive processes become sharper. 


The Health in Aging Foundation, a nonprofit group founded by the American Geriatrics Society, said in a statement that the difference in mental function between the moderate nappers and all the rest was equivalent to what “a five-year increase in age would be expected to cause” — the latter group's mental decline was between four and six times greater.

由美国老年医学会(the American Geriatrics Society)成立的非营利组织“老龄化健康基金会”(The Health in Aging Foundation)在一份声明中说,适度午睡者和其他人之间的心智功能差异相当于“年龄增加五年所导致的”--后者的智力下降是前者的四到六倍。


1)作形容词,表示“(价值、数量、意义、重要性等)相等的,相同的”,英文解释为“equal in value, amount, meaning, importance, etc.”举个🌰:

Eight kilometres is roughly equivalent to five miles.


2)作名词,表示“相等的东西;等量;对应词”,英文解释为“a thing, amount, word, etc. that is equivalent to sth else”。

Mental tests in the study included basic math problems as well as exercises in which the seniors were asked to memorize and recall words or copy simple geometric drawings.



表示“几何图形的,几何的”,英文解释为“A geometric pattern or arrangement is made up of shapes such as squares, triangles, or rectangles.”

For those who may be afraid napping during the day will prevent them from sleeping at night, the study also found that people who napped the longest after lunch also slept the longest at night, while people who did not nap at all reported the shortest nighttime sleep durations. However, that does not mean napping habits affect nighttime sleep or vice versa — while not offering definitive explanations, the study suggests a person's ability to nap reflects how well they sleep at night due to a number of factors like genetics or general sleep efficiency.


vice versa

表示“反过来也一样,反之亦然”,英文解释为“used to say that what you have just said is also true in the opposite order”举个🌰:

He doesn't trust her, and vice versa (= she also doesn't trust him).



表示“最终的,决定性的;不可更改的”,英文解释为“not able to be changed or improved”。


表示“遗传学”,英文解释为“the study of how, in all living things, the characteristics and qualities of parents are given to their children by their genes”。

Afternoon naps were studied specifically because, in addition to an optimal napping time, researchers suspected that “circadian timing” plays a role in the benefits of napping, referring to the body's internal clock that regulates various habits like sleeping and eating. “Napping during the post-lunch dip period may lead to better cognitive function because post-lunch dip napping has greater recuperative value than napping at other times of the day.



circadian /sɜːˈkeɪdɪən/ 表示“(指每24小时人或动物体内变化)昼夜节律的,生理节奏的”,英文解释为“connected with the changes in the bodies of people or animals over each period of 24 hours”。


recuperative /rɪˈkuːpərətɪv/ 表示“(病后)有助于复原的,有助于康复的”,英文解释为“helping you to become well again after illness”如:the recuperative power of a good night's sleep 好好睡一晚上对恢复体力的功效。

Although the researchers focused on people 65 and older in their napping study, because of the necessity of maintaining memory and thinking function into old age, it's possible the cognitive benefits of napping are similar in other age brackets. Young children already nap, and experts have often suggested the rest for other age groups, like college students, although the most beneficial sleep duration may differ from the elderly group.



表示“等级;段;档次”,英文解释为“a group with fixed upper and lower limits”举个🌰:

Most of our students are in the 18–30 age bracket.









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